Why Gordon Ramsay Never Sits With His Kids on a Plane

Gordon Ramsay is renowned worldwide for his exceptional cuisine and fiery television persona. His dedication has contributed to an impressive net worth of around $54 million, according to Forbes.

However, Ramsay emphasizes the importance of hard work and instills that value in his children. “I’ve never been really turned on about the money,” he recently told The Telegraph. “That’s not my number one objective, and that’s reflected in how the kids are raised.”

Ramsay and his wife, Tana, are strict about not spoiling their four children—Matilda, 15, Jack and Holly, 17, and Megan, 18. When they travel, the kids fly in coach while their parents enjoy first class. “They don’t sit with us in first class. They haven’t worked anywhere near hard enough to afford that. At that age, you’re telling me they need to sit in first class? No, they do not. We’re really strict on that,” he explained. “I turn left with Tana and they turn right, and I tell the chief stewardess, ‘Make sure those little f—— don’t come anywhere near us; I want to sleep on this plane.’ I worked my f—— arse off to sit that close to the pilot, and you appreciate it more when you’ve grafted for it.”

Each child receives about $50 a week to manage their phone bills and bus fare, and they’ve all learned to cook as a necessary life skill rather than a career path. “I never want to put that onus on them. I don’t want them to be seen as ‘Ramsay’s daughter’ or ‘Ramsay’s son,’” he said.

In addition to their responsibilities at home, Ramsay’s children are expected to forge their own paths financially. He made it clear that his fortune is “certainly not going to them.”

“I’ve been super lucky to have had a career for the last 15 years in the U.S. It has earned a fortune, and I respect everything I’ve got,” he stated.

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