All the major deaths and near deaths in Fire Country so far (in order)
Are you bingeing your way through Fire Country on Netflix or Paramount+ ahead of season 3? Looking for some spoilers on who survives some pretty epic and devastating storylines? You’ve come to the right place. We’re keeping track of the major death defying moments that happen on the series as well as the deaths that broke our hearts.
Below you’ll find a list of episodes that feature literal heart stopping sequences that nearly ended the lives of the main and recurring players or, unfortunately, cost them their lives. We’ll be updating this post as the series continues. Here’s what happened to each character.
How did Riley die on Fire Country?
Episode 1: “Pilot”
Fire Country opens with all of these questions surrounding the character Riley. As we progress through the first three episodes, and then further into the season, we learn that she’s Bode’s sister who died tragically in a car accident. He was behind the wheel that night but she had been heartbroken and not thinking straight.
They’d just been celebrating her birthday at Smokies but what no one knew was that she’d been dating Bode’s best friend, Jake. They broke up when Riley found out that Jake wasn’t as serious about her as she was about him. Despite Jake cheating on her, Riley wanted to go back and talk to him. They’d been texting back and forth which prompted her to see what he had to say in-person.
Bode wasn’t having it and wouldn’t stop the truck so Riley opened the door as if she was going to hop out of a moving vehicle. With other cars on the road and their speed likely being a factor they lost control as Bode tried to hold onto his sister and not hit someone else. Unfortunately, her reckless choice and his inability to slow the car down resulted in her death.
Vince nearly drowns when a building collapses
Episode 4: “Work, Don’t Worry”
The first incident call in Fire Country where Vince nearly dies (and yes there’s more than one!) happens in “Work, Don’t Worry” at an incident centered on a building collapse. 42 and Three Rock are tasked with keeping people safe at a wedding where most of the guests are trapped under rubble. As Vince and Jake are doing a sweep, there’s another rupture and more of the building comes down.
Stuck under concrete and flat on his back, it seems like all Vince has to do is wait for the crane to come help him. Then, a pipe bursts and the small area he’s trapped in begins to fill with water. At first Jake doesn’t know what to do but after a stern pep talk from Vince, he comes up with a solution to by the chief some time. Grabbing a tube from the medical supplies, he lowers one end down so that Vince can catch it with his mouth. The intent is that he breathe through it.
Jake’s thinking comes in handy because Vince is fully underwater by the time the crane makes it to them. When he’s pulled out, he is unconscious but Jake revives him and helps him exit what’s left of the building.
Gabriela has a brush with death after jumping off a bridge to save Bode
Episodes 8-9: “Bad Guy” and “No Good Deed”
The Fire Country writers truly put fans through it with the midseason finale episode, “Bad Guy,” that saw Bode making a daring act to save a young man named Sam stuck in a car that was hanging off a bridge. The incident happened on the same stretch of road where Bode and Riley got into their fatal car accident. As such it brought up a lot of pain and trauma for him and Vince.
The firefighters had managed to get Sam’s sister, Yara, out of the passenger’s side of the vehicle but they were working on how to get him out before the car would lose purchase on the bridge and plummet into the water. Of course, Sam woke up at the worst time and in his panic he began to rock the car as he tried to get out. Seeing that he was going to accidentally kill himself, Bode lept into action and risked his life to help Sam.
He was able to get the young man to safety but then the car fell off the bridge. Trapped in the vehicle, the last thing Bode saw was his father screaming for him. “No Good Deed” picks up immediately after the events of the midseason finale. The focus at first is on Gabriela who is processing what she just witnessed. The wheels are turning in her head and it’s obvious she’s about to make a decision that’s going to affect everyone.
She dives after Bode much to the surprise of the rest of her team and the horror of her father Manny. But she is an Olympic diver so her skillset is made for this kind of rescue. Gabriela does locate Bode under the water and pulls him to shore. He’s out cold but she revives him and helps him expel the water from his lungs. Shivering and very aware they could freeze to death, the two trudge forward in the hopes they can get back to the main road.
