All 15 On-Screen Pairings Between Friends’ Main Characters, Ranked

All 15 On-Screen Pairings Between Friends’ Main Characters, Ranked

Friends’ characters are great because of the different dynamics displayed when pairing with each other; however, some duos work better than others.
One of Friends’ greatest achievements is to explore every one-on-one combination between the six main characters; however, each duo works differently. For a show to be as successful as Friends’ was and continues to be, there are several elements that need to work perfectly, the cast being one of them. Fortunately, each of Friends’ six main cast members proves to have incredible chemistry with one another, both as a larger group and when paired off for separate storylines.

Part of the cast of Friends’ greatness lies in how well every member works both individually and within the group. Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe all have their own distinctiveness and unique traits to offer when combined with other members of the group. The chemistry displayed by the actors in each of these combinations and the opportunities they offer made it possible for the show to produce 236 episodes while continuing to present fresh and new outings. Although a few of those combinations are not that frequent or simple to rank as the worst, Friends’ duos are each great in their own way.
Monica & Joey
Joey & Monica’s Relationship Isn’t Too Relevant
Monica and Joey are surely not the best pairing, and it’s obvious why the writers didn’t explore that bond deeper. Early in the show, Joey and Monica mainly connect through Joey’s constant jokes about liking Monica, which in retrospect are not too funny. Additionally, Monica is a great chef and Joey likes to eat, so they have a link there, but that aspect is fairly limited with regard to potential storylines. Once Monica marries Chandler, Joey takes the symbolic role of the son of that relationship and while it does create some good moments, it is more related to Joey and Chandler’s relationship transformation than it is to Monica and Joey’s.
Phoebe & Chandler
Chandler & Phoebe Don’t Have A Deep Connection
Phoebe and Chandler are one of the least common pairings in Friends. Even though they have rather good chemistry and some fine moments throughout Friends’ 10 seasons, it is not the best match. The highlight of this duo is the time they both pretend to seduce each other in Friends season 5, episode 14, “The One Where Everybody Finds Out.” While it is a good moment, this scene is more about Chandler and Monica than it is about Chandler and Phoebe. While Phoebe’s brutal honesty creates some great scenes by making Chandler aware of his personality issues, those are not the most remembered moments in the show.
Rachel & Chandler
Rachel And Chandler’s Chemistry Should Have Been Explored Further
Rachel and Chandler are another not-so-frequently-seen but highly underrated pairing in Friends. Even though the chemistry between the two of them can be seen a mile away due to Matthew Perry and Jennifer Aniston’s real-life friendship, the writers didn’t exploit this particular bond as deeply as they could have. They have some funny storylines, such as the time when Chandler dates Rachel’s boss, and they have some cute complicity moments, such as when they steal the cheesecake together. Additionally, Rachel and Chandler are shown to really care for each other on several occasions, but their overlapping storylines largely become connected through their friendships or relationships with Ross and Monica.
Ross & Joey
Ross And Joey’s Relationship Hasn’t Aged Well
Ross and Joey prove to be close friends, but they have little in common and primarily only hang out together through Chandler. Still, they have some funny moments due to their conflicting personalities and rivalries through romantic interests. Ross and Joey combined also generate a very stereotypical male sitcom dynamic in which they usually make fun of each other. Joey teases Ross for being a nerd, while Ross teases Joey for not being too smart. Additionally, they have many storylines together in which they somehow feel their masculinity at risk, such as the episode where they take a nap. Considering that, this relationship is good but has aged poorly.
Rachel & Joey
Rachel And Joey Are A Great Duo Ruined By An Unnecessary Relationship

Rachel and Joey are a great pairing, mainly because they both share a very important quality. The dup can often be more immature within the friend group and are connected with their inner child. For that very reason, they always create fun and endearing moments together, reaching their peak when Rachel moves in with Joey. This relationship in particular doesn’t rank better for the sole fact that the writers decided to ruin it by creating a forced romance between them.
Monica & Phoebe
Monica And Phoebe Secretly Hate Each Other (And It Works Great)
Monica and Phoebe are great together and make up one of Friends’ most underrated pairings. Even though they don’t have a great number of storylines as a duo, they have opposite personalities that frequently clash, creating some hilarious moments. Phoebe’s constant remarks about Monica’s personality, together with the backstory of when they used to live together, indicate that they could easily have stopped being friends.

