In fact, our Southern mommas remind us a lot of the women on “Golden Girls.” They’re kind like Rose, brilliant like Dorothy, sassy like Sophia and, well, surprising like Blanche.
Here are a few quotes from the sitcom that make us think, “Yep, that’s my momma.”
Our mommas give plenty of unsolicited advice:
And sometimes wants to make it clear she disapproves of what we’re wearing:
And sometimes she wants to teach us a lesson AND let us know she disapproves of what we’re wearing:
If we’re gettin’ a little too big for our britches she always talks us down:
When we get in fights with our toxic friends she doesn’t like she always sets us straight:
When we try to console her about growing older, she won’t have it:
And she gives us plenty of comfort after bad breakups:
Sometimes she talks about her pre-kid days (and we cringe):
And sometimes she gets sassy when she has