10 Best Game Of Thrones Dragon Scenes, Ranked

10 Best Game Of Thrones Dragon Scenes, Ranked

While Game of Thrones earned its reputation for outstanding political intrigue and character work, it also has some epic fantasy dragon scenes.
Game of Thrones is known for its epic dragon scenes, and through eight seasons, some stand out as the best and most memorable. At the beginning of the prolific HBO fantasy drama, the Targaryen dynasty has fallen in Westeros, and dragons are considered extinct. However, in Essos, Daenerys Targaryen is given three petrified dragon eggs. By the end of season 1, the eggs have been hatched, and Rhaegar, Viserion, and Drogon are born, providing an enchanting spectacle for viewers.

In the prequel series House of the Dragon, dragons are commonplace in Westeros. The Targaryen and Velaryon families have several dragons each, and there are also unclaimed dragons and fresh eggs hatching on Dragonstone. In Game of Thrones, the scarcity of dragons makes each scene with them so spectacular. They’re a mystical species to the viewer and equally so to many characters in constant awe at their presence. Not to mention, Daenerys’ motherly relationship with the trio adds an emotional element to their scenes as they grow throughout the series.
Viserion Destroys The Wall
Season 7, Episode 7 – “The Dragon and the Wolf”
Aside from dragons, the Wall is one of the most astonishing visual spectacles in Game of Thrones. It’s one of the first things viewers are introduced to in season 1, and to see it brought down by the might of Viserion and the Night King is shocking. While season 7 isn’t the best of Game of Thrones, the final moment was awe-inspiring in the excitement it built at the time. Knowing that the White Walkers had finally breached the Wall and were armed with a powerful blue fire-breathing dragon was terrifying as anticipation built for the climactic ending.
Daenerys Chains Rhaegal And Viserion
Season 4, Episode 10 – “The Children”
The relationship between Daenerys and the dragons is one of the most beautiful aspects of her character, as she genuinely loves them as her own children. In season 4, her dragons cause trouble for the people of Meereen by burning and eating livestock and even a small child. After Drogon flies off, Daenerys realizes she can’t control them, and in a moment of defeat, she puts Rhaegal and Viserion in chains to prevent them from harming anyone. It’s one of the show’s most emotional moments, as Dany drowns in guilt while binding up the whimpering dragons.
Daenerys Defends Meereen
Season 6, Episode 9 – “Battle of the Bastards”
While “Battle of the Bastards” is best known for the epic war in the North between Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton, there’s also a brief battle in Meereen. As the Slavers attempt to recapture their former city, Daenerys and her dragons ride out and set their fleet ablaze. It’s the pivotal moment in the Slaver’s Bay arc, and Dany vanquishes the final obstacle so she can finally set out for Westeros. The moment demonstrates the firepower of three grown dragons in battle, preparing audiences for the war to come.

Dragons Battle Above Winterfell
Season 8, Episode 3 – “The Long Night”
During the Battle of Winterfell, viewers saw a dragon-on-dragon fight for the first time as Daenerys and Jon faced off against the Night King. The scene is dark and difficult to see when not illuminated by the moon, but it’s one of the best parts of “The Long Night.” When facing off against the Night King and Viserion, Daenerys’s expertise as a dragonrider is on full display, as her experience and bond with Drogon give her the upper hand.
Tyrion And Jorah See Drogon In Old Valyria
Season 5, Episode 5 – “Kill the Boy”
The wonder of seeing a dragon is as monumental to characters in Game of Thrones as it is to the audience, adding to the beauty of a brief season 5 scene. While sailing through the ruins of Valyria, Tyrion and Jorah see Drogon flying through. Not only is Tyrion’s reaction fantastic but Jorah, who’s seen Drogon before, is also mesmerized by the creature. Drogon finding his way to Valyria adds an element of mysticism, as it’s one of the most enigmatic locations in George R.R. Martin’s world.
Daenerys And Her Dragons Arrive Beyond The Wall
Season 7, Episode 6 – “Beyond the Wall”
While “Beyond the Wall” is one of the most far-fetched episodes of the series, the climactic moment where Daenerys arrives to save Jon Snow and the team from the White Walkers is still excellent TV entertainment. It’s a classic “saving the hero at the last second” moment, as all hope seems lost for the men on the ground. However, Ramin Djawadi’s score and the wonder of dragons finally clashing with White Walkers make for an epic scene. Dany’s are far from the biggest dragons in the Game of Thrones universe, but they put up a great fight against the wights.

Daenerys Rises From The Pyre With New-Born Dragons
Season 1, Episode 10 – “Fire and Blood”
After an outstanding introductory season, the final twist in “Fire and Blood” sees Daenerys rising from the burning pyre with Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion. Not only does Daenerys survive the flames, but she’s also given birth to the first dragons in over a century, proving she’s destined for great things. Jorah is the first to recognize this, kneeling before her in a moment that establishes his undying devotion. The perfect conclusion to a fantastic television season, the birth of dragons ensured that Game of Thrones would continue to grow more epic.
Drogon Shows Kraznys That Dragons Aren’t Slaves
Season 3, Episode 4 – “And Now His Watch Is Ended”
Daenerys really begins to find her stride in season 3, as she outsmarts the slavers of Astapor by pretending not to speak their language and tricks them into thinking she’d give up her dragon. After ensuring that the Unsullied are hers to command, she turns on Kraznys and commands Drogon to kill the man. Drogon is still far from fully grown at this point, but dragonfire does the trick. It’s an early glimpse at Daenerys’s power and shows that she’s the only one capable of wielding it.
Drogon Burns The Lannister Army
Season 7, Episode 4 – “The Spoils of War”
While season 7 didn’t have a massive battle like the Blackwater or the Battle of the Bastards, it did have some excellent, more minor war sequences embellished by the involvement of dragons. Following Jaime Lannister’s conquest of Highgarden, the Lannister army is attacked by the Dothraki and Drogon on their return to King’s Landing. The tension builds as the Lannister spear line prepares for the Dothraki onslaught, and the moment is amplified when Drogon suddenly descends from the clouds just as the two sides clash, resulting in a devastating battle of dragon fire.
Daenerys Rides Drogon For The First Time
Season 5, Episode 9 – “The Dance of Dragons”
The season 5 conflict with the Sons of the Harpy reaches its conclusion in “The Dance of Dragons” when Daenerys and her supporters are surrounded in the fighting pits of Meereen and Drogon returns to save his mother. While still not fully grown, Drogon is finally large enough for Dany to ride, which she does after an emotional moment when removing a spear from him. For the first time in Game of Thrones, Daenerys mounts the mythical creature and sets off into the air, to the amazement of her supporters. It’s a vital moment for Daenerys and a reason why she’s the best Game of Thrones character of season 5.

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