Even keeping that in mind, the duo works really well from a comedy angle, creating funny moments such as when they fight over Phoebe playing music at Monica’s restaurant. Monica and Phoebe provide a dynamic similarity to Joey and Ross, but maintain a much deeper connection. Ultimately, Monica and Phoebe’s friendship proves time and again to be underscored with genuine love for one another.
Phoebe & Ross
Phoebe And Ross Have More In Common Than It Seems
Regarding opposite personalities, Ross and Phoebe make the best duo. Surely, they are another underrated couple as they don’t have a great number of moments together, but many provide comedy gold. Ross’ logical nature in opposition to Phoebe’s unorthodox view of life creates amazing moments, such as the time they fight over the concept of evolution. However, one of the best moments in this duo is actually when they connect through music. Phoebe being the only one to genuinely support Ross’ unique “sound” shows another angle of this relationship. Despite being so different, they share this geeky, unconventional view of art that makes their bond truly special.
Ross & Chandler
Ross And Chandler Go Through Many Different Stages In Friends
Ross and Chandler combined also generate a very stereotypical male sitcom dynamic, but in a far better way than Ross and Joey’s relationship. What is best about this duo is how many layers and stages the bond undergoes throughout Friends’ ten seasons. From a goofier and immature stage in college, to being adult best friends, to finally becoming brothers-in-law, Ross and Chandler’s connection takes on many labels. This process of transformation is plagued by both funny and emotional moments that make the duo very complete. Ross finding out about Chandler and Monica, for example, is very funny, but simultaneously shows a great moment in their relationship as they become family.

Rachel & Monica
Rachel And Monica Are A Very Relatable Duo In Friends
Monica and Rachel’s pairing is the female version of Ross and Chandler’s. However, what makes this relationship better is their opposing personalities. Monica and Rachel have one of the most well-rounded relationships in Friends, considering the various moments they go through together. They have some great fight scenes, such as when they argue over Jean-Claude Van Damme and when Rachel must move out. But, they also share some of the most emotional moments of the show, like when they realize how sad it is that they are not going to live together anymore. In the end, what makes Rachel and Monica’s relationship great is that many best friends can see each other in them.
Rachel & Phoebe
Rachel & Phoebe Are One Of Friends’ Most Underrated Pairings
Phoebe and Rachel are a very underrated pairing. Even though, unlike Monica and Rachel, for instance, this duo does not come across as the most relatable friendship ever, they work well together and create some great scenes. The beauty of this combination lies in the fact that Phoebe and Rachel’s personalities find their balance with Monica. When Monica is out of the picture, there seems to be a complete lack of order that creates very unpredictable scenarios. Their chaotic nature when trying to solve an issue finds its peak in “The One Where Everybody Finds Out,” when they try to prevent Ross from seeing Monica and Chandler kissing.

Rachel and Joey are a great pairing, mainly because they both share a very important quality. The dup can often be more immature within the friend group and are connected with their inner child. For that very reason, they always create fun and endearing moments together, reaching their peak when Rachel moves in with Joey. This relationship in particular doesn’t rank better for the sole fact that the writers decided to ruin it by creating a forced romance between them.
Monica & Phoebe
Monica And Phoebe Secretly Hate Each Other (And It Works Great)
Monica and Phoebe are great together and make up one of Friends’ most underrated pairings. Even though they don’t have a great number of storylines as a duo, they have opposite personalities that frequently clash, creating some hilarious moments. Phoebe’s constant remarks about Monica’s personality, together with the backstory of when they used to live together, indicate that they could easily have stopped being friends.

