10 Game of Thrones Characters Who Deserved the Iron Throne

Game of Thrones sees many incompetent rulers sit on the Iron Throne, which is a shame considering how many quality leaders are in the series.

Game of Thrones is one of the most influential shows in the history of television. Inspired by George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the television adaptation tells the story of Westeros, a realm thrown into turmoil when its King dies halfway through Game of Thrones’ first season. From there, the fight for the Iron Throne defines the series’ trajectory, prompting viewers to guess which character will eventually end up as the next ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Although fan-favorite characters like Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister are obvious choices for the Iron Throne, earning a spot among Westerosi royalty is significantly easier said than done. Unfortunately for the residents of Westeros, nepotistic houses like House Lannister and House Tyrell have a vice grip on their position in society, preventing many other qualified individuals from having a fair shot at ruling the realm. Had these characters been able to assume power, then Game of Thrones would have looked much different — and significantly better for the people of Westeros.

Ned Stark Embodies Honor Until His Dying Breath
Despite the frequency with which he makes major mistakes, Ned Stark would undoubtedly have made the Seven Kingdoms better if he wasn’t betrayed by those around him. True to his Stark heritage, Ned was recognized by people from all over Westeros as a man devoted to honor. This part of his character never changes, even when he is deposed and imprisoned, as seen by his conversation with Varys.

Ned proves his ability to rule effectively when he sits on the Iron Throne in King Robert Baratheon’s stead. Upon hearing about Gregor Clegane’s attack on villages, Ned sends Beric Dondarrion to capture Gregor to punish the rogue knight for his crimes. This moment is considered one of the few times in the series in which genuine justice was set forth from the Iron Throne.
Tyrion Lannister Manages the Kingdom Well
Although his father would disagree, Tyrion Lannister showcases his ability to effectively rule on more than one occasion. Having spent many years watching Tywin Lannister and reading about historical figures in books, Tyrion developed an intelligent mind that can tackle all kinds of problems in quick succession. His initial tenure as Hand of the King presents him as a capable leader who guides King’s Landing through several crises.

As Hand of the King, Tyrion has to consolidate power and keep King’s Landing from being destroyed from the inside or the outside. He somehow keeps Joffrey Baratheon and Cersei Lannister’s rage in check, prevents the citizens from deposing the family, defeats Stannis Baratheon in the Battle of Blackwater Bay, and manipulates councilors and servants who aren’t loyal to him. His later success as Master of Coin is another example of Tyrion’s many accomplishments, proving that he more than deserves a spot on the Iron Throne.
Jon Snow Has a Claim to the Throne and the Right Mindset to Rule
Individuals who reject power are widely considered to be good leaders — both in fiction and in reality — and Jon Snow is no different. Throughout his journey, he becomes the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, the de facto leader of the Free Folk, and the King in the North, but he never asks for or attempts to obtain these positions. Additionally, he is the son of the former prince Rhaegar, which gives him a strong bloodline claim.

Despite facing many trials, Jon Snow repeatedly proves himself to be a good leader. He personally leads his troops to battle, makes peace with enemies to combat a greater evil, surrounds himself with advisors who put his interests above their own, and cultivates immense respect from those who follow him. In addition, Jon had the same sense of honor as his adoptive father, Ned Stark, which he regularly uses to make people’s lives better.

Equal parts grim-and-unforgiving and steadfast-and-driven, Stannis Baratheon is a highly controversial figure in Westeros. As the immediate younger brother of King Robert, he has a stronger bloodline claim to the Iron Throne than Renly and the illegitimate children of Robert. However, his personality and a number of his ambitious goals slowly turn people from all classes of society away from him.

Despite this major obstacle, Stannis has many qualities that suggest he would make a good king. He allows multiple faiths to be present among his forces, promotes the common people’s chances at success, plans to keep the nobility in check due to his disdain for them, and champions uncompromising justice. While there are many questions surrounding Stannis’s hypothetical rule, one thing is certain — had he ruled, Stannis would have significantly changed the political and societal landscape.

Renly Baratheon Nearly Establishes Peace
Few characters come closer to sitting on the Iron Throne than Renly Baratheon. Having shown initiative from the beginning of Game of Thrones by telling Ned Stark to take Joffrey Baratheon hostage, Renly was prepared to take King’s Landing by force. At this point, he had more Baratheon troops on his side than his older brother and greatly increased his power by marrying Margaery Tyrell, thereby giving him the strength and resources needed to defeat the Lannisters.

Renly also demonstrates wisdom and skillful leadership throughout the events of Game of Thrones. He is open to an alliance with the Starks and the Tullys, who had recently declared their independence from the Seven Kingdoms, and he allows Brienne of Tarth to join his Kingsguard despite the rule that prevents women from becoming knights. These attributes, along with his popularity, suggest he would have done well as a ruler.

Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell in Game of Thrones
Aemon Targaryen Possesses Many Great Qualities for Kingship
Even though he is forgotten by most by the time Robert Baratheon arrives in Winterfell, Maester Aemon Targaryen persists as a small glimpse into Westeros’ past. After choosing to become a maester, Aemon was presented with the option to become king, but he declined, thereby confirming his lack of lust for power. Choosing to walk away from kingship is a sign of a great king, but even more than this, Aemon exhibits the traits of a true leader.

Despite his old age, Aemon exhibited attributes that would have benefited him and the kingdom greatly had he accepted the crown. He cares a lot about his family and frequently gives people the benefit of the doubt, as seen by his comparatively good nature at the home of the Night’s Watch, Castle Black. Aemon was also intelligent and could tell when people were lying, which is a skill that would prevent disloyal advisors from taking advantage of him, had he sat on the Iron Throne.
Tywin Lannister Rules in all but Name
Tywin Lannister is not considered the most powerful man in Westeros without reason. At the height of his power, Tywin achieves a level of influence that transcends even the Crown. This fact, as well as his position as Hand of the King, make him one of the few people to sit on the Iron Throne without actually being king, alongside the former Hand, Ned Stark.

While he is ruthless and proud, Tywin demonstrates an acute understanding of how to successfully — and skillfully — manage the Seven Kingdoms. He excels at removing threats to his rule, as seen by his victory against the Starks and his mere presence preventing the Faith Militant from congregating. Tywin also effectively leads Small Council meetings and implements their goals, showing that he is capable of taking advice from others when appropriate.
Stannis Baratheon Places Justice Above Everything
Equal parts grim-and-unforgiving and steadfast-and-driven, Stannis Baratheon is a highly controversial figure in Westeros. As the immediate younger brother of King Robert, he has a stronger bloodline claim to the Iron Throne than Renly and the illegitimate children of Robert. However, his personality and a number of his ambitious goals slowly turn people from all classes of society away from him.

Despite this major obstacle, Stannis has many qualities that suggest he would make a good king. He allows multiple faiths to be present among his forces, promotes the common people’s chances at success, plans to keep the nobility in check due to his disdain for them, and champions uncompromising justice. While there are many questions surrounding Stannis’s hypothetical rule, one thing is certain — had he ruled, Stannis would have significantly changed the political and societal landscape.

Margaery Tyrell Is Clever and Charitable
Shortly after she’s introduced, it becomes clear that Margaery Tyrell fits the role of queen perfectly. Prior to arriving in King’s Landing, she encourages Renly Baratheon to produce an heir to legitimize their claim should anything happen to him. Once the Lannister-Tyrell alliance begins, she employs several tactics to undermine Cersei’s power as queen regent and garner Joffrey Baratheon’s favor.

Several instances highlight Margaery’s ability to keep up with the power plays in the upper echelons of King’s Landing, but she’s also able to acquire the devotion of the masses. Even if she’s motivated by ambition, Margaery’s charitable actions are a rarity in the series, which automatically puts her above most rulers who care very little about the common people. Being able to manage both the upper and lower classes is an invaluable asset for a ruler.

Mance Rayder Wields Unparalleled Charisma
Although he doesn’t come from a Great House, Mance Rayder achieves many great feats in his life. After serving in the Night’s Watch for years, he embraces his Free Folk heritage and travels north beyond the Wall. He then spent years gathering Free Folk from every distinct clan and unifying them into a single force intent on fleeing south of the Wall to escape the wrath of the White Walkers.

Many of Game of Thrones’ best leaders exhibit immense charisma, and Mance does so in spades. The Free Folk consists of countless tribes that are traditionally hostile to each other, yet Mance is able to unite all of them under a single banner despite hailing from south of the Wall. His ability to rally those around him would have been extraordinarily advantageous if he were to sit on the Iron Throne, but sadly, his life is cut short before he can realize this outcome.
Rhaegar Targaryen Plans to Undo the Mad King’s Legacy

Despite his polarizing relationship with Lyanna Stark, Rhaegar Targaryen was respected by many accomplished subjects of the Targaryen Dynasty. He was gifted in many fields, including combat and music, and read a lot from a young age. People across the Seven Kingdoms loved the prince, and people like Barristan Selmy and Jorah Mormont praised several of his qualities.

Even more important than Rhaegar’s direct connection to the Iron Throne is the fact that he was the polar opposite of his father, the Mad King Aerys Targaryen. While Rhaegar intended to remain loyal to his father, he looked forward to the end of the Mad King’s reign alongside the rest of the population. Furthermore, he planned to make significant changes upon being crowned, which gave credibility to those who wanted to see him reign.

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