Reenie (Fiona Rene) is giving a hands-on approach to helping Colter (Justin Hartley) with his latest case.
In the March 9 episode of Tracker, “Monster,” he is hired to find a mother in Ohio who went missing after tucking her son in for the night. Reenie just so happens to be nearby to assist. Plus, yes, there’s the mystery involving Colter’s family and his father’s death, but Tracker is also teasing out a new one in the form of Reenie’s new client.
TV Insider caught up with Rene to see what else we could find out about that client, where Reenie and Elliot’s (Michael Rady) relationship stands, and much more.
Things seem to be going well between Reenie and Elliot, but how does she feel about where they stand right now? There was a question of what he did and didn’t know, if he was telling the truth, about his client (part of a crime syndicate).
Fiona Rene: I think throughout the episode, she really questioned it, but by the end of the episode, she really put her trust and her faith in her relationship because we all know that a relationship can’t last unless that exists. So I think she’s really giving Elliot the benefit of a doubt, and I think he’s really been there for her in ways that Colter has not been able to be there this season. Does that mean that that will stay the case? I don’t know, but I do know that Reenie is really grateful for what Elliot has been able to provide for sure.
So what’s coming up with them? Is there something that’s going to change all of that?
Girl, wouldn’t you like to know? And wouldn’t I also like to know? I’m the last person to know. I do know that Elliot sticks around for a little bit. And in Episode 4 of this season, whenever Colter and Elliot met for the first time, that was stressful! And I think Reenie was more stressed than anyone, but the guys actually handled it really well. They handled it with maturity and respect and honor for each other, which made Reenie feel the same. But I also think that Colter and Reenie’s relationship is only becoming more grounded. And I keep saying a foundation of trust and respect, so that’s happening with Elliot, but that’s also happening with her and Colter more. She’s letting go of the night at the hotel a couple of years back. She’s starting to finally let go of it.
I was going to say it does feel like Tracker has moved away from that romance almost in a way and they’re really developing this, like you were saying, foundation and solid friendship. Is there something coming up though that’s going to lean more in the other direction?
I don’t know, but you can’t have real, long-lasting romance without the foundation! So we’re building, and I don’t know where it’ll go from here, but I think that Reenie loves Colter and she will always love Colter no matter what.
I feel like right now, Reenie’s focus needs to be on this new client of hers. I’m worried with what we’re hearing: This client is running her ragged, is demanding, not exactly honest, but has a lot of money. What else can you say about this client?
There’s this thing of, you want to have judgment for this man, right? You want to have judgment, but I think Reenie has learned from Colter that being a little less judgmental and a little bit more open to what the facts are is going to help everyone in the long run. I think that this client gets Reenie into a bit of a pickle. He proposes new challenges for her in ways that she has yet to experience, and it may not or it may get a little sticky.
Is that going to change how she feels about taking on this client? She says it’s the job, but I feel like the more time she spends and more she does involving this client, that can change her opinion…
And what the job really entails and who are you helping and what’s the reason to actually help someone, I think all of those questions will come about for her and that she will have to answer them, for sure.
When are we going to see this client onscreen?
Soon, very soon.
Done, all ready to go. I will say that Justin knows him personally and he’s a phenomenal actor and has just been a delight to work with. You’ll meet them very soon and you’ll be able to deem for yourself how good or bad they are.
How has it been playing those scenes?
Great. Amazing. I mean, honestly, those scenes and Elliot scenes, they push Reenie to be on her toes. And I feel like that’s the theme that we’ve gotten for Season 2 with Reenie is, really a lot of the time in Season 1, she was out there getting some action done and now she’s still doing that, but she has to be a bit wittier and a bit clearer and a bit smarter and learn a little bit from Colter so she doesn’t make mistakes, and that can be scary.
Are we going to see her leaning on anyone, like say, Velma (Abby McEnany)? I’ve loved the Reenie and Velma scenes.
I love them, too! I really hope that there’s more of them. I was like, me and Velma need to go out to a bar and get the dish. I think you’ll get more of Velma and Reenie. Velma has been a big help around the office. We’re going to make some more space for her. And so yeah, hopefully the relationship develops even more.
After Colter’s “be careful” warning, it’s inevitable that Reenie’s going to end up in danger because of this client. Is that something that Reenie is worried about though?
Honestly, I think — you know what I really think? I think that Reenie thrives off of that thrill. I don’t know if she really knows about that part of herself or that she’s really tapped into it. I think her and Colter are very similar in that regard that the danger and the high — without great risk, we see no great reward, right? And I think for both characters, but definitely for Reenie, she can feel when there is risk and how that will lead to great reward. And so I think that makes her thrive so much so that it may become a little dangerous. Maybe she doesn’t think it all the way through.
So how much danger is she going to be in coming up?
Enough danger. Enough to be exciting, but hopefully not too much to kill her.
