Roseanne Barr Stuns Right-Wing Crowd Into Silence With Speech on ‘Stalinists, Communists, Nazi Fascists’

Roseanne Barr spoke at the right-wing Turning Point USA conference in Phoenix, Arizona on Sunday as part of their annual AmericaFest event. She appeared to stun the conservative crowd into silence multiple time as she delivered a speech about “these horrible Communists… Stalinists, Communists, with a huge helping of Nazi fascists thrown in” who want to “replace every Christian democracy on Earth now.”

The comedian appeared wobbly as she took the stage and kicked things off. She said, “If we don’t stop these horrible Communists — do you hear me, I’m asking you to hear me, Stalinists, Communists, with a huge helping of Nazi fascists thrown in, plus one caliphate! To replace every Christian democracy on Earth now! Occupy! Do you know that?!”

“I just want the truth,” she continued. “We deserve to hear the truth. That’s what we want! We want the truth! We don’t care which party is wrong, we know they’re both nothing but crap! They’re both on the take! They’re both stealing us blind! We just want the truth about everything we fought and died and suffered to protect!”

“We want the truth!” Barr bellowed again.

AmericaFest takes place in various locations around the U.S. This year’s event in Phoenix has been described as “infested with antisemitism” by Rolling Stone. On Saturday, the outlet wrote that many of the headliners, including Barr, have openly expressed a “distrust, distaste, or outright hatred of Jewish people.”

In June, Barr told podcast host Theo Von, “Nobody died in the Holocaust. That’s the truth. It should happen. Six million Jews should die right now, ‘cause they cause all the problems in the world.”

Other speakers from the conference who have expressed antisemitic views include Jason Whitlock, a host for Blaze Media; former Fox News host Glenn Beck; Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene; and Tucker Carlson. Each have made a number of troubling and outright disturbed claims about Jews. For example, Beck once accused George Soros, a survivor of the Holocaust, of causing the deaths of Jews.

Charlie Kirk, who founded Turning Point USA, has also been accused of repeating antisemitic claims on his podcast.

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