Young Sheldon Season 6 Ending Explained

The one-hour Young Sheldon season 6 finale is a mix of comedic and dramatic moments as Sheldon and the rest of the Coopers face a bleak future.
Young Sheldon season 6 ended on an emotional roller-coaster send-off, with Sheldon pushing through with his trip to Germany and the rest of the Coopers dealing with a disaster back at home. To make up for its several mini-breaks this year, The Big Bang Theory prequel staged a special one-hour finale that is composed of two episodes. Young Sheldon season 6 episodes 21 and 22, “A Romantic Getaway and a Germanic Meat-Based Diet” and “A Tornado, a 10-Hour Flight and a Darn Fine Ring,” primarily revolve around Sheldon’s upcoming trip. However, there’s more to the finale than just laying the groundwork for what’s next for the boy genius.

CBS spent several seasons slowly transforming Young Sheldon to be more of a family comedy instead of just a character-centric sitcom. The TBBT prequel may have started with Sheldon as the focus of its storytelling, but it has diversified its plot lines by giving the rest of the Cooper family their respective arcs. The results are evident throughout Young Sheldon season 6, but more so in its finale, which sees each member of the clan going through their own narratives — a change in tone that sets up a more dynamic Young Sheldon season 7.
Missy Gets Seriously Angry At Sheldon
Sheldon Snitching On Missy Causes Major Tension
After getting away with her first night away with Pastor Jeff’s niece, Tonya, in Young Sheldon season 6, episode 20, Missy continues to sneak out past her bedtime to drink and smoke. Her parents are unaware of this until Sheldon rats her out in Young Sheldon season 6, episode 21. Missy is completely wrong in this scenario, but that doesn’t stop her from being angry at her twin for blabbing. For what it’s worth, Sheldon’s decision to tattle about her shenanigans is rooted in his concern for her. Considering Missy’s The Big Bang Theory appearance, however, expect that the Cooper twins will eventually patch things up.
Mandy & Georgie Are Finally Engaged
Season 7 May Include A Wedding
It’s no secret that Mandy and Georgie’s story is the best original storyline that Young Sheldon has come up with thus far. There was no mention of the pair’s romance in The Big Bang Theory, so CBS has more creative wiggle room when it comes to developing their story. After a tumultuous year for the pair, which includes the birth of their daughter, both Mandy and Georgie are ready to take their relationship to the next level by finally getting engaged at the end of Young Sheldon season 6. Whether Young Sheldon season 7 tackles it is uncertain at this point, but given the timeline, their marriage could very well be how the series ends.
Sheldon Leaves For Germany
The Season 6 Finale Sees Sheldon Leave For Europe
After his failed grant database, Young Sheldon gives Sheldon one final personal arc in season 6 that revolves around spending the summer in Germany. Despite some specific narrative inconsistencies, the upcoming stint abroad was previously established in The Big Bang Theory season 1, episode 11, “The Pancake Batter Anomaly.” Now that the boy genius and Mary are already out of the country, it’s curious if CBS is planning to stick to canon, which says that the Cooper matriarch eventually comes home to help the family following tornado season.

Whether Young Sheldon does a time jump between the season 6 finale and season 7 premiere will dictate how Sheldon’s move abroad will impact its storytelling. If it picks up right after where it left off, then the boy genius will be further isolated from his family — even more so than he was when he started college at East Texas Tech. The separation between him and the Coopers can be an indication for CBS concerning calls for Young Sheldon to be rebranded as The Coopers after Sheldon inevitably moves to Pasadena. If it does a time jump, then Young Sheldon will likely be setting up its series ending.

Pastor Jeff Discovers Meemaw’s Gambling Den
The Young Sheldon Villain Could Cause Serious Problems After The Season 6 Finale

Dubbed the true villain of the show, Pastor Jeff once returns after his brief involvement in Young Sheldon season 6, episode 20. In the finale, he has a meatier role as he not only finds out about Tonya’s shenanigans with Missy but also accidentally discovers Meemaw’s illegal gambling business. Connie’s laundromat and video-store fronted make-shift casino has encountered several problems this year. Pastor Jeff learning about it is arguably the biggest one, considering his judgmental and self-righteous nature. One too many times, Pastor Jeff has put the Coopers in jeopardy, including firing Mary after news of Georgie and Mandy’s pregnancy came out. Understandably, Meemaw is stressed about it.
Missy and George Undergo A Big Traumatic Incident
A Tornado Turns Into A Character-Building Moment
Missy has become a problem child for Mary and George in Young Sheldon season 6. Frustrated by her parents’ continued ignorance of her, Sheldon’s twin has started defying orders and doing questionable things. After her daring joyride with Paige, she starts sneaking out with her new no-good friend, Tonya. It doesn’t seem like Missy is going to lose her attitude in the Young Sheldon season 6 finale until she and George find themselves in the middle of the tornado’s path. Coming off from their near-death experience, Missy starts to break down and apologize for her actions. She also professes her love for her parents.

It’s arguably the most emotional sequence in the Young Sheldon season 6 finale. However, whether Missy stays on a straight path moving forward is an entirely different question. Just because she has realized the error of her ways doesn’t mean that she will magically transform into an obedient daughter, blindly following her parents. In any case, seeing her go through the motions of being a typical teenager is better than sidelining her again in Young Sheldon season 7.
Meemaw’s House Is Destroyed
Season 7 Will Have To Include Meemaw Finding A New Home
Finally, the Young Sheldon season 6 finale ends with the revelation that Meemaw’s house was destroyed by the tornado. Mary and George’s house doesn’t seem to have any damage, allowing the remaining Cooper family members to help Connie get out of the wreck. The tragedy sets up Mandy and Baby Cece moving in with George, Missy, and Georgie across the street. Meanwhile, Meemaw decides to stay with Dale temporarily. As devastating as it is to see, Pastor Jeff deciding not to expose her illegal gambling den means that Connie can easily save up the money she needs to rebuild her home.

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