Blue Bloods Shocking Series Finale Delivers Both a Wedding and a Funeral!

In the end, Blue Bloods concluded the way it began, with the Reagan family. There was really no other way for it to end. The episode started with the shocking death of Eddie Janko’s partner, Officer Luis Badillo, and the shooting of the Mayor of New York, which resulted in Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) becoming the de-factor mayor as the police tried to figure out who was responsible for the crime.

While it almost seemed like Blue Bloods was about to end with Frank becoming the Big Apple’s new mayor, when all was said and done, Frank went back to being just the Police Commissioner and stopped playing the role of a politician.

As for what happened to the rest of the Reagans, Erin (Bridget Moynahan) and her ex-husband, Jack Boyle (Peter Herrmann), decided to give their marriage another chance — though how their relationship got there was somewhat of a mystery. While Episode 17, “Entitlement,” ended with the two seemingly back together, the series didn’t really show them reuniting. It’s one of the unfortunate side effects of having to wrap up storylines that the show surely wished it had more time to invest in. Instead in Episode 17, we just see them discussing their relationship in the context of Erin trying to set up Anthony. It’s presented as a fact that the two of them are together, and the show just moves on.

Then, in the Blue Bloods series finale, Erin and Jack casually went from getting back together to deciding to give their marriage another chance. Later, at the Reagan family dinner (which was the largest one fans have seen in a while), Erin was about to announce the news, when Eddie (Vanessa Ray) and Jamie (Will Estes) ended up telling the family some news of their own first: They’re having a baby. The baby announcement, of course, was the kind of news everyone wanted to celebrate, and the kind Erin didn’t want to upstage with her own marriage update.

So Erin and Jack’s secret marriage waited for another day. The focus of the dinner instead was on the baby Reagan joining the family soon and how excited everyone was that the Reagan clan was growing even bigger. Well, that and how grateful Frank was for his family.

The series finale ended on a happy note and a promise of more. Life doesn’t end there for the Reagans. Erin and Jack’s life together is about to start anew, even if they will have to wait to let the family know. Eddie and Jamie are having a baby. Not to mention, Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) decides to take his grandfather’s advice and asks his partner, Maria Baez, out for pizza. There’s possibility in the air as Blue Bloods closes out this chapter. And though this does, indeed, seem like the final chapter for now, we can say one thing for sure: One can never count the Reagans out.

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