10 Best Ross Geller Episodes Across All 10 Seasons Of Friends, Ranked

10 Best Ross Geller Episodes Across All 10 Seasons Of Friends, Ranked

Throughout Friends’ ten seasons, Ross showcases a wide variety of endearing qualities; ten episodes reflect Ross’ many angles at his best.
Ross is one of Friends’ most versatile characters, as throughout the seasons he undergoes many different stages, showcased in several memorable episodes; however, there are ten of them that show the best of him. Almost two decades after the final episode aired, people keep watching Friends, and new viewers discover it constantly. A huge reason behind the series’ success is how endearing its characters are.

Friends’ characters’ beauty lies in the fact they all have the same relevance and shine one way or another through the show’s many episodes. Ross’ distinctiveness is strictly related to its versatility. He experiences many different stages that make him unique. Ross can be liked and can be irritating; he can be funny through great physical comedy or pull punch lines and jokes with a very precise sense of timing. He is also known for being part of some of Friend’s most dramatic moments. Finally, he is great as the lead but is also stunning as a supporting character. These ten episodes reflect at least one of these qualities.
Friends Season 5, Episode 11
The One With All The Resolutions
In “The One With All The Resolutions”, the six friends set clear goals ahead of the new year. Ross’ resolution involves doing something new every day, so he buys a pair of leather pants and wears them on a date, which is one of the best Ross’ outfits. At first, he feels confident about wearing his new clothes, but he soon starts to feel uncomfortable. This episode is great as it shows Ross’ quality of being funny while bad things happen to him. While this angle is exploited in several Friends episodes, like the one with the teeth and the one with the tan, Schwimmer’s physical comedy is at the top of the game in this installment.
Friends Season 4, Episode 12
The One Where The Embryos
Ross Although naturally tends to be the lead, “The One With The Embryos” shows his capacity as a supporting character. This episode is mainly about Phoebe’s insemination and Joey and Chandler competing against Monica and Rachel. However, one way or another, Ross manages to steal the episode by being a great contest presenter. Not only is he funny while presenting, but he also acts as a moderator for the rest of the characters to shine. This installment is another sample of Ross’ versatility as a character and his ability to create memorable moments.
Friends Season 6, Episode 10
The One With The Routine
“The One With The Routine” is a great display of physical comedy by Ross, showcasing incredible onscreen chemistry with Courtney Cox’s Monica. This episode showcases a much geekier angle of Ross that always proves to be very effective at generating laughs. Janine, Joey’s roommate, invites them to participate in the shooting of “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rocking Eve”, for which both Ross and Monica have a blade fanaticism. While the premise already sets a very funny side of Ross, everything done on the set of Dick Clark in terms of physical comedy is priceless. The routine alone is reason enough for this to be considered one of Ross’ best episodes.

Friends Season 5, Episode 7
The One Where Ross Moves In
“The One Where Ross Moves In” features Ross at a rather hard time in his life. Joey and Chandler offer him to live with them while he finds an apartment. However, things get complicated once they find out it is a little hard to live with. This is a great Ross episode as it shows some of Ross’ most annoying moments and a negative side of him that is then turned around by some brilliant and subtle acting by David Schwimmer. The moment Ross decides to rent the awful apartment Joey and Chandler talked to him into renting shows why Ross is such a likable character despite being so annoying at some points.
Friends Season 3, Episode 16
The One The Morning After
“The One With The Morning After” is arguably Friends’ most heartbreaking episode. Rachel wants to talk things over with Ross and makeup after having taken a break, and Ross is trying desperately to prevent Rachel from finding out that he had sex with somebody else. Rachel eventually finds out, which triggers one of Friends’ saddest moments. While there are some comic relief moments, it is the most dramatic episode of the show. However, it represents a very important moment in Ross and Rachel’s relationship and a great dramatic display by both. Ross is heartbreaking in this installment and allows David Schwimmer to shine beyond comedy.

Friends Season 4, Episode 1
The One With The Jellyfish
Every Friends character reaches a great level at this point of the show and Ross is not the exception. “The One With The Jellyfish” is one of Friends’ funniest episodes. Ross and Rachel get back together after they admit they still have feelings for each other. However, Rachel needs Ross to read a very long letter (eighteen pages front and back!) before continuing with their relationship. Ross comic timing and expressions when receiving the letter are brilliant, but what makes this episode great is the final fight with Rachel, which is pure comedy, in opposition to the previous fight between them.
Friends Season 4, Episode 15
The One With All The Rugby
The falling-in-love-with-Emily stage is a great Ross stage as it allows the character to break some schemes, creating funny Ross moments. “The One With All The Rugby” showcases one of these moments of Ross trying to behave more wildly. The episode gives Schwimmer the possibility to display a great balance of physical comedy and comic timing. Emily runs into some friends from England who invite Ross to play rugby with them. Ross agrees but soon realizes that rugby is a very physical and tough sport. Red Ross is the highlight joke of the episode, while Ross being goofy and cute at the same time gives the character a special touch.
Friends Season 8, Episode 8
The One With The Stripper
“The One With The Stripper” features a recurring angle of Ross’ character, where unfortunate things happen to him. While Ross’ romantic relationship with Mona is becoming more serious, Rachel tells her father that she is pregnant with Ross’ baby and that they are not going to get married. Mr. Green confronts Ross while he is having a date with Mona in one of the most brilliant displays of comic timing by Schwimmer. If “The One with The Leather Pants” is all about Ross being funny while bad things happen to him through incredible physical humor, this episode achieves that through comic timing and an excellent sense of acting and reacting.
Friends Season 3, Episode 2
The One Where No One’s Ready
Considering that “The One Where No One’s Ready” is the best of Friends’ bottled episodes and that takes place in real-time and within a single location, Ross is a huge reason behind the episode’s greatness. This might not be Ross’ funniest episode, but he sure holds the weight of the entire episode on his back brilliantly. Ross has this very important black-tie event at the museum, which all the gang is attending. However, no one seems to be ready on time and that gets on Ross’ nerves. The gradual way Ross loses it is brilliant, but what makes this a great episode for him is his transformation arc.
Friends Season 5, Episode 9
The One With Ross’s Sandwich
“The One With Ross’ Sandwich” is Ross’ best episode as it shows a whole side of him unknown until that point in the show. In this installment, Ross is undergoing a very stressful situation as he has recently divorced, and nothing seems to quite work in his life. When someone at the museum eats his Thanksgiving leftover sandwich, Ross’ favorite food, he loses it. Ross is great in this episode since he shows a very wide variety of emotions in very short periods, such as anger and happiness. However, what sets this episode apart, is the way Ross passionately describes the sandwich and the post-medication scene at the Central Perk.

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