Friends: 10 Best Moments With The Chick & The Duck

The Chick and the Duck were the beloved pets of Chandler and Joey on Friends, and they left a big impact on the show with their greatest scenes.
Two of the most popular characters on the iconic sitcom Friends were actually a chick and a duck, who stole the show in every scene they were in. The chick and the duck, who only went by these names, were two pets acquired by roommates Chandler and Joey in Friends season 3. While the two animals only made brief, infrequent appearances before being written out after Friends season 5, their scenes were always particularly memorable, and their presence on the show proves that they made lasting marks on Chandler and Joey’s lives.

In Friends season 3, episode 21, “The One with a Chick and a Duck,” Joey buys a baby chick as a gift for Chandler after misunderstanding a news report about endangered animals. Chandler initially decides to return the chick, but after learning it will be euthanized, he changes his mind and later brings a duck home to their New York City apartment as well. Over the next three seasons, Joey and Chandler raise the chick and duck like their own children, and the birds’ presence helps them grow as characters. The animals ultimately appeared in 18 episodes, and they certainly left a lasting impression on the show.
Chandler And The Chick Watch Baywatch
Season 3, Episode 21, “The One With a Chick and a Duck”
When Joey buys the baby chick, Chandler is initially reluctant to accept it in the apartment. The two get into multiple arguments about how to raise the chick, such as Chandler becoming angry about the unbalanced caretaking workload between them. They decide to take the chick back to the store, but when Joey returns home later that day, he discovers Chandler and the chick watching Baywatch together.
As they watch actress Yasmine Bleeth strut around on the screen, Chandler explains to the chick, “She’s a completely different type of chick. I love you both. In very different ways.” The fact that Chandler talks to the chick like his child and gives it a seat of its own shows Chandler’s change of heart towards the chick. Finally, this is the Friends scene that memorable marks the beginning of their little family with Joey, Chandler, and the duck.
Joey & Phoebe’s Tasty Treat Contest
Season 5, Episode 12, “The One with Chandler’s Work Laugh”
Chandler and Joey were not the only ones to spend quality time with the chick and the duck. In one of the animals’ greatest Friend scenes, Joey and Phoebe decide to play a game with the chick and duck, placing a bet on which pet will find a treat first. Within the race, Phoebe bets on the chick while Joey bets on the duck.
Their game sees Joey acting as judge to try and ensure he wins the bet, while Phoebe tries to fight back. After a tough call, the duck comes out on top. Despite their fun later being side-tracked by Ross’ news about his date with Janice, it’s a nice moment for Joey and Phoebe to have fun together with the chick and duck.
The Duck Eats Ross’ Wedding Ring
Season 4, Episode 22, “The One with the Worst Best Man Ever”
In the run-up to Ross and Emily’s wedding, Joey is chosen to be the best man. He is in charge of looking after the wedding ring, but after the bachelor party, Joey finds out he’s lost it. After searching around frantically, Joey, Ross, and Chandler discover that the duck has eaten the ring, and they must take it to the vet to get the ring back.

At the vet, Joey expressed fear for the duck’s well-being; Despite Ross and Chandler’s reassurance, Joey worries that the duck might not survive the procedure. This leads to the trio reminiscing on all the good times they’ve shared with the duck. When the vet informs them that the duck is going to be alright, Chandler and Joey are both thrilled and relieved for their pet. However, Ross is mostly just happy that his wedding ring has been retrieved unscathed.

Phoebe’s Talk With Chick & Duck
Season 5, Episode 12, “The One with Chandler’s Work Laugh”
While she’s certainly the quirkiest of the bunch, Phoebe Buffay is often regarded as the titular group’s voice of reason. She is the one who tells everyone what they need to hear, but also listens to what they have to say. This is even extended to the chick and the duck in Friends season 5, episode 12. While visiting Chandler and Joey’s apartment, Phoebe talks with the chick and duck, trying to understand their issues. She humorously appears to be making progress with the duck while assuring the chick it will have a turn to speak. Their conversation is interrupted by Ross, but Phoebe informs her new feathered friends that it isn’t over, showing her care and understanding towards them.

