Ghosts Season 4 Just Confirmed The Spirit That Sam & Jay Should Be Most Afraid Of

Most of the spirits in Ghosts have a ghostly ability, some of which could be quite dangerous, but the Main 8 ghosts of Woodstone B&B are not the spirits that Sam and Jay should be most worried about. In the four seasons the U.S. version of Ghosts has been on, the spirits have given their human companions plenty of trouble, but it’s never led to an actually dangerous situation.

The last few seasons of Ghosts have introduced new ghost characters to supplement the original eight ghosts of Woodstone, each with their own backstories and baggage. As a result, the often-overlooked basement ghosts got even less attention. Though they’ve been there from the start, like the Main 8, they tend to only be included when it comes to the boiler situation. But Ghosts season 4 just changed that with a reveal that makes them a potential problem that could carry over into Ghosts season 5.

Basement Ghosts’ New Power Explained

During Ghosts season 4, episode 12, Flower went to the basement spirits to rant about the world ending. Nobody would listen to her, and she needed to find a way to stop the opening of the restaurant. It was then that basement spirits revealed previously unknown abilities: they can all give other people cholera as that’s what they themselves died of

The cholera Ghosts’ basement spirits give is temporary; people recover from the sickness after a day, but the symptoms are still excruciating at the time. The basement ghosts aren’t evil, per se. They don’t want to hurt innocent people to the point of death. However, their actions prove that they’re willing to take drastic measures if they believe it’s important.

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