11 Possible Blue Bloods Deaths Before The Reagans’ Story Ends

One or even several Blue Bloods characters may die before the series wraps up. The Tom Selleck-led cop and family drama has been a fan favorite for 14 years because of its focus on family values and mission to show the NYPD in a fair and positive light. The series often wins its Friday night time slot and was so popular that CBS aired fan-chosen reruns in that slot during the writers’ and actors’ strikes of 2023, but CBS made the disappointing decision to cancel Blue Bloods, so it will air its final episode in December 2024.

There is widespread speculation that there will be a major death before Blue Bloods ends. Behind-the-scenes photos featuring Nicky’s (Sami Gayle) return showed some cast members in dress uniform, suggesting they had come from a funeral, and a recent Blue Bloods season 14 update teased a surprise that could be a death. If this were to happen, it would make the ending of the series bittersweet. While the four main Reagans are probably safe, given that the finale will involve them working on a case together, there are several characters whose deaths would strongly impact the series finale.

11.Jackie Curatola (Jennifer Esposito)

Danny’s Former Partner

Although Danny hasn’t worked regularly with Jackie since season 3, her death would strongly impact his final storyline. When Jackie returned during the season 13 finale, it sparked discussion about whether Danny and Jackie could become romantic partners by the series’ end. Additionally, Jackie faced life-threatening danger when a serial killer targeted her, which offered a preview of how Danny would feel if anything happened to her. His upset and determination to save her on that occasion would make it doubly painful if she were to die now, after he had successfully prevented a tragic end for her once.

Jackie’s death would not hit as hard as a major character’s death, as Danny has not worked with her regularly for years. However, they clearly still have a connection, and the family would once again rally around Danny to support him, as they did when Linda died. That said, this death would not be the best option for a series finale, as it would end Danny’s storyline with him losing a third person to death after already struggling with grief over both Joe Reagan and Linda’s murders, and would end the series on a depressing note.

10.Luis Badillo (Ian Quinlan)

Eddie’s Current Partner

Badillo has only been a part of Blue Bloods since season 12, so he’s the perfect candidate if Blue Bloods wants to make the audience think a major character will die while instead killing off a minor one. However, his death would still be impactful because of his close and often adversarial relationship with Eddie. When Badillo and Eddie were originally put together, they couldn’t stand each other, but have come to respect and care about one another, and Eddie would likely take it hard if he were killed.

Eddie might realize too late that despite Badillo’s attitude toward her and the Reagans in general, he cared deeply about her and considered her a friend.

Any potential Badillo death would likely be in the line of duty, which would make it more impactful, as Eddie would have survivor’s guilt after the incident. Eddie might realize too late that despite Badillo’s attitude toward her and the Reagans in general, he cared deeply about her and considered her a friend. These revelations could contribute to an emotional and memorable finale without being depressing.

9.Sid Gormley (Robert Clohessy)

An Outspoken Member Of Frank’s Dream Team

It would hurt to lose any of Frank’s Dream Team, but Sid Gormley’s death would be especially heartbreaking. Although he’s only worked with Frank since season 5, Gormley has been part of the series from the beginning, as he was initially Danny’s commanding officer, whom Danny didn’t get along with. Frank offered him the opportunity to work with him instead after firing a corrupt member of his team, and Sid has been a thorn in his side ever since.

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Gormley is not out in the field very often and is the most pro-cop voice in Frank’s department, often standing up for cops who deserve to be disciplined for inappropriate or corrupt behavior. Thus, it’s hard to imagine a situation in which Sid’s death makes sense unless he contracts a terminal disease. However, while his death is unlikely it would be highly impactful, given his long relationships with both Frank and Danny, even if this would not be the best ending for Blue Bloods.

8.Abigail Baker (Abigail Hawk)

The Quietest Member Of Frank’s Dream Team

Abigail has shown the most growth of all of Frank’s members of his Dream Team. In the early seasons, she often was nothing more than a receptionist who kept track of Frank’s appointments and let him know when he had a visitor. However, over the years, she has become a fan favorite because she is unafraid of speaking up when she thinks Frank is on the wrong path and has demonstrated her strength in numerous episodes.

It would be devastating for Frank if something were to happen to Abigail; additionally, it would wipe out her potential as a new police commissioner to succeed Frank at the end of Blue Bloods if she were to die. This all-around tragic result is unlikely since she usually works in Frank’s office, but Abigail is a detective who occasionally goes out in the field. Thus, it is not as improbable as Sid’s death would be, though it would be a depressing end to the series.

7.Garrett Moore (Gregory Jbara)

The Deputy Commissioner And Frank’s PR Expert

Garrett has the most adversarial relationship with Frank of all of his staff. Although they respect one another, the two men have opposite perspectives. Garrett often sees issues from the perspective of public relations and emphasizes optics and political considerations when giving his opinion, while Frank usually doesn’t care what anyone thinks and is focused on following his own moral compass.

Frank’s stubbornness and commitment to his values have often strained his relationship with Garrett, which would make it even more difficult for him to deal with if something happened to Garrett. Fortunately, it’s not likely that Garrett will suffer a tragic fate, although he could get caught in the crossfire if a protest turns violent or someone attacks the staff during a press conference. He will hopefully avoid this fate and will be there to support Frank during the series finale.