The Chick And Duck Scare Rachel’s Date
Season 4, Episode 18, “The One with Rachel’s New Dress”
As this Friends season 4 episode shows, it takes some time to settle into a new environment. After winning a trivia game in “The One with the Embryos,” Chandler and Joey memorably move into Rachel and Monica’s apartment for a brief period of time. While the two humans are happily settled into the apartment, their beloved pets have some trouble adjusting to their new home.

This is shown later in the episode when Rachel has a date with her new boyfriend Joshua in the apartment. As it turns out, Joshua has a fear of farming animals, and this is revealed by the chick and duck interrupting their dinner. Rachel forces the birds across the hall and knocks on the door before returning to her date, but Joshua’s reaction to the phobia makes it clear that the dinner has already been ruined. This leads to a more comedic moment when Joey thinks the birds have learned to knock on doors and happily lets them in.
“At Least Stay For Them!”
Season 4, Episode 8: The One With Chandler In A Box
After Chandler crosses the line and kisses Joey’s girlfriend, Kathy, Joey doesn’t feel like he can live in the apartment anymore. Chandler is desperate to make amends with his best friend and tries to stop him from leaving. When the chick and duck waddle into the room, Chandler begs Joey to “at least stay for them!”

Chandler goes on to say that the chick and duck have had a hard year, and will get even worse for them if Joey moves out. Joey and Chandler’s parentage argument is a direct parody of real-life separations where couples question if they should stay together for the sake of their children. The fact that Chandler suggests that Joey stays for the sake of the chick and duck shows how much they’ve waddled their way into Chandler and Joey’s hearts since their first appearance on the show.
Chandler Disciplines The Duck
Season 3, Episode 21, “The One With a Chick and a Duck”
Even pets need to understand what’s right and what’s wrong. As Rachel and Ross return from the hospital in Friends season 3, episode 21, they encounter Chandler hilariously disciplining the duck, placing it out in the hallway to “think about what it did.” Ross and Rachel are stunned when Chandler explains, “That’s a bad duck!” and later reminds his feathered friend that the chick isn’t a toy to play with.

Chandler knows that if the duck is going to stay with them, the duck needs to understand that there are rules to follow. Chandler’s discipline towards the duck is similar to that of a parent scolding a child when they’ve done wrong. This discipline appears to work, as later, the duck is rarely ever seen without the chick by its side.
The Chick Becomes A Rooster
Season 4, Episode 12, “The One with the Embryos”
Eventually, everybody grows up, and that’s what happens to the chick in “The One with the Embryos,” which is ranked high among Friends’ best episodes. At the opening of this season 4 episode, Rachel and Monica are woken up by the sound of a rooster across the hall. When they go to investigate, Chandler and Joey explain that the chick is becoming a rooster, with Chandler claiming that they’re “getting a second opinion.”
Up until “The One with the Embryos,” viewers were able to see the baby chick grow up; one could argue that this episode was its first step into adulthood. The chick’s growth as a rooster later spurs Rachel and Monica to bet against Chandler and Joey in the apartment quiz: if the boys lose, they have to get rid of the rooster and duck. Thankfully for Chandler and Joey, the girls end up losing the quiz (and their apartment) and the rooster lives to crow another day.
Chandler & Joey Teach The Chick To Swim
Season 3, Episode 21, “The One with a Chick and a Duck”
At the very end of Friends season 3, episode 21, Chandler is seen filling up the bathtub for the duck to swim, with rubber ducks included to keep the animal company. This shows Chandler has accepted the duck as part of the family and will do what he can to make the animals happy. When Joey questions whether the chick should swim, Chandler is unsure but decides to give it a try. They quickly change their minds when they see the chick struggling and pull it out to comfort it. Chandler’s sweet talk and Joey’s hurried attempts to dry the chick show their care and affection for their new family.

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