5 Friends Moments That Showed Monica & Chandler Were Always Soulmates

5 Friends Moments That Showed Monica & Chandler Were Always Soulmates

A handful of moments sprinkled throughout the first four seasons of Friends show viewers that Chandler and Monica were always meant to be together.
Even if Monica and Chandler’s romance wasn’t planned from the start, some moments in the first four seasons of Friends hinted that they were meant to be together before they started dating. Monica and Chandler’s romance was among the best storylines the show developed in its 10-year run. In fact, despite their hookup in London originally not supposed to go anywhere past a one-night stand, pairing them up gave Friends a surprising amount of fresh material from season 5 onward, from them initially hiding their relationship to starting a family together.

Chandler and Monica’s relationship contributed to the show’s reputation as one of the best TV shows of all time. What made them stand out was how they organically grew their relationship from close friends to husband and wife. Unlike Ross and Rachel’s relationship, no longstanding obstacles ever got in the way of Chandler and Monica’s bond. They got into fights like any other couple, but they never let it take them down. It was clear how much they learned from each other to become better people. That didn’t all start just from when they started dating. Some earlier moments proved they were soulmates.
Chandler’s Marriage Pact Proposal
Season 1, Episode 23, “The One With The Birth”
After seeing babies all around her as she waits for her nephew to be born at the hospital, Monica years old to be a mother. Wanting to comfort her, Chandler proposes a pact in which they’d be married and have a baby together if neither is hitched by age 40. This blows up in Chandler’s face when Monica interprets his proposal as her not being marriage material. However, it shows that Chandler would date her, and he has enough interest to start a family with her if the opportunity were to present itself. Chandler then consoles Monica when she breaks down after seeing a baby while talking to her nagging mother.
Chandler & Monica Reveal Their Secrets
Season 2, Episode 4, “The One With Phoebe’s Husband”
When Phoebe reveals to everyone that the underwear hanging on the telephone pole outside the apartment belongs to Monica from a fling — something Monica didn’t want anyone to know about — she immediately deduces that Chander was the one who told her. Out of spite, Monica then reveals to everyone he has a third nipple. As hilarious as this moment is, it proved two things about Monica’s and Chandler’s relationship. One, that Monica and Chandler view each other as trusted confidants like spouses, and two, that they can lash out at each other like an old married couple.

Chandler Comforts Monica In Flashback
Season 3, Episode 6, “The One With The Flashback”
When she finds out that Phoebe has moved out, Monica vulnerably asks Chandler if she’s not married yet because she’s hard to live with. Chandler consoles her in a long embrace, telling her that she is one of his favorite people and the most beautiful woman he has ever met. Chandler’s words ultimately comfort Monica. It shows that Monica could truly level with Chandler and that he would be there for her, showing that there truly was a stronger connection between them than most friends have.
Chandler Floats The Idea Of Dating Monica
Season 3, Episode 25, “The One At The Beach”
After Monica breaks up with Peter, she worries that she’ll never find another boyfriend. While Chandler comforts her, again, he floats the idea of being her boyfriend. While Monica laughs at this, the usually sarcastic Chandler makes it clear he’s serious and persistently brings it up as the friends go to a beach house. This is the first moment in the timeline of Chandler and Monica’s relationship on Friends that he admits he’d date her if they weren’t friends. Better yet, it’s the first time he admitted there could be more between them if she wanted. Even though she didn’t then, Chandler put himself out there if she never did.

Chandler Pees on Monica
Season 4, Episode 1, “The One With The Jellyfish”
While Chandler is still trying to sway Monica into believing he’d be a good boyfriend, she gets stung by a jellyfish on the beach. In what would be one of the biggest Friends episodes of Monica and Chandler’s relationship, he reluctantly pees on her jellyfish sting to soothe it. While a minor moment, it shows that Chandler truly would do anything for Monica. Later on, Monica also uses this fact to explain why she wouldn’t date him, but obviously, she got over that.

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