While they’re walking they came across Meg, the hit and run driver who’d abandoned the scene. She was remorseful about her actions but explained she’d left because she didn’t have insurance. Despite her actions, Bode and Gabriela helped her with the latter performing an in field medical procedure to relieve pressure in Meg’s leg.
As the hours crept on, the trio continued to make their way forward but Gabriela eventually succumbed to the stress she’d put on her body. What made matters worse was that she had water trapped in her lungs hence why she’d been coughing during their entire journey. It was going to be a race against time for Bode to get Gabriela the help she needed. Meg told him to go on and that she’d wait for him to come back for her as she’d only slow him down and Gabriela needed more help than she did.
It turns out, however, Meg had been suffering from internal bleeding which none of them realized. So, while Bode was able to save Gabriela, Meg unfortunately lost her life.
Charlie nearly doesn’t make it home to his family on his last day as an inmate
Episode 10: “Get Your Hopes Up”
Fire Country kept up its dance with death in “Get Your Hopes Up,” an episode that saw the Three Rock crew celebrating Charlie’s upcoming release. They were at Station 42 working with Eve when their laid back day turned into a nightmare. A box truck crashed into the bay which was dangerous enough but after they got the driver settled, Bode came upon Charlie trapped beneath one of the fire engines.
Charlie explained the engine had lurched when the crash happened and that’s how he wound up pinned by it on the ground. The solution for helping him involved a cribbing rig where they’d lift the fire truck off Charlie with an air bag and distribute the weight with wooden wedges. But this ended up being less stable than they would have hoped and the situation became more dire when they realized Charlie’s leg was bleeding.
Thankfully, they were able to slide Charlie out from under the engine and his leg was in one piece. But he wasn’t out of the woods. He began to crash just as the EMTs arrived. Eve started doing chest compressions on him and she did manage to revive him. Talk about a close one!
How did Rebecca die on Fire Country?
Episode 15: “False Promises”
Tragedy struck close to home major on-screen death of the series in “False Promises.” Eve, Three Rock, and the women’s inmate hand crew were in the forest when a tree began to fall. Noticing she was directly in its path, Eve took off down the hill trying to put as much distance as she could between herself and the tree. She, however, didn’t clear its landing area and wound up stuck beneath it. The major concern was that she’d be crushed under its weight if the unit couldn’t get her from underneath tree.
As they waited for a heliteam, the hand crew steadily worked to clear the way for them to be able to pull Eve to safety. By nightfall, they had enough room to slide Eve out but then her boot got stuck. Rebecca slid under the tree to lift the branch. She saved Eve’s life but in the process lost hers. As she was making her way out, the tree shifted and hit her pretty hard. It was enough force to knock her out. Though she came to, it was clear she was bleeding internally and slipping into shock.
With the helicopter already gone having evacuated Eve, the inmate unit made a make-shift stretcher to get Rebecca to help. Their path converged with the medic team dispatched to them but Rebecca began to code. Though she did make it to the hospital, Rebecca died from blood loss.
Sharon doesn’t die in season 1, she gets her kidney
Episode 22: “I Know It Feels Impossible”
A season long arc for DCI Sharon Leone in the show’s freshman run is centered on her kidney disease. It’s why she pushes Manny to keep Three Rock despite the punch he threw at Jake. Sharon needed her family’s support and to be able to have her son close in case her situation worsened. Over the course of season 1, she has three kidney donor options. She refused Bode’s because the procedure is risky and Jake found out he’s allergic to anesthesia and crashed on the table. In the finale, “I Know It Feels Impossible,” Luke steps forward as Sharon’s donor after she collapses at the mudslide scene. By the time reunite with her in the season 2 premiere her procedure has been done and she’s healthy again.
Bode has a choice to make when Sleeper gets caught under rubble
Season 2 episode 1: “Something’s Coming
The showdown between Sleeper and Bode was a central part of the season 2 opener, “Something’s Coming.” The two men were prepared to face-off with their weapons in hand. A strike from a shiv, however, wasn’t what nearly did Sleeper in. Edgewater had been rocked by an earthquake earlier in the episode and another tremor occurred during their fight. Sleeper had ran off taunting Bode but then the ceiling caved in.