Bridgerton’s Victor Alli Reveals Secrets Behind John Stirling’s Season 3 Romance With Francesca

Bridgerton season 3 may belong to Colin and Penelope, but newcomer John Stirling (played by Victor Alli) has won over plenty of hearts thanks to his quiet pursuit of Francesca (now portrayed by Hannah Dodd). Their meet-cute in episode 3, “Forces of Nature”, marked them as twin flames who share a love of silence, while episode 4 (titled “Old Friends”) revealed that the Earl of Kilmartin also shares Francesca’s fondness for music.

Alli has already made a splash among the new Bridgerton season 3 characters, perhaps because of how much added material there is for his story. Francesca’s romance is based on the sixth novel in Julia Quinn’s series, which opens well after John and Francesca wed, and thus the path it follows is rather different from the one being laid out in the Shondaland Netflix show. Francesca is far from the only Bridgerton sibling to have a romance begin earlier than their respective season would suggest, but her pre-book relationship seems to be the most well-received thus far.
Screen Rant interviewed Alli about John’s story thus far in Bridgerton season 3, what fans of his burgeoning romance with Francesca can expect in the second half, and which aspects of his character he hopes to explore in season 4 (and beyond?).

Victor Alli Tells The Story Of John Stirling’s First Bridgerton Scene
Perhaps the most surprising tidbit shared by Alli in our interview was that the first scene he filmed was not his first chronologically — not to mention that his audition scene didn’t take place until Bridgerton season 3, part 2. But both of those moments, complete with conversation, helped him and Dodd establish the camaraderie and quiet chemistry that shines through their first encounter outside the ball in episode 3.

Screen Rant: Francesca and John are so cute. I love how much it’s about the comfortable silence between them, but it makes me wonder how one auditions for such a role because it really is chemistry at a glance. Did you have to do a chemistry test?

Victor Alli: Yeah, we did. We actually did do a chemistry test. And the chemistry test was dialogue, funnily enough. It was a scene from episode 5, and we’re talking about muddy boots to Anthony and Kate. I think it was to see the dynamic between us together and how we function.

But the [first quiet scene], we did it for the first time on set, and that was it. It just worked; it wasn’t awkward, and it wasn’t weird. At first, I was like, ‘Okay, this is really unnatural,” but actually it is natural. I really enjoyed it more than I probably should have. It was really, really fun.

Was “muddy boots” the first scene you filmed, or what scene did you actually go into first as John?
Victor Alli: The first scene that I filmed was the scene when I come into the family home in episode 4. That was the first scene I filmed, and then the first time they met outside the party was later on, actually. It is a weird way how they film, and so meeting Eloise, Violet, Hyacinth, and Gregory all for the first time was quite intense. I was like, “This is the actual home. This is what I see on TV. This is the spot. Gosh, I’m in Bridgerton!”

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And I think I had a lot of those moments where I’m like, “Oh my gosh, I’m actually here. This is it. I’m actually on this job.” I didn’t ever get used to it. It just didn’t hit me. It still hasn’t hit me now.

Exploring John Stirling Beyond His Love For Francesca Bridgerton
John has already made a home for himself in the heart of many Bridgerton viewers, but little is known about his actual home yet. As the Earl of Kilmartin, he is obviously titled and wealthy, but he has not been previously introduced to Francesca or her family, indicating some reserve from the rest of the ton. While his best friend in the books is his cousin, Michael, there is no sense yet of his companions in the show — but such details pose no problem for an actor like Alli.

We don’t really get to know that much about John’s backstory, other than that his family’s a little bit reclusive. Did you talk with Jess Brownell about his history or create your own story for the Kilmartin household?

Victor Alli: Yeah, I think that Jess and her writing team were able to expand what was in the books and really bring to life John’s world and his character and his arc. It was nice to put my trust in the writers, and they did such a beautiful job in telling his and Francesca’s story about their relationship that it felt real. It was a nice ease coming into it.

I didn’t feel like I had to search or grapple or try and bring things and evoke feelings. It was all there, and it made it really easy to slide into it. Good writing does most of the work for the actors, and the writers on this job especially were incredible.

What is your favorite scene that you’ve done thus far? If it’s in the first half, you can be very descriptive. If it’s in the second half, you can be very vague.

Victor Alli: Oh, it’s a mixture. There are some scenes in the second half that I absolutely love. We see a different side of John, and let’s just say I didn’t know that he was a drinker.

So far we’ve seen John through Francesca’s eyes, but as the episodes go on and he becomes more ingrained in the family, is there one Bridgerton that you enjoy interacting with most or that you imagine John being drawn to most, aside from Francesca?
Victor Alli: I don’t know. They’re all so different and so cool. I love all of them as characters and as people.

There are days where I just want to chat with Eloise, and we’re just going back and forth and she’s absolutely making me laugh. And there are days where I’m like, “What are you saying, Gregory?” We just hit it off because he’s so young, but he’s so mature. He’s growing up and coming into himself. And then you have Benedict, who’s just so cool. They’re all so cool.

I remember doing my first scene with Anthony and meeting him for the first time. It was him and Kate, and it was just so intense because they both have such a presence. Doing this scene in front of them was so [nerve-wracking]. The nerves that I felt were so real that you’d think that was all John, but actually it’s me, Victor. I’m scared, but I put it all on John.
My favorite scene thus far was when John brought her the music sheet that he had corrected for her, which was so sweet. How much would you say John himself cares for and understands music, versus how much is him caring and understanding Francesca?

Victor Alli: Listen, I think John’s a composer. He must be. Absolutely. Obviously, Francesca plays the piano, but I think John’s got some music in him. He’s got some music capabilities. I’m not too sure what, but I think he does play the piano as well. Some guitar, and some wind instruments as well. I think he plays the flute, or the clarinet, or the oboe. He could blow an oboe. I think he’d be a pretty good oboe player.

And what amazing gifts for them to have. They both are really musically talented, which is really cool. We could start a two-man band and get all the kids involved. Might even get my cousin involved as well, who knows?

What To Expect From Bridgerton Season 3, Part 2 And In Future Seasons
Now that John’s courtship of Francesca is well underway, Bridgerton book readers may anticipate a shift in the storyline. But unlike in Julia Quinn’s novels, the Netflix show allows viewers to experience their romance firsthand — and all romances, no matter how quietly steady, come with complications. While the present obstacle is Francesca catching the Queen’s eye, meaning Lord Samadani has been thrust in her direction, a future one awaits in the form of one Kilmartin family member in particular.

What would you say fans should be most excited about in the second half, as we see Francesca and John grow closer?

Victor Alli: They will be excited to see more just how the story evolves; how they navigate this world and navigate the people who may not want things to work out as they’d want it to. You’re going to see them coming out of their shell, declaring themselves, having a boogie, shaking a leg, and getting to dance.
Do you know anything about casting your cousin Michael? Might we meet any family members in the last few episodes?

Victor Alli: I’ve actually heard that – this is between you and I – we might possibly do CGI, and I might be playing my twin cousin. So that’s really, really cool. It was a thought in the early works, so I don’t know if it’s going to happen, or if they’re going to follow through. But the last I heard was we’re going to do some CGI, and I’m going to be playing him like Tom Hardy playing the Kray twins [in 2015’s Legend]. I might have sport a beard, who knows?

There’s always discussion among the fans about which sibling is next and how closely their story will adhere to the books. Is that something that you guys talk about on set? Any thoughts on who should be next?

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