Gordon Ramsay shares top tips to make ‘perfect’ homemade burgers – and you’re probably doing it wrong

Nothing quite compares to a great burger! Yet, from charred hockey pucks on the grill to greasy, flavorless patties, we all know not all burgers are created equal.

Gordon Ramsay has revealed how to make the perfect burger

If you’re aiming to create the ultimate burger, renowned celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has shared the common mistakes people make – and unveiled his seven essential steps to burger perfection.
With several burger joints to his name, including an iconic one in Las Vegas, Ramsay’s insights are gold. Here are his essential tips:
1. Mix up your meats.

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For a burger bursting with flavor, high-quality meat is key. Combining different cuts can enhance both taste and texture.

Gordon suggests adding chuck for moisture, along with ground beef and brisket for complexity. But don’t hesitate to experiment!

He advises: “The secret to the perfect burger is a blend. We’ve got chuck, ground beef and a little bit of brisket.”
2. Let your burgers firm up.

Tired of patties crumbling in the pan? Gordon has a clever trick up his sleeve for you.

For those looking to craft the ultimate burger, it’s suggested to let your patties set overnight for that perfect shape and firmness. A pro chef advises seasoning them well in advance.

The culinary maestro from Hell’s Kitchen shared his tips: “First things first, season it. Then bind it together with a bit of egg, which sticks them together.”

“Try and get it done the day before and set them in the fridge so they stay nice and firm. That way they don’t fall apart when you get them on the grill.”

3. Prevent sticking.

Nothing is more frustrating than having your carefully shaped patty stick to the pan, potentially ruining its form and leaving behind charred remnants.

To avoid this kitchen nightmare, make sure to oil your grill properly to prevent any sticking. Resist the urge to constantly poke at them with a spatula flip only after one side is thoroughly cooked.

Gordon advised: “The more you move it, the more chance you’ve got of breaking the burger.”

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4. Toast the buns.

A soggy bun can be a major burger faux pas, detracting from the delightful contrast in textures that makes a burger truly satisfying.

The celebrated chef elaborated: “Why do we toast the buns? Because there’s nothing worse than a soggy bun. If you toast the bun it gets nice and crisp and protects the burger.”

5. Add butter.

For a visually appealing, succulent brown crust on your patties, tossing some butter into the pan is key. It not only enhances the appearance but also adds a layer of rich taste.

Gordon revealed: “Now at my burger restaurant in Las Vegas, we baste the burgers with Devonshire butter.”

“Today, we’re going to lightly brush a bit of butter onto the burgers. The flame caramelises the butter and puts this wonderful colour on top. It makes the burgers so tasty.”

6. A hint of seasoning can make all the difference.

Whip out your spice cabinet for this step!

No matter what you’re whipping up in the kitchen, a dash of seasoning can truly make your dishes pop. Don’t forget to reach for the salt next time you’re creating a culinary masterpiece!

The chef continues: “Lightly season them on the grill from a distance. The first part of the seasoning is before you’ve cooked, the second part is literally before you’ve taken them off. It’s really important season, season, season, season.”

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