Station 19 Season 7 Episode 7 Spoilers: Natasha’s Sister Visits & Vic Gets Shocking News

We’re not getting a break from Station 19’s family members making appearances.

One of the most exciting aspects of Station 19 Season 7 Episode 8 lies in a notable guest star.

The hour will also delve into another topical issue.Sister Problems - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 8

The upcoming installment will be one that heavily features Natasha Ross.

The chief has a lot on her plate as she deals with the constant shifts, financial restraints, and high demands of running the house and trying to keep everyone employed.

However, she also has her personal life to consider as she and Sullivan are planning to get married.

Oddly enough, because so much of her storyline revolves around whether or not she’d have to choose her career or love, there seem to be little to no lasting consequences of their relationship, which never should’ve been controversial in the first place.

No, with the series ending, they’ve focused on more positive changes that can reasonably wrap up the storylines and character arcs.

For Natasha, it’ll be a wedding to Sullivan.  Station 19 Season 7 Episode 8 Spoiler Collage

But before they can consider walking down the aisle, they must address some family matters.

We haven’t seen anyone from Natasha’s life outside of Sullivan, which is likely one of a few reasons why those who struggle with this relationship take issue.

But fortunately for us, that’s changing when we meet Natasha’s sister.

We hit the jackpot with this casting, as an ABC alum who won our hearts in Lost and Mistresses will also make her way to Station 19.

It doesn’t get much better than Yunjin Kim. She’s fantastic, and the prospect of her and Merle Dandridge playing off one another is enough to leave a girl squealing in delight.

Kim will play Jeonghee “Jinny” Lee, and it’s evident she’ll bring a bit of drama into the mix.

Jinny is Natasha’s sister. We already know that Ross’s mother is originally from Seoul, so one can surmise that Jinny was born to a different father.

It’s hard to say whether she’s the oldest or youngest sister, but we’ll surely find out as the two sisters catch up.

Flirty Fiancees - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 8

Jinny comes across as a bit reserved, and it’s clear that her reason for visiting Ntastha goes beyond wanting to meet Sullivan for the first time or celebrating her engagement and eventual marriage.

In the promo, Natasha asks what’s happening with her and why she’s holding something back.

Jinny must have ulterior motives for coming to see Natasha, which must be personal.

It’s interesting to see Jinny and Sullivan interact.

Bless him, Sullivan was eager to hug her and embrace her as family, but Jinny was quick to shut that down and give him a frosty reception instead.

Exes Toast - Station 19

Jinny could be annoyed that she never got to meet Sullivan in all the years that he and Ross have known each other, or maybe she has some sisterly criticism for Ross’Ross’s life, whether it’s his professional career or his romance.

While Maya and Mason’s sibling arc during Station 19 Season 7 Episode 7 was powerful storytelling, it’ll be nice to have something less serious.

Meanwhile, on a professional front, the synopsis teases that Vic will get some surprising news.

Vic has been fighting like hell to save Crisis One, and it seemed like everyone agreed upon a set solution.

Perhaps the inspiration from the Tualip call will lead to some success with grants and enlisting the help of others.

Still Thriving - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 8

Crisis One is still going strong, and that special bond that Vic and Beckett forged may be touched upon a bit based on the two of them together in a promo picture.

It’s been nice to see how well Beckett has been incorporated into the group and how he’s taken to Crisis One and other things.

Vic has been doing rather well. Her emotional breakdown must’ve been cathartic, and she’s bounced back.

Crisis One has a shot at surviving and has a romantic reunion with Theo. Hopefully, they’ll touch on that sexy hookup.

But they’ll definitely pour most of their focus into the socially conscious storyline about asylum seekers.

Still Apologetic  - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 8

We’ve had an influx of asylum seekers all over the country, and it’s become such a hugely political issue that we’ve had to deal with this community of individuals getting bussed all over the country to Sanctuary cities.

Staton 19 has every intention of taking this on.

It’ll be interesting to see how this storyline plays out. But it seems the system will be overrun and tested to the max with the influx of individuals seeking help.

It’s going to be an all-hands-on-deck situation, as everywhere our characters turn, there’s someone ill and in need of services.

Fortunately, we’ll see much of Carina in this, as she tends to a young mother-to-be.

Crisis One Besties - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 8

It sounds like she was either abandoned, or the father of the baby isn’t a decent person or couldn’t cross whatever border.

We can hear Carina telling this young woman they must’ve done something to her.

It’ll likely be an emotional and illuminating hour.

And somewhere amid all of that, the group is so dressed up that it resembles the last ball they attended.

One can only guess that it’s recognition of Crisis One or the clinic assistance that they provided.

Matchmaker Bestie - Station 19 Season 7 Episode 8

It also could mean that they’ve reached a decision about Crisis One, and the entire cast was there to support it at some type of fundraiser or event.

Over to you, Station 19 Fanatics. What’s your speculation? Sound off below!

Station 19 airs on ABC on Thursdays at 10/9c. You can stream the following day on Hulu.

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