Station 19 Round Table: Did the Maya and Mason Reunion Have a Satisfying Conclusion?

A reunion between estranged siblings had an emotional impact.

But with Station 19 Season 7 Episode 7, the season is winding down, and we’re waiting for the pieces to fall into place as the possible conclusion of the series nears.

Join Ellie MV, Heather M., and TV Fanatic Haley Whitmire White, and they unpack the hour.

Did the conclusion of Carina’s lawsuit underwhelm you?

Ellie: Honestly, no. I didn’t know much about that storyline because I thought it would be forgotten after one episode.  However, with how it ended in the episode, it just felt like an unnecessary storyline from the beginning, so it was a waste of time.

Haley: It was similar to how the same storyline with Addison on Private Practice played out. What was the point of recycling that material?Marina Work Together -tall - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 2

A desperate and financially strained mother has a child who was disabled at birth and sues the OB to try and get money to survive; the OB ends up feeling sorry for the mother and giving her resources to help her situation. Nothing new to see here.

Heather: the lawsuit story was boring and unnecessary, and another way the writers made themselves look bad in a shortened season of a show that’s canceled.

What would you grade this week’s call and Station 19 collaborating with the Tulalip tribe?

Ellie: I would grade the call like 1/10 because Station 19 has lost its sparkle with its calls. We used to have great calls during the first seasons. And now, calls last barely five minutes and aren’t that interesting. Truly disappointing for a show about firefighters.

Haley: I really liked this call and the collaboration with the Tulalip people! It was good to see them work respectfully alongside them. I also liked the callout of unnecessary gender reveals, especially ones that are environmentally hazardous.

Heather: I agree with both Ellie and Haley. Calls aren’t exciting anymore, and let’s not start with how terrible the graphics looked for this fire.

But I liked the story of the Tulalip people and this new connection they built. I just hated that it was only Andy they invited to their ceremony. Great job also on spotlighting how stupid and ridiculous gender reveals get these days.

Are you invested in Travis and Domenic potentially becoming a romantic item, or do you think it’s too late in the game for it?

Ellie: Nope. Next question!Stand Back - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 7

Haley: I mean, it seems inevitable, but how am I supposed to have time to invest in a new ship this late? Just put Travis back with Emmett and let them ride off into the sunset.

Heather: It’s too late to get invested in a new love story with so little time left. But here’s what I saw: Travis immediately seemed smitten with this guy. We haven’t seen that look on his face when he meets someone new since the flashbacks of Michael.

Grant was him trying to move forward in his grief, and Emmett he did not love, just lusted after very hard. He fell for Eli because Eli made him feel good about himself, but he messed that up, which didn’t mean that Travis was as invested.

With Travis and Dom’s relationship in the bar, I was completely confused about his comments on divorcing his dead husband, but I understand now he thinks of it that way sometimes to look forward to something new, to the things he didn’t get to have with Michael.

We don’t know if this relationship is going somewhere, but the writers showed Travis finally out from under the weight of his grief that he is looking forward. And thank GOD they weren’t of the montage at the end.

Please share your thoughts about Maya’s reunion with Mason and her eventually cutting him off.

Ellie: As I said for the Pride episode, I wish the writers didn’t have Mason back because it’s the last season.Travis Has the Hose - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 7Danielle was incredible during the reunion, but I wish Mason had developed better than this. I wish we had seen him in the old seasons with Maya trying to help him rather than seeing him as a homophobic person just because it’s the last season.

So, in general, I’m disappointed with the reunion, and I’m not surprised Maya cut him off because he is so hateful, and she doesn’t need that negativity in her life.

We’d love to believe that a good chat will heal all our disconnected relationships, but it’s not realistic.

It was a heartbreaking and well-written scene. I can relate to Maya, and it is an absolutely devastating loss.

Heather: I’m glad it wasn’t a quick resolve story, and I’m glad Maya chose that trigger shot over someone she loved whose mind has been poisoned and turned into living, breathing hatred.

How do you feel about the Maya/Beckett dynamic and their bathroom scene?

Ellie: WHY do Carina & Maya always have deep conversations with their coworkers but never with each other? This is seriously frustrating. And I’m not a fan of that dynamic because I still did not forget what Beckett had done to Maya when he was Captain…Maya Confronts Mason - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 7

Haley: Y’all heard me complain about how much I dislike Beckett, but he is growing on me these last few episodes. I loved his gentle approach and compassion for Maya in the bathroom scene. He was an unexpected source of comfort for her in a stressful and painful moment.

Heather: I really appreciated this moment. It was filled with respect. It showed how Beckett isn’t as cold or aloof as he tries to put on. I know fans want to hear Beckett say I’m sorry to Maya, but I don’t think we will get that.

Instead, we are getting little scenes like this as his way of making up for his bad treatment of her last year. Actions speak louder than words, so I will take these scenes any day.

How do you feel about the Maya/Beckett dynamic and their bathroom scene?Marina Sexy Blindfold Kiss - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 7

Ellie: WHY do Carina & Maya always have deep conversations with their coworkers but never with each other? This is seriously frustrating. And I’m not a fan of that dynamic because I still did not forget what Beckett had done to Maya when he was Captain…

Haley: Y’all heard me complain about how much I dislike Beckett, but he is growing on me these last few episodes. I loved his gentle approach and compassion for Maya in the bathroom scene. He was an unexpected source of comfort for her in a stressful and painful moment.

Heather: I really appreciated this moment. It was filled with respect. It showed how Beckett isn’t as cold or aloof as he tries to put on. I know fans want to hear Beckett say I’m sorry to Maya, but I don’t think we will get that.

Instead, we are getting little scenes like this as his way of making up for his bad treatment of her last year. Actions speak louder than words, so I will take these scenes any day.Theo Reflects on it All - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 7

Haley: My toxic trait is that I ship Thictoria with my whole heart. I agree with Ellie — Vic deserves better — but I can’t help but love them together. I think Theo is trying to be the kind of partner Vic deserves, and I hope to see them evolve into a healthy power couple.

Heather: I was glad to see them have a conversation with laughs, but I wasn’t thrilled they hooked up. I love Vic and Theo together. He was a good boyfriend to her before his interim captaincy.

Neither of them was perfect with each other. She did some hurtful things to him, too. But I’m also glad to hear him realize he was terrible to Vic. I’d love to see them back together, but not by hooking up. They need some deep convo first!

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