5 most memorable gay hot scenes of the series ‘Game of Thrones’

Not only does ‘Game of Thrones’ have many LGBT characters, it also makes its mark with many gay hot scenes.

In the Game of Thrones series, homosexuality is quite common. It’s even completely normal in some territories like Dorne. The character Oberyn Martell – prince of Dorne – is bisexual and is famous for the line: “On the battlefield, I only choose Dorne. But when it comes to love, we don’t choose either side.”

Besides Oberyn, Game of Thrones has many other LGBT characters such as Loras Tyrell, Renly Baratheon, Yara Greyjoy… In particular, these are not obscure characters who only appear in a few scenes but play an important role in the story. plot. If not killed, Loras and Renly are completely strong candidates for the Iron Throne.

Below are the 5 most memorable gay scenes in the 7 seasons of Game of Thrones:

Chest shaving scene between Loras and Renly
This is Game of Thrones’ first gay intimate scene. Renly Baratheon is now the younger brother of Robert Baratheon – who is sitting on the Iron Throne. Young, handsome and a fashionista, Renly is often ridiculed for being gay and weak. Meanwhile, Loras Tyrell – the heir of the powerful Tyrell family – is equally charming and is known as the “Swordsman of the Rose” with talent second only to Jaime Lannister.

Những điều gì giúp "Mẹ Rồng" tự tin đóng cảnh nóng - Chia sẻ tâm sự, mạng  xã hội chia sẻ tâm sự

The interesting point in this scene is that an intimate action like shaving chest hair has become a way to introduce the love between Loras and Renly to the audience. Besides, the dialogue is not simply about love but also hints at Renly’s later treason plot.

Loras rebuffs Renly

In season 2, Renly was betrothed to Loras’s sister Margaery as an alliance with the Tyrell family to prepare for the “War of the Five Kings”. However, this did not stop their relationship from continuing.

In this scene, Loras is angry with Renly because he has just appointed Brienne of Tarth as a squire, so he is “banned” from touching him.

Oberyn Martell’s group sex scene
Of the seven kingdoms, Dorne is considered the most advanced. Daughters have the same inheritance rights as sons. There is no class distinction and sexuality is not bound by gender. Oberyn Martell – prince of Dorne – just appeared in season 4 and surprised the audience when he expressed his desire for the flower boy Olyvar in Baelish’s brothel.

Afterwards, Oberyn and his lover Ellaria Sand had group sex with two girls and a boy in a brothel. Unfortunately, the fun was interrupted by the unexpected presence of Tywin Lannister.

Olyvar seduces Loras
After Renly’s death, Loras grieved but was quickly comforted by Olyvar. As soon as they met, the two were entwined with each other like people full of carnal passion. More surprisingly, this is also a 100% hot scene.

Even so, Olyvar’s approach was intentional. He used his body to spy for Baelish and let him know that the Tyrells were planning to marry the Starks. It was this action that led to the downfall of the Tyrell family in the following seasons.

In season 5, Olyvar was forced by Cersei Lannister to expose Loras’s “homosexuality” crime, causing him to be put on trial by the High Priest. Olyvar’s life and death are unknown, but it is highly likely that he was killed.

Yara Greyjoy – gay girl from the Iron Islands
In this scene, Theon Greyjoy witnesses his sister – Yara – enter a brothel and choose a prostitute instead of a boy. This is the first time the audience knows this character is a lesbian.

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