Turning to this week’s episode, what can you preview? Because Reenie really is boots on the ground in it.
Yes. When she goes to Indianapolis for the deposition, she does assist Colter boots on the ground. I love it when she gets to do that. I think she loves it, too. She’s in those Louboutin heels in courtrooms and offices all day that I think when she gets to get out there and use her skills in the public view, she thrives off of that. And again, she likes to put herself in maybe a bit of a dangerous situation, but will find our way out.
But she does stay calm.
She does. I think Colter and her have that in common as well. She thrives under pressure. That’s the whole gist of her, is that whether it’s in a courtroom in front of an entire jury or whether it is with one scary guy, she could hold her own. It doesn’t mean that she’s not scared, but it definitely means that she knows how to exude and uphold bravery amongst her fear.
With whom does she have the most significant conversation coming up?
I mean, her and Colter really, this episode specifically, chat a little bit about history and I think that they continue to — That’s where their foundation is consistently being built, is that they continue to have more and more little deep convos that open them both up just that little bit. But then also this new client might get a little deep there, too.
Yeah, you can’t really expect honesty unless it goes both ways.
And with lawyers, it’s interesting because I actually interviewed my own lawyer because I was like, I really want to know what you went through in your life to get to where you are, so I can kind of see how Reenie would do that. And lawyers are all about honesty, but also you don’t need to tell me everything. And I find that really interesting, that I don’t have to be privy to all information. Just don’t lie to me. And I kind of like that. It lets the other persons keep their privacy but also adhere to trustworthy words. So I like it.
Was that the most surprising thing for you when it came to the lawyer side of Reenie?
And also, what was she like in school? She had to go through a lot of school to get here, and part of me was like, she never cheated. She would have never cheated. But did she stay up all night on a bender to prepare for her exam? Probably. Probably.
What can you say about when we’re going to see Reenie being the most vulnerable coming up?
I think Reenie is willing to help Colter with any case, whether she is the best person for the job or not. I think she also gets a little bit ahead of herself when she knows that she should do something. She may not see a warning beforehand, which could put her in a dire place and we may see that before the season ends.
So with all of that, when are we going to see her having the most fun?
I mean, Episode 11 was pretty fun. She got to fight and she got to play at the same time. But I think honestly, Reenie finds fun in her work. That’s why she does it so dang much. She has fun being with Velma and Colter and working. I think it is part of her identity. So I wonder what fun would look like without that. Interesting.
Do you think she’s going to have the same perspective of her job after what happens with this client?
I don’t think so. I don’t think so. I mean, I think she will still love her job and she will still want to do it, but it will have to change her in what risks she’s willing to take, whether that be more or less.
I’m worried.
I know, me too.
Are there any upcoming guest stars that you can talk about?
I mean, can we just talk about Randy for a second? I love Chris Lee with everything in my body. He’s been such a wonderful addition to the Bobby dynamic, and I am very excited to see them together.
Are we going to get them, Reenie, and Velma together?
I don’t know. But we love it. We love to manifest this. But other guest stars, I mean, I feel like we’ve just been so lucky with so many talented guest stars, and that’s kind of where our show thrives. And on a business note, right now in the industry, actors need work and people need work. I just realized this the other day when I was watching Episode 11, I was like, man, it’s really cool to be a part of a show that every single episode we’re offering new jobs and that it’s not just the same series regulars that are working all the time. Every episode we’re bringing on new talent to sink their teeth into something. It’s actually really beautiful to see that.
How about possible returns from Jensen Ackles and Melissa Roxburgh ? The Reenie and Russell dynamic is great, but I want to see Reenie and Dory together.
I know! The thing is about boss women, you know what I mean, I see you, girl, and I see her, girl and I love her jackets. She always has cute business wear, cute professor wear, and I’m here for it. And yes, I do believe that before the season ends, we should really dig deep into some more Colter backstory and family stuff.
What else is coming up for Reenie?
Other than danger and excitement? Maybe a little redesign of her kitchenette in her office, making some space for Velma to get cozy because she’s around all the time. She takes care of a lot of stuff, Velma. I want to appreciate her.
What are your hopes going forward into Season 3?
I hope that we get to see more Reenie backstory, just like we get some more Colter backstory. We mentioned in Episode 10, Season 1 about Reenie’s dad and sister. And I’m just so interested in seeing more of her upbringing and if it’s what we kind of assume or if it’s something totally different. I think she’s such a unique fiery force of nature that I’m like, what family made this person to be who she is? And obviously, I want to keep helping the tracker track.
Is she too busy with her client going forward to talk about her backstory this season?
Also just like Colter when you bring up his family, what does he do? He kind of [avoids], which makes it more intriguing. I’m like, why are you doing that? So I think it’s a little bit the same for Reenie. I think any person who goes out into the world to find their identity and their work and their purpose sometimes — sometimes — might be running from something