9 times the Golden Girls reminded us of our Southern moms

We all love our Southern moms. They’re smart, sweet and if someone crosses us, well, you better watch out.

In fact, our Southern mommas remind us a lot of the women on “Golden Girls.” They’re kind like Rose, brilliant like Dorothy, sassy like Sophia and, well, surprising like Blanche.

Here are a few quotes from the sitcom that make us think, “Yep, that’s my momma.”

Our mommas give plenty of unsolicited advice:

And sometimes wants to make it clear she disapproves of what we’re wearing:

And sometimes she wants to teach us a lesson AND let us know she disapproves of what we’re wearing:

If we’re gettin’ a little too big for our britches she always talks us down:

When we get in fights with our toxic friends she doesn’t like she always sets us straight:

When we try to console her about growing older, she won’t have it:

And she gives us plenty of comfort after bad breakups:

Sometimes she talks about her pre-kid days (and we cringe):

And sometimes she gets sassy when she has

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