Blue Bloods offered several reveals about its upcoming series finale during a retrospective special, Blue Bloods: Celebrating a Family’s Legacy, that aired on CBS. The network confirmed the disappointing news about Blue Bloods cancelation ahead of season 14 despite its high ratings and large audience. Unfortunately, a massive fan-led movement to save the beloved police and family drama did not move the needle with executives, and the series is set to end after with season 14, episode 18, which will air on December 13, 2024.
Blue Bloods only has two episodes left. Thus, CBS aired a retrospective celebrating the series along with two reruns on November 29. The special was a mix of interviews and clips from the show, allowing members of the Blue Bloods cast to express their love for the series and one another, as well as give the audience the gift of a look behind the scenes. The Blue Bloods special ended with a short sneak peek of the series finale, revealing several exciting things about how the show will wrap up without spoiling any surprises.
6. Blue Bloods Series Finale Will Be A “Love Letter” To Both The Audience & The NYPD
The Blue Bloos Finale Will Honor Everything That Made The Series So Beloved
During the special, the cast made a point of saying that the series finale would be a “love letter to fans,” and later in the hour, cast member Will Estes (Jamie) added that it would also honor the NYPD. While these comments don’t point to anything specific that will happen during the final episode, it is clear that the cast, writers, and producers know the reasons that the audience has fallen in love with Blue Bloods and intend for the series finale to illustrate everything that has made the series so special.
One way that Blue Bloods can honor both the family and police aspects of the series is through its planned final storyline, which involves all the Reagans working together on the same case. Frank’s (Tom Selleck) final mission is expected to revolve around protecting Mayor Peter Chase (Dylan Walsh) from a major threat; additionally, the cops must deal with criminals who are causing mayhem in the city.
The final episode will show a realistic response to a city in crisis while putting beloved characters in harm’s way to keep New York’s 9 million residents safe.
This storyline was likely influenced by input from real-life retired NYPD officer Jimmy Nuciforo, who was featured in the special. Nuciforo was consulted for every episode of Blue Bloods to help the actors and writers make the procedural scenes as true-to-life as possible, which has earned praise from real police officers for the way they are depicted on-screen. The final episode will show a realistic response to a city in crisis while putting beloved characters in harm’s way to keep New York’s 9 million residents safe.
5. The Reagans Will Each Have To Make Tough Decisions In The Blue Bloods Finale
The Danger Will Make The Reagans Confront Difficult Truths
The special emphasized the need for the Reagans to make tough decisions, though it didn’t make it clear what those decisions were. However, since the cops will likely have to put their lives on the line, the nature of the decisions they must make can be inferred, especially given where each character is in their life. Additionally, CBS has released some teaser photos that confirm there is a funeral, but all the Reagans are in attendance; it’s likely that another cop is killed during the crisis, which will prompt the Reagans to face their own mortality.
It will be difficult for Eddie (Vanessa Ray) if her partner, Luis Badillo (Ian Quinlan), is the one who dies. A clip in the Blue Bloods special reminded audiences that Jamie also once lost a partner to death, meaning he and Eddie could become closer through this shared experience. However, Jamie and Eddie are also considering parenthood, so they will have to think about whether their current career paths could risk their child someday losing one or both of them prematurely.
Similarly, Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) seems worn out by the demands of his job and may re-evaluate where he wants his career to go after this experience. Additionally, while Selleck has said that Frank will not retire at the end of Blue Bloods (via TV Insider), it may be tempting for him to do so because of the danger involved in his final mission. Frank might also need to make difficult decisions related to how to address the threat to the city, which could impact his relationships with the NYPD as well as his family, adding to the drama of his final story.
It’s not as clear how Erin (Bridget Moynahan) will be affected, though she will likely have to decide whether she has enough evidence to prosecute each offender after arrests are made. Henry’s (Len Cariou) role will probably be limited to worrying about his family. However, what is clear is that each Reagan will come away from the experience deeply changed, and any danger they face will undoubtedly remind them of Joe Reagan’s death, especially if anything happens to Blue Bloods’ Joe Hill (Will Hochman), his long-lost son who has only recently become part of the family.
