How Jay Can See The Spirits In Ghosts Season 4

Despite my concern, I’m intrigued to see how the series introduces this new element. Jay could suffer a concussion or be temporarily in a coma, resting at home, and the altered state could facilitate a new ability to interact with the ghosts. Likewise, Jay’s ability to see ghosts could be an extension of Sasappis’ ability to enter his dreams — a twist I could get behind. Jay could also have a near-death experience where he can temporarily see the ghosts as his life hangs in the balance.

Jay temporarily being able to interact with the ghosts in some gray area between life and death is probably the series’ best bet when executing the twist. Ghosts lore has established that nearly everyone can see ghosts as they transition between life and death. The series shows it happening whenever anyone dies or almost dies, like when Bela’s friend Eric was electrocuted in season 2 so that Trevor could possess him. Anyway, this change may be temporary. Sam has a unique ability, and two humans with the same rare ability in the same house feel unbelievable and more fake than fantastical.

Ghosts season 4 will premiere Thursday, October 17, at 8:30 pm Eastern.

Perhaps Ghosts wants to refresh the series’ premise, but it’s a significant risk since it has been highly successful. If Jay could suddenly conspire with the other ghosts in the series, it risks throwing the show out of balance. I can’t see the series functioning without it, so I’m cautious about this new change. Jay’s unique role in the series is a reliable, ongoing gag that provides comedic relief and tethers Ghosts to reality.

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