Fire Country Reveals Big Arsonist Mystery in the Most Disappointing Way Ever

Fire Country Reveals Big Arsonist Mystery in the Most Disappointing Way Ever

Fire Country continues to keep audiences in suspense, but it seems that the plot twist with the arsonist has left many dissatisfied.

The previous episode ended on a painful cliffhanger, leaving fans wondering who the arsonist is and if he is part of the fire team.

The main suspicion fell on Jake. The writers seemed to want to confuse the viewers by leaving little hints that Jake was guilty.

In one of the scenes, Jake admits to another firefighter that he set fire to his room on purpose when he was a kid.

Then we see Sharon telling Manny that investigators believe the serial arsonist is a member of the fire department. Bode’s mother claims that Jake not only fits the profile — he is a profile.

However, other fans refused to believe in Jake’s guilt and their eyes fell on Collin.

“Collin has got to be the arsonist. He’s just seemed odd from the start. No way they make Jake the arsonist. That fire story of his as a kid is just the shows weak misdirect,” Reddit user ViperFive1 shared.

Viewers agreed that he acted suspiciously, had a rebellious past, and constantly asked questions about other members of the team.

However, many felt that such a twist would be too obvious for a show with a plot as good as Fire Country ‘s. But that is exactly what happened.

Collin turned out to be the very arsonist, and now Jake is suspicious of his colleagues who were ready to put the blame on him.

Many are disappointed that the perpetrator turned out to be the same person who was first introduced in the episode and to whom the writers’ red arrows seemed to be pointing.

“The episode Probie is introduced is the episode the arsonist is introduced. I really thought they wouldn’t make it that obvious but…they did,” Reddit user jdessy commented.

While the plot twist itself turned out to be a little bit too obvious, many agree that it adds tension to the show’s plot in a good way.

Now everyone but Bode will have to regain Jake’s trust, and Jake himself will have to learn to trust his colleagues again.

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