4. Danny Will Finally Face His Loneliness Since Linda’s Death
A Clip From The Blue Bloods Finale Makes This Point Explicit
While the ending for each Blue Bloods character might not be revealed yet, the special included a clip that confirms Danny’s final story. During a scene from the short sneak peek for the finale, Danny sits with Henry, who reminds him that he always told him not to bring work with him when he came home at the end of a tour of duty. Danny responds: “I don’t have anybody not to bring it home to.“
Danny has been a widower since Linda’s (Amy Carlson) death at the beginning of season 8. However, until recently, he didn’t want to date again. It wouldn’t have made sense for him to move on too quickly, as that would possibly have been seen as disrespectful to Danny and Linda’s relationship in Blue Bloods. However, Danny has slowly been moving toward re-entering the dating world, such as when he realizes that he is holding back because he is afraid of losing someone else to death.
Danny’s awareness of his loneliness could be triggered by the loss of whoever dies in the Blue Bloods finale and his realization that he has limited time on Earth. The teaser scene suggests that Danny will actively work on resolving that problem before the end of the series. Because the clip is from the final episode, it’s unlikely that Danny will meet someone new and fall in love before the final credits roll. However, he might admit to more than platonic feelings for Baez (Marisa Ramirez) without solidifying their new relationship.
3. Frank’s Dream Team May Be Losing A Member In The Blue Bloods Finale
Somebody At The NYPD Must Make A Tough Decision
The end of the Blue Bloods special also included a clip of Frank saying to somebody on his Dream Team: “This is where you decide whether to stay or go.” When this is followed by a shot of Garrett (Gregory Jbara) in the office, it seems as though this is who Frank is talking to. Frank butts heads the most with Garrett, who has threatened to leave the Dream Team before. However, since this is the final episode of Blue Bloods, it is more likely that someone will leave the Dream Team permanently.
If the cost of Frank’s handling the crisis in the city is a relationship with a beloved staff member, it will deeply affect him.
Frank has had many such discussions with his Dream Team, who often disapprove of the way he handles various situations, and this clip could be a fakeout. However, if the cost of Frank’s handling the crisis in the city is a relationship with a beloved staff member, it will deeply affect him. Alternatively, Blue Bloods could have the staff member temporarily walk away so that the series ends with Frank affirming that the people he works with are as much his family as the other Reagans are.
2. The Reagan Family Values That Defined Blue Bloods Will Shine Through The Finale
There Will Be Many Family Moments In Addition To A Final Family Dinner
The Reagan family dinners in Blue Bloods are not only an iconic part of the series, but also the part that is most important to the audience. Blue Bloods: Celebrating a Family’s Legacy spent a lot of time discussing the dinners, including a behind-the-scenes peek at how the food is made and how the actors handle multiple takes where they have to look like they’re eating. Additionally, while the special confirmed that there would be a final family dinner, the sneak peek suggested there would be other family moments spread throughout the final episode of Blue Bloods.
It’s already been confirmed that some supporting characters will return for the final family dinner. Jack (Peter Hermann) and Nicky (Sami Gayle), who both left in season 10, will appear. Hopefully, they will have a bigger role than simply visiting and attending the dinner, as this is the last time we will see them. A promo for a previous episode included footage of Jack and Nicky wearing dark, formal clothing at dinner while the cops are in dress uniform, so they are probably also attending the funeral of the fallen cop.
These types of family moments are often overshadowed by the beloved dinner scenes but are equally important to Blue Bloods’ legacy.
In addition to the family dinner, the sneak peek shows Danny also getting advice from Henry. These types of family moments are often overshadowed by the beloved dinner scenes but are equally important to Blue Bloods’ legacy. Considering the seriousness of the threat to the city and everyone’s lives, there will be plenty of opportunities for intense scenes as well as moments where the family states how much they mean to each other during Blue Bloods’ final episode.
1. Blue Bloods’ Ending Sneak Peak
A Few Short Scenes Offer A Teaser For The Final Episode Of Blue Bloods
Blue Bloods: Celebrating A Family’s Legacy gave us a short sneak peek at the end of the hour. The sneak peek opens with a short scene of Frank behind his desk confronting someone about their disapproval of his latest decision, followed by a shot of Garrett standing in front of the desk looking upset. Entertainment Tonight host Nichelle Turner remarks in voiceover as the scene shifts to Danny and Baez in the squad room that the exact wrap-up for the characters is “a closely guarded secret, but we do know the Reagans are facing some tough decisions before signing off.”
Turner’s comment plays over several scenes that have no dialogue, including Danny and Baez, Danny sitting with Henry, and Danny and Baez talking with Erin while background actors dressed as cops walk through the scene. Before ending with Danny and Henry talking about the need to “not bring work home,” the sneak peek also included a comment from Marisa Ramirez explaining that she thinks the audience will be pleased with several surprises in the Blue Bloods finale and that “there are so many great, great things. We’re really proud of it.“