Everybody Loves Raymond: 5 Times Raymond & Debra Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Weren’t)

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While it may be questionable whether everyone does, in fact, love the character of Ray on the hit sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond, it is definitely true that Ray and his wife Debra are the beating heart of the show.

They certainly endure a great deal of personal trouble as the series goes on, proving at times to be both the epitome of couple goals and also, paradoxically, as the opposite of that. Here are five times that Debra and Ray were the couple that we all wanted to be, and five times that they weren’t.

Couple Goal: That Time that Debra Actually Made Something Good

Everybody Loves Raymond Debra Bet with Kids against Ray
Everybody Loves Raymond Debra Bet with Kids against Ray
Debra’s chronic inability to make a meal that was in any way appetizing or, to be frank, edible. There was one time, however, where she actually succeeded, shocking both Ray and probably everyone else.

It’s a very satisfying moment, not only because it marks one of those moments When Debra actually manages to get one up on her archenemy Marie, but also because Ray is actually pretty gracious about Debra’s culinary success.

Not Couple Goal: Literally Every Other Time She Cooked

Everybody Loves Raymond Ray and Debra Moving Across the Street
Everybody Loves Raymond Ray and Debra Moving Across the Street
On the other hand, there were far too many other times when Debra wasn’t able to have success in the kitchen. While her failure as a cook is funny in and of itself, the real belly laughs arrive when you see Ray’s inevitable dismay at once again having to eat what she’s serving.

At the same time, it doesn’t speak very highly of their relationship that Ray, rather than helping Debra in the kitchen, prefers instead to make fun of her.

Couple Goal: When They Found Out They Were Having Twins

The twins in Everybody Loves Raymond
The twins in Everybody Loves Raymond
As if Ray and Debra didn’t have enough on their hands, they end up finding out that they are having twin boys. For some couples, this would have come not only as a shock but as something of a burden.

However, this moment between the two of them is one of the tenderest, and you can sense both the genuine chemistry between Romano and Heaton as well as between their characters. It’s a reminder of the truly strong bonds that make up a successful marriage.

Not Couple Goal: The Argument About the Monkey

Every couple has that one argument where each side says something deeply revealing, and not very pleasant, about how they view the other. In this case, they argue about something utterly inconsequential, but Ray reveals that he doesn’t like the look that Debra gives him whenever he starts to do something stupid, and she says that she’s not sure she didn’t marry a monkey.

Admittedly, it’s a silly argument, and it’s hard not to laugh at them, but you also can’t help but think that it reveals some of the dissatisfaction they feel with each other.

Couple Goal: When Debra Told Ray They Were Getting Married

Everybody Loves Raymond Ray and Debra AIS
Everybody Loves Raymond Ray and Debra AIS
It’s probably not surprising that Ray expressed some hesitation about marrying Debra, projecting his own anxieties onto her. You have to give Debra a lot of credit, though, for making sure that Ray knows not only that she loves him but, just as importantly, that he loves her.

It’s one of those moments that reveals that they understand one another and, when the chips are down, they also bring out the best in each other.

Not Couple Goal: That Time They Were Making Out and Marie Walked In

Marie Barone Ray Barone and Debra Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond
Marie Barone Ray Barone and Debra Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond
As much as they spar with one another, there are still moments when Debra and Ray clearly show that there’s still a bit of the old physical spark between the two of them.

Unfortunately, in one of those moments when they’re enjoying a moment of intimacy, the ubiquitous Marie walks in, upon which Ray acts as if it was Debra that was leading the charge. It’s not one of Ray’s best moments, since it shows how much he’s still under his mother’s thrall.

Couple Goal: That Time Debra Watched Ray Get A Toy from a Box of Cereal

You have to give it to Debra. For a woman who is basically married to a giant man-child, she shows an incredible amount of patience and forbearance.

However, there is one surprisingly poignant moment when she looks at him fondly as he fishes around in a box of cereal for a toy. It’s one of those instances in a show with a lot of bickering where Debra shows us, without really speaking a word, that she really does love and care for this man, as infuriating as he can be.

Not Couple Goal: That Time Ray Tried to Control What Debra Wore

Everybody Loves Raymond Debra School Election
Everybody Loves Raymond Debra School Election
What makes Ray such an infuriating character is that, despite the fact that he’s not a very authoritative or assertive person, he likes to act like he is, such as when he tries to tell Debra not to dress provocatively.

Of course, Debra isn’t willing to put up with this and stands up for herself, but the very fact that Ray would even try to control Debra is not only irritating but also shows how little he really understands her.

Couple Goal: Every Time They Danced

One of the things that most couples aim for is physical intimacy, a sense that you are with the person that you feel is your other half. One can see that Ray and Debra, despite everything, have achieved this with one another.

Any time that you see them dancing with each other, starting at their wedding, you can tell that these are two people who are deeply and profoundly in sync. You can’t help but think that they are meant for one another.

Not Couple Goal: Almost Any Time Marie and Debra Disagreed

Debra Marie Everybody Loves Raymond on couch
Debra Marie Everybody Loves Raymond on couch
If there’s one person in the entire series who is something of Debra’s nemesis, it is Marie, Ray’s mother. She simply can’t bring herself to surrender the control she has over Ray, and she time and time again tries to assert her dominance over Debra.

It wouldn’t be so bad, if Ray would stick up for his wife more often but, Ray being Ray, he doesn’t. It’s not exactly what you think of when you envision a strong relationship.

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