Even keeping that in mind, the duo works really well from a comedy angle, creating funny moments such as when they fight over Phoebe playing music at Monica’s restaurant. Monica and Phoebe provide a dynamic similarity to Joey and Ross, but maintain a much deeper connection. Ultimately, Monica and Phoebe’s friendship proves time and again to be underscored with genuine love for one another.
Phoebe & Ross
Phoebe And Ross Have More In Common Than It Seems
Regarding opposite personalities, Ross and Phoebe make the best duo. Surely, they are another underrated couple as they don’t have a great number of moments together, but many provide comedy gold. Ross’ logical nature in opposition to Phoebe’s unorthodox view of life creates amazing moments, such as the time they fight over the concept of evolution. However, one of the best moments in this duo is actually when they connect through music. Phoebe being the only one to genuinely support Ross’ unique “sound” shows another angle of this relationship. Despite being so different, they share this geeky, unconventional view of art that makes their bond truly special.
Ross & Chandler
Ross And Chandler Go Through Many Different Stages In Friends
Ross and Chandler combined also generate a very stereotypical male sitcom dynamic, but in a far better way than Ross and Joey’s relationship. What is best about this duo is how many layers and stages the bond undergoes throughout Friends’ ten seasons. From a goofier and immature stage in college, to being adult best friends, to finally becoming brothers-in-law, Ross and Chandler’s connection takes on many labels. This process of transformation is plagued by both funny and emotional moments that make the duo very complete. Ross finding out about Chandler and Monica, for example, is very funny, but simultaneously shows a great moment in their relationship as they become family.
Rachel & Monica
Rachel And Monica Are A Very Relatable Duo In Friends
Monica and Rachel’s pairing is the female version of Ross and Chandler’s. However, what makes this relationship better is their opposing personalities. Monica and Rachel have one of the most well-rounded relationships in Friends, considering the various moments they go through together. They have some great fight scenes, such as when they argue over Jean-Claude Van Damme and when Rachel must move out. But, they also share some of the most emotional moments of the show, like when they realize how sad it is that they are not going to live together anymore. In the end, what makes Rachel and Monica’s relationship great is that many best friends can see each other in them.
Rachel & Phoebe
Rachel & Phoebe Are One Of Friends’ Most Underrated Pairings
Phoebe and Rachel are a very underrated pairing. Even though, unlike Monica and Rachel, for instance, this duo does not come across as the most relatable friendship ever, they work well together and create some great scenes. The beauty of this combination lies in the fact that Phoebe and Rachel’s personalities find their balance with Monica. When Monica is out of the picture, there seems to be a complete lack of order that creates very unpredictable scenarios. Their chaotic nature when trying to solve an issue finds its peak in “The One Where Everybody Finds Out,” when they try to prevent Ross from seeing Monica and Chandler kissing.

Rachel & Ross
Rachel And Ross’ Storyline Is A Key Element In The Show
Rachel and Ross are arguably the most important pairing in Friends, since their love story is presented in the very first episode of the show and resolved in the series finale. The greatness of this duo lies in two key facts. First, Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer’s chemistry is the most powerful in the show. Second, they are among the most versatile actors in the cast, which makes them achieve some great comic moments, like in Vegas, or great dramatic moments, such as in “The One The Morning After.” The only reason they don’t rank better is because, in retrospect, their relationship is a bit toxic.
Monica & Chandler
Monica And Chandler Work As A Single Character By The End Of Friends
Monica and Chandler’s romantic relationship has less hype than Rachel and Ross’, but in many ways, it is better. The first thing that sets this duo apart is the fact that their relationship grows more gradually. All the stages of their relationship are handled at a great pace, and the fact that everything always moves forward with stability makes them develop a great dynamic couple, almost becoming one single character. At one point, this is kind of sad, because by the end of the show, the Monica and Chandler from the first seasons are pretty much gone, but it says a lot about the power of this pairing.
Phoebe & Joey
In Friends, Phoebe And Joey Are The Leftovers
Considering audiences love romantic storylines and that four out of six friends are involved with each other, Joey and Phoebe could divisively be considered the “leftovers.” From that angle and because they are the two most eccentric and unpredictable characters, their relationship is dynamite. While nobody listens to Joey’s ideas, Phoebe always believes in him. That can be perfectly seen when Phoebe decides to help Joey convince his identical hand-twin to do business with him. The chaotic nature of the pairing creates some of the wildest and most unforgettable moments. However, what is best is how they care about and protect each other, knowing their place in the gang.
Monica & Ross
Monica And Ross Together Are Completely Different Characters
Regarding relatable pairings in Friends, Monica and Ross’ sibling dynamic is one of the best. What’s great about this duo is that they are two completely different characters when they are together. Both Ross and Monica have mature personalities; however, when hanging out with each other they behave like teenage siblings. That side of them spawns amazing moments, such as the Thanksgiving episode with the Geller Cup. However, the highlight of this relationship is the dance routine storyline, as it sums up the complicity they both have. The sibling love and hate is so well achieved by Schwimmer and Cox that it makes them Friends’ second-best duo.
Chandler & Joey
Joey And Chandler Are Friends’ Most Relatable Duo
As their dynamic was previously established, Ross and Rachel’s relationship provides one of the sitcom’s biggest overarching storylines. What happens with Joey and Chandler is similar, albeiet in a platonic way, but also takes it a step further. There is no way that Ross and Rachel could have their own show, but Chandler and Joey could easily have their own sitcom.

This duo works great mainly because it responds to a very old and successful stereotypical comedy couple dynamic. Joey and Chandler are a variation of the “opposites” duo that has proven to be very effective throughout TV and movie history. However, what takes this relationship beyond a comedy stereotype is the chemistry and deeper bond they have with each other. The stages the relationship undergoes, the hardships that they go through together, and the incredible chemistry displayed by LeBlanc and Perry make Chandler and Joey the most functional and relatable on-screen pairing in Friends.

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