The Golden Girls: What Your Favorite Character Says About You

The Golden Girls: What Your Favorite Character Says About You

The Golden Girls is a sitcom about four senior women but has fans of every generation, all of whom identify with Blanche, Rose, Sophia, or Dorothy.
The characters in The Golden Girls have been iconic figures in pop culture for decades, which isn’t surprising given their distinct personalities. Even their partners and relatives help round out the colorful cast, helping to shape the dynamic and hilarious lives of Dorothy, Blanche, Sophia, and Rose. The four women have been so influential in the media landscape that the series has become one of the most beloved in American television history, winning several awards and inspiring international variations.
Fans who identify with statuesque academic Dorothy, doe-eyed Rose, flirty Blanche, or wisecracking Sophia span all demographics, a testament to a series that proves one’s senior years don’t need to be devalued, and could instead be full of fierce humor, glamour, and realism. Whichever golden girl (or golden girl’s partner) you identify with, your choice probably says a lot about you!
Dorothy – Astute
Nothing gets past Dorothy Zbornak without a sharply arched brow and witty joiner. Not only has her acerbic commentary become an iconic part of the series, it also stands in for viewer perspective whenever anything ludicrous happens, like when Rose books a vacation package at a nudist colony.

Dorothy’s ability to accurately assess situations makes her not only a solid friend to the girls but also a dutiful daughter to her mother and an empathetic educator at work. Fans of Dorothy’s most likely have good heads on their shoulders, an extensive vocabulary, and don’t suffer fools gladly.
Stan – Dreamer
Like cheating on his ex-wife, Stan often exploits chances that come around through his immediate circumstances, with no plan or guiding moral principle to see him through to their natural conclusions. If it benefits Stan, like a stewardess on the way to Hawaii, he’ll go for it regardless of the repercussions.
That being said, Stan’s opportunistic tendencies have made him take some pretty big business risks, and his relentless passion paid off in the end. When he’s able to put his own self-serving interests aside, he can be surprisingly helpful to others, like when he visited children at a homeless shelter dressed as Santa Claus bearing gifts. If fans like Stan, they probably have a lot of ambition and less than stellar follow-through, but they still follow their dreams.
Sophia – Down To Earth

Aside from her daughter Dorothy, Sophia is the most authentic character on the show. Maybe it’s because she had a stroke, or maybe it’s because she prefers to tell it like it is, but whatever led to her candor, she’s guaranteed to shoot straight with everyone she meets. When the girls have a chance to meet President H.W. Bush, Sophia has a laundry list of things she’s going to demand from him.

Sophia’s salt-of-the-earth sense of humor is part of her Old World charm, and while it can be grating for some, her friends value her homespun wisdom as much as her Sicily stories. Fans of Sophia’s might come off as rude to some or genuine to others.
Pink – Sincere
Existing without a drop of pretense, Rose is the heart of the household, often putting the needs of others before herself. It’s no wonder she takes jobs as a grievance counselor or volunteers at a hospital as a candy striper, no matter if she’s actually bad at them.

Rose’s desire to do good and remind people there’s kindness in the world often goes unrecognized, but her friends don’t doubt her loyalty — even if they can’t stand her St. Olaf stories. Fans who like Rose are probably earnest, open, and friendly, if a little oblivious on occasion.
Miles – Cautious
Rose’s boyfriend Miles, a sensitive history professor, is someone who has to balance a desire to be romantic with a need to be practical. He loves Rose but can’t reveal too much about himself to her, beyond habits and personality traits that come across as officious or fussy.
The secret Miles carries around in later seasons makes him have to think prudently because it impacts his life, and threatens the foundation of his relationship with Rose. If fans like Miles they probably know the value of a dollar, and how to plan for the future.
White – Fearless
This sassy Southern belle is many things, including confidant and “devastatingly beautiful,” but it’s her love of adventure that makes her the most irresistible. While her looks certainly add to her vivacious allure, it’s her thirst for new experiences that makes her a knockout.

Blanche thinks nothing of making plans for three dates in one night, or planning for her friends to accompany her on a murder mystery dinner retreat. Fans of Blanche’s are most likely just as fearless as the Georgia peach, know how to command a room with their worldly perspective, and have a great wardrobe.

Uncle Angelo – Free-Spirited
As Uncle Angelo tells it, he meant to honor his parents’ wishes and become a priest, but a beautiful woman turned his head and he chose to follow her instead. In many ways, Angelo’s choice mimics his personality: interested in a life lived uncompromisingly and with gusto.

Angelo Grisanti is the relative seen the most on the series after the mysterious disappearance of Angela, and he’s the perfect foil for his curmudgeonly sister Sophia. To Angelo, life isn’t worth living if it isn’t filled with new experiences and stimulation. Fans of Uncle Angelo’s probably live life on their own terms and appreciate beautiful things.
Salvadore – Loyal
Though he only appears in flashbacks and dreams, Salvadore was an omnipresent part of the series. It was clear that he was the love of Sophia’s life, even if she didn’t always speak about him in glowing terms. When she allowed herself to be vulnerable, she admitted the truth about their connection.

Salvadore worked hard through the Depression to support his family, and Sophia worked right beside him. He had a sly sense of humor (which he employed to lighten the tension during difficult times) and appreciated his wife’s fiery personality. Salvadore’s fans probably appreciate working hard and playing hard, reserving their loyalty for those who stick it out with them through the tough times.

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