“Blanche, I could get herpes from just listening to this story!”
1. When Rose made this comment about the type of parties Blanche goes to:
2. And when Dorothy made this comment about where Blanche gets her workouts:
3. When Sophia knew why Blanche could get over heartbreak quickly:
4. When Sophia found nothing wrong with Blanche’s dress:
5. When Rose pointed out why she looked better in the same bowling outfit as Blanche:
6. When one of Blanche’s stories was just too much for Dorothy:
7. And when Dorothy was in no mood to hear one of Blanche’s stories about growing up in the South:
8. When this was the only way Sophia could describe the way Blanche was dressed:
9. When Dorothy not-so-subtly pointed out that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree:
10. When Dorothy flat-out said that Blanche’s bed was basically a tourist destination:
11. When Sophia pointed out that she and Blanche have very different pasts:
12. When Rose heard Blanche’s story, but only took one thing away from it:
13. When Sophia had zero time for Blanche’s BS:
14. And when Dorothy had zero time for Blanche’s BS:
15. When Dorothy knew just how to get Blanche’s attention:
16. When Sophia drew this comparison:
17. When Rose cleared up her first impression of Blanche:
18. When Sophia gave this savage response to Blanche:
19. And when Sophia and Blanche had equally savage responses to each other:
20. When Rose compared Blanche to a horror movie character:
21. And finally, when Sophia had some serious questions:
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