The Good Doctor: The 10 Smartest Characters, Ranked

The medical drama The Good Doctor has characters that are sassy and brilliant, sharp and quick-witted, and, above all else, reasonable. From the protagonist Shaun Murphy, whose brilliance has seen him get past many a hurdle, to Alex Park, who often stays in the background but is competent and efficient all the same, there is no dearth of smartness among the characters on this series.

Spli Image of Shaun, Lim and Andrews In The Good Doctor

These characters save hundreds of lives everyday with innovative surgeries, and even those who aren’t doctors are clever, thoughtful and imaginative in their own ways. Smartness, it has to be noted, can be a broad term ranging from wise to steady and dependable.


Lea handles the IT department at St. Bonaventure so she certainly is clever when it comes to computers. She single-handedly thwarted a cyber attack on the hospital’s servers, saving the authorities millions of dollars and earning Glassman’s trust.

Lea similing at someone offscreen in The Good Doctor.

While for many The Good Doctor fans, Lea and Shaun’s relationship is one of the worst is one of the worst, the two certainly balance each other out. Lea is fun, impulsive and if she doesn’t necessarily come across as sharp witted, that doesn’t mean she isn’t. Shaun, on the other hand, complements Lea’s absent mindedness. She is also someone who loves nature and doesn’t always believe in being smart and following a plan, an attitude that should be cultivated by many more people in today’s fast paced, competitive world.

Debbie Wexler

Being married to Glassman cannot be easy, but Debbie does a commendable job of it. She is intelligent, sassy and goes toe to toe with Glassman in their relationship, never backing down.

Dr Glassman and Debbie bonding over coffee in The Good Doctor

Debbie is the only one apart from Lea who isn’t a doctor herself but that doesn’t mean she is any less clever than anyone else. Debbie is quick and resourceful with a great sense of humor, and keeps Glassman on his toes. She is self-reliant and knows how to take care of herself.

Alex Park

Park is kind, soft-hearted and not as cut-throat as say Morgan when it comes to snatching up coveted surgeries or making a good impression with the superiors. However, Alex Park is smart and reasonable in his own, low profile way. He used to be a cop prior to joining the medical profession and anyone who has been both a cop and a doctor can hardly lack in smartness.

Dr. Alex Park wearing his white coat in The Good Doctor.
Alex is efficient and understanding and is slowly but steadily making his mark as a surgeon. It is he who often makes sure that the residents in the surgical department band together. He is dependable and competent both as a surgeon and a person.

Claire Brown

Claire is sensitive and definitely one of the most perceptive surgical residents at St. Bonaventure. She is soft hearted and has displayed that she is capable of becoming a very compassionate surgeon. However, she is also quick with new, innovative ideas and is diligent when it comes to researching different ways to save patients.

Claire Browne and Shaun Murphy standing next to each other in The Good Doctor.

Claire is a well rounded character who doesn’t wear her ambition like a badge but keeps her head down and does her job steadily. She is thoughtful, intuitive and has beaten all odds to get where she is today. She stays low key but is impressive and hard core at the same time. Unfortunately, with the character departing, fans of The Good Doctor will no longer see her in season 5.

Aaron Glassman

Dr. Glassman might be grumpy most of the time, but he is a good man and the only father figure in Shaun’s life. He is also no doubt extremely astute for he has been the President of St. Bonaventure for many years and is one of the most senior doctors at the hospital.

Glassman sitting at his desk The Good Doctor

Glassman was very reticent in his attitude towards Lea who was sanguine that he hated her with a passion. However, his reticence only came from his sense of protectiveness for Shaun for whom he felt responsible. His withdrawn behavior was thus an instance of how thoughtful and farsighted he was.

Neil Melendez

Neil Melendez was a highly-skilled surgeon at St. Bonaventure and very much in the running for Chief of Surgery for his accomplishments. He was the hotshot perfectionist who had shot to the top of his field quite early on.

Dr. Neil Melendez wearing a suit in The Good Doctor.
Melendez was a born leader, and encouraged the surgical residents under his supervision to think for themselves. He was a master at performing cutting edge surgeries and was one of the smartest young surgeons of his generation. Had he not been killed off so unceremoniously, Melendez might very easily have headed the surgical department one day.

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