Ghosts Season 4 Has Made Me Realize That Sass’ Power Is Cooler

However, Sass’ power has turned out to be the best in Ghosts, and with Ghosts’ two-season renewal by CBS, there is time to explore the power better. Sass has the ability to step into dreams, and from there, he can become anyone he wants to be.

We have seen him take on different personas within the dreams, giving him a chance to have fun and live a life he wouldn’t have been able to do when he was alive. Sass is a fan of television, and now he gets the opportunity to pretend that he is in these hair-raising situations, such as when he pretended to be a pilot in the middle of the storm in one of Jay’s dreams.
Yet, at the heart of this character, he is still the character we’ve come to know and love.

During Ghosts season 4, episode 15, he stepped into Alicia’s dream to warn her that her fiancé, Derek, was cheating on her. By playing a busker on the subway, he could sing a song about how Derek was cheating on her with one of her friends, knowing how much stock Alicia pays to dreams. Sass has the ability to be and dress as someone else, meaning viewers are treated to a different look and style in a character who wouldn’t usually get to change outfits for long. He even played the guitar, something that we haven’t seen him hint at being able to do in the house, and yet, at the heart of this character, he is still the character we’ve come to know and love.

This has allowed Sass to live a life that the spirits of the house wouldn’t usually be able to, and he’s been able to interact with people he wouldn’t get a chance to do as only Sam has been able to see the ghosts so far. There are no limitations to Sass’ power that have been explored yet, opening the possibilities further. With that in mind, the writers can offer Sass fun stories of his own as he experiences life through the dreams of people in Ghosts.

Having the limitations has also helped to keep Pete’s boundary power reasonable. He has to come back to the house, so he remains connected to the other spirits and can share about his mini adventures. Something fun for Pete is that he’s able to see sights that he only read about as a travel agent, while also being helpful to Sam and Jay, such as to find out if the critic’s review would be good or bad ahead of time in the most recent episode.

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