10 shocking nude scenes of HBO’s “congested” movie

The film is attractive and attracts millions of viewers, but many scenes give viewers chills
Game of Thrones has ended season 6 on HBO, but its aftertaste still lingers in the hearts of the audience. Many people believe that the film is a combination of violence, sex and moral ambiguity. In the film, there are 10 nude scenes that shocked global audiences.
The scene where Queen Daenery takes off her shirt and falls in love with Drogo, the leader of the Dothraki tribes, makes viewers clearly see the determination of a woman willing to sacrifice herself to save her land. Later, the two married and Daenery became the dragon queen.
The final scene of the first episode shocked viewers when the character Jaime Lannister and his biological sister Cersei Lannister had an incestuous relationship. The two secretly “loved” each other on a tower and were discovered by 10-year-old Bran. Jaime even pushed the boy down from a high tower to “kill” the witness.

Renly and Robert’s younger brother had a gay love affair and spent the night together. Even though he knew that this land had many spies, the king still accepted a one-night stand with the man who liked him.

The scene where mother Lysa Tully breastfeeds her 8-year-old son caused a lot of controversy. When Catelyn Stark went to her sister, she was shocked to see her grown nephew still breastfeeding. It’s not necessarily a nude scene, but this detail makes many parents find it unreasonable.

10 cảnh nude gây sửng sốt của phim "nghẽn sóng" HBO - 8

A pastime of King Petyr Baelish, also known as the Kid (or Little Finger), is to ask brothel girl Ros to “make love” with another girl for fun. Although the bunches of fruit placed on the table covered some of the actress’s sensitive spots, the scene still made viewers feel shy. The character Ros – the most adorable prostitute in King’s Landing – later died when she was used as a target for the king to play crossbows with.

The fat guy Hodor also had a 100% nude scene when standing in front of his master in the forest. Hodor is a fat guy who works for the Stark family. He can carry his master across countless forests and mountains without getting tired.

The scene of Lancel and Cersei falling in love shocked viewers because for those who consider Queen Cersei a favorite character in Game of Thrones, they will notice the way she treats her cousin just like a toy. sex.

The birth scene of the red priestess Melisandre gives viewers chills. No baby was born, instead a smoke monster emerged from the belly to destroy Stannis Baratheon’s younger brother – the man who threatened the throne.

Theon Greyjoy is a typical character who is betrayed by those close to him. After conquering the North, he took over the rule of Winterfell and proclaimed himself Prince.

In season 3 of Game of Thrones, there was a scene where Theon was castrated, which shocked viewers. In an episode of season 5, this character had to witness Bolton raping his wife on their wedding night. These details caused the film to receive a lot of criticism for containing too many elements of violence, sensitivity, and violence against women.

The recent scene in season 6 when Queen Cersei was punished and forced to walk naked under the curses of the crowd made viewers shocked. Actress Lena Headey admitted that this was a “humiliating nude” scene that forced her to choose a stunt double. This detail alone costs the manufacturer $200,000.

Game of Thrones has attracted nearly ten million viewers as soon as it aired. This once caused HBO Go (HBO’s movie download network) to be congested.

Up to this point, the Game of Thrones series is considered the most pirated download on the Internet. This is also one of the things that proves the film’s resounding success.

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