D&D Character Alignments Of Everybody Loves Raymond Characters

Everybody Loves Raymond is a classic example of a 90s to early 2000s sitcom, so let’s see how the characters fit into the D&D alignment system.

While Everybody Loves Raymond hasn’t been on the air for 15 years, it is a classic example of a 90s to early 2000s sitcom. The show had a laugh track, many tropes of the average American family, and rather memorable characters. There are still many people who enjoyed watching the series that still do.

We’ve put together a list that gives more insight into the main characters from the series where we assign the character alignments from Dungeons & Dragons to Everybody Loves Raymond characters.

Pat MacDougall: Chaotic Good

Pat MacDougall looking surprised at the Barones' kitchen
Pat MacDougall looking surprised at the Barones’ kitchen
Pat MacDougall is Amy’s mom, and while she isn’t featured in that many episodes, she is weather memorable.

While it might seem like she would be lawful good or lawful neutral given that she’s a very soft-spoken, religious woman, her most memorable scene involves learning that she smokes and has been hiding it from her husband for years. So, while she might seem rather lawful, she has a chaotic side to her.

Andy: Neutral Neutral

Andy Kindler in Everybody Loves Raymond
Andy Kindler in Everybody Loves Raymond
Andy isn’t exactly a main character, but he does appear in a handful of episodes over the nine seasons. He is Ray’s friend and co-worker. He also worked at Newsday.

There isn’t much particularly memorable about him, but he does often envy Ray for his life. Because of this, the best read on the character is that he’s neutral.

Hank MacDougall: Lawful Good

Hank MacDougall in Everybody Loves Raymond
Hank MacDougall in Everybody Loves Raymond
Hank, Amy’s father, is pretty obviously lawful good because he’s a very religious person who clearly tries to live his life according to certain rules.

He seems to be quite traditional and like someone who would really worry about following the rules of society and honoring those. Hank is definitely on the lawful side of the spectrum. He also seems like he mostly tries to treat people well which puts him on the good side instead of neutral.

Ally Barone: Chaotic Good

Frank and Ally Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond
Frank and Ally Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond
Ally Barone is Debra and Ray’s eldest daughter. While the kids in the show don’t get a ton of screen time or development, as Ally gets older, she is featured more.

Because she’s still young, she gets the alignment of chaotic goods. She seems like overall a good, caring kid who does her best. However, she’s still a child and as such she doesn’t always fall in line with following what her parents tell her to do.

Amy MacDougall: Lawful Good

Amy ends up becoming a frequent character when she dates Robert off and on and then ends up marrying him. Amy is one of the nicest characters on the show, and, as an outsider, she is often shocked by how the Barones act and treat one another.

Amy is a kind person who is concerned about the rules of society and how other people treat each other, so it makes sense that she would be lawful good.

Robert Barone: Lawful Neutral

Robert is someone who is worried about fairness and people getting their due. As a cop, he is concerned with lawfulness and obedience to authority.

However, while he might be worried about the rules, he’s also not always particularly good. He doesn’t do a lot of bad things, but he can be particularly jealous. He often wants to get back at Ray for the fact that Ray has the life he wants. He’s overall looking to get what he thinks he deserves.

Frank Barone: Neutral Evil

Frank Barone in Pet the Bunny episode of Everybody Loves Raymond
Frank Barone in Pet the Bunny episode of Everybody Loves Raymond
While Marie gets a really bad reputation, Frank is probably worse in many ways. While he’s obviously not completely evil and out doing horrific acts, he’s a pretty cruel person.

He basically cares only about himself, and he’s verbally abusive often. He’s probably the rudest character on the series, and he doesn’t care so much about laws or about freedom, he’s just out for himself.

Marie Barone: Chaotic Neutral

While Marie might be one of the most obnoxious characters on the show, she’s more neutral than evil. There is a side of her that does care about her family, but she’s also highly manipulative.

The reason why she’s chaotic is that she does whatever she wants and, while she might seem like she respects rules, she’s all about making her own rules which is why she is always involved in her son’s life.

Debra Barone: Neutral Good

Everybody Loves Raymond Debra Choke
Everybody Loves Raymond Debra Choke
Debra is the most obvious good character in the Barone family. She is altruistic and tries to look out for others, and she puts a lot of herself into her family.

She’s often someone who seems like they care about rules of society, but she’s not always completely like this. Because she has her moments where she longs for freedom, she’s more on the neutral side.

Ray Barone: Neutral Neutral

Ray is one of the harder characters to place on this alignment chart, but overall, he’s neutral through and through. He has moments where he is reckless and wants adaptability, but he also has moments where he is concerned with rules.

While he’s not bad by any means, he is often very selfish. He doesn’t stick up for his wife much, and he, at the end of the day, is out for himself.

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