Chicago Fire Season 13’s Latest Exit Highlights How Carver Is So Unfairly Treated

Sam Carver’s (Jake Lockett) exit in Chicago Fire season 13, episode 14, titled “Bar Time,” again underscores how unfairly the firehouse procedural treats this character. Carver is one of the newest members of Firehouse 51, having first transferred from Firehouse 132 in Chicago Fire season 11. In his short time, however, he has had more than his fair share of tragedy, and Chicago Fire season 13 has been especially difficult for him.

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Carver’s main storyline in season 13 has been his involvement with Tori, which is one of the most toxic love interest stories in Chicago Fire to date. Carver’s relationship with Tori directly led to him drinking too much, which threatened his job in the past. “Bar Time” brings that storyline up again, as Carver takes extra shifts to keep his mind off his desire to drink, which leads him into trouble. Violet suspects Carver is drinking again, which forces him to re-evaluate how well he is managing his life.

Carver’s Impending Absence Is Once Again Rooted In Tragedy

Everything That Happens To Him Is Overly Dramatic And Heartbreaking

Carver decides to step away from Firehouse 51 after the incident in which Violet accuses him of drinking on the job. Early in the episode, he reveals that he has stopped going to AA and distanced himself from everyone he loves because of the man who broke into Violet’s house and claimed to be acting on Carver’s behalf. It makes sense in terms of the story that he chooses to leave Firehouse 51 to protect his sobriety. However, this arc falls flat because it is the latest in a string of negative and heartbreaking stories for Carver.

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Carver was established as a tragic character from the beginning of his stint in One Chicago. Unfortunately, this is reflected every time he is written out temporarily. He left at the end of Chicago Fire season 12 to clear his head after breaking up with Violet (Hanako Greensmith), only to get sucked into Tori’s orbit. Additionally, this exit story is the second time Carver was forced to leave because of alcohol use in the same season. He was already temporarily suspended after getting in trouble with Kidd in episode 6, and now he is voluntarily leaving for the same reason.

Chicago Fire Can Just Simply Treat Carver’s Absence Like Everyone Else’s

Other Characters Come And Go Without Explanation

Kidd and Severide standing outside Firehouse 51 talking on Chicago Fire

All of the One Chicago shows have a bad habit of rotating characters out of episodes without much of an explanation at all. While this is annoying, it also proves that Carver is getting far worse treatment than other Chicago Fire characters. For example, Kidd or Severide will sometimes disappear without any explanation at all. If anything, they get a throwaway line explaining where they are. Yet Carver gets a dramatic downward spiral every time he needs to step away for a few episodes.

It wouldn’t have changed the story all that much if Carver were said in the next episode to be working at his other job instead of having him take a leave of absence at the end of “Bar Time.”

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Carver can’t appear in every episode because Chicago Fire is rotating cast members as a cost-cutting measure. However, it is unfair that he never gets to step away for a non-tragic reason, especially given that the rest of the Chicago Fire season 13 cast has far less dramatic reasons for not appearing in various episodes. Additionally, it wouldn’t have changed the story all that much if Carver were said in the next episode to be working at his other job instead of having him take a leave of absence at the end of “Bar Time.”

How These Setbacks Eclipse How Much Carver Has Grown Since Joining Firehouse 51

The Character Is Reduced To His Problems

Jake Lockett as Sam Carver in Chicago Fire season 13 episode 6

These tragic storylines emphasize Carver’s alcoholism, which is aggravating because there is more to his character than that. Alcoholism is a popular choice for dramatic storylines because it is a highly destructive mental health condition if left untreated, but that doesn’t mean that Carver’s arc should only be about his continued relapses into alcohol abuse and how they interfere with his ability to fight fires effectively. Instead, Carver should be shown as a multifaceted, complicated character that is relatable rather than simply someone who keeps turning to alcohol because of difficult circumstances.

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Carver could be a complex, interesting character if he wasn’t always saddled with yet another tragic storyline that forces him to take time off from his job.

Carver has become a solid member of the Firehouse 51 team, at least when he is sober. He is no longer isolated and has begun opening up about his past. He also often is supportive of other firefighters and paramedics. However, when Chicago Fire focuses on his struggles with sobriety, all of these other aspects of his personality get lost. This is a shame. Carver could be a complex, interesting character if he wasn’t always saddled with yet another tragic storyline that forces him to take time off from his job.

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