6.Joe Hill (Will Hochman)

Frank’s Grandson Who Didn’t Grow Up With The Reagans

Killing off Joe Hill might cross the line into unnecessary cruelty. Joe was introduced in season 10 as the grandson that Frank never knew existed. His father was the late Joe Reagan, so if he were to be killed off, it would feel as if Blue Bloods’ Reagan family was losing his beloved father for a second time. This would not be a positive way to end the series; additionally, Joe is a fan favorite who has gotten less screen time than the other Reagans, so killing him off would only inspire anger and disappointment in the audience.

Joe has a dangerous job, so it’s possible that he will die before the end of the series despite the cruel irony of both he and his father being killed in the line of duty. He often works undercover with agencies such as the FBI or DEA to catch violent and dangerous criminals such as sex traffickers and drug dealers. Thus, he could easily follow the same tragic path as his father. This tragic ending would not only mar Blue Bloods‘ legacy, but would also cut off any chance of a Joe Hill-centered spinoff.

5.Jack Boyle (Peter Hermann)

Erin’s Ex-Husband And Adversary In Court

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Jack Boyle’s death would explain why Nicky (Sami Gayle) comes back since he is her father. He has also been moving closer to Erin again, though she rejected him in season 13 because of the negative optics when she was running for Manhattan District Attorney. That decision would haunt Erin for a long time if anything were to happen to Jack, as it was probably her best opportunity to get back together with him but she put political concerns over her own desires.

Jack is not on the series often enough for the ending to be completely depressing if he were to die, making him a strong possibility.

Erin and Jack’s relationship is complicated. She’s gone back and forth between love and hate since their divorce before the series began, and whenever she gets close to Jack, he inevitably disappoints her with unethical behavior in the courtroom. However, Jack is not on the series often enough for the ending to be completely depressing if he were to die, making him a strong possibility.

4.Anthony Abetemarco (Steve Schirripa)

Erin’s Lead Investigator At The DA’s Office

Anthony’s death would be one of the most heartbreaking ways Blue Bloods could end. He has been Erin’s loyal investigator for fourteen years and is so close to her that there is a segment of the audience that hopes the series ends with them getting together romantically. Anthony has a direct, aggressive approach that immediately pegs him as a Brooklynite and is critical of the Reagans’ privileged, semi-celebrity status. However, he also has a soft spot for Erin and would do anything for her.

Anthony often rushes headfirst into a case and occasionally digs into things without consulting Erin first. These qualities make it possible that he could end up dead. That would be a heartbreaking end to his friendship with Erin, and it could also lead to high drama if he was working a case with or for one of her brothers. This ending would be overly depressing, however; hopefully, Anthony survives and joins the Reagans at their last family dinner during the series finale.

3.Maria Baez (Marisa Ramirez)

Danny’s Current Partner

Baez has faced death at least three times in the past couple of seasons. She and Danny were trapped together in a serial killer’s basement, and on two occasions a serial killer went after her and Danny did his best to protect her and her infant daughter. These stories were some of Blue Bloods’ best episodes, but they could also foreshadow a tragic death for Baez that would be especially painful for Danny to deal with.

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If Baez were to die, it would cause a similar problem to if Jackie were the one to bite the dust: Danny would have an overabundance of dead people he was close to. In Baez’s case, any death would be made even more tragic by the fact that she’d be leaving the infant she adopted behind. However, this could be an interesting set-up for a spinoff in which Danny has to balance work life with new responsibilities for Baez’s daughter soon after he expected to become an empty-nester.

2.Eddie Janko (Vanessa Ray)

Jamie’s Wife

Eddie and Jamie are the only married couple in Blue Bloods now that Linda has died, so it would send a negative and depressing message if something happened to Eddie. Jamie and Danny would be able to bond over losing their wives prematurely, but it would still end the series on a depressing note that would tarnish its legacy. Thus, hopefully, nothing will happen to Eddie, though it’s possible something could.

Eddie is a beat cop, which means she faces danger on a regular basis. She could easily get shot, trampled, or otherwise fatally injured while on the job. This would likely send Jamie into a tailspin and would not be a satisfying ending, especially considering how long it took Blue Bloods‘ Eddie and Jamie to get together. However, the family would rally around Jamie if something happened to Eddie, which could help solidify the series’ commitment to family values despite the negative ending.

1.Henry Reagan (Len Cariou)

The Only Surviving Member Of His Generation Of Reagans

Henry Reagan’s potential has mostly been wasted in Blue Bloods season 14, making it even more devastating to lose him. Sadly, this is one of the most logical possibilities. Henry is the oldest member of the Reagan family, and there have been several storylines that have addressed his eventual death over the years. He has survived prostate cancer and stood up to Jamie’s fear that he was exhibiting signs of cognitive decline, so it wouldn’t be a big stretch for him to succumb to a fatal disease.

While Henry’s death would be a heartbreaking end to Blue Bloodsit would also make sense as part of the series’ wrap-up. Henry’s death would suggest the end of an era, but doesn’t have to be depressing if the Reagan family also welcomes a new member while mourning Henry’s forever-empty seat at the family dinner table. However, the series would have to make sure that Henry’s impending death didn’t overshadow other stories in the final eight episodes so that it would be impactful without being overwhelming.

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