The Game of Thrones franchise is moving to the big screen with a new film set within the world of Westeros reportedly in the early stages of development (according to THR). Currently, there are no further details about the upcoming film, which fans shouldn’t expect to see for many more years as it continues its journey through pre-production. Nevertheless, the mere announcement that George R.R. Martin’s world of ice and fire will receive a feature film is enough to get fans buzzing about the project.
The news of a Game of Thrones movie comes five years after the show’s disappointing series finale, which many have called one of the most disappointing endings in television history. While it is unclear whether the new Game of Thrones movie will be set after the events of the original series or in the history of Westeros, the project nonetheless offers a chance for the franchise to redeem itself. There are multiple ways that the upcoming GoT film can redeem the franchise, either by retconning certain controversial choices or by introducing new stories with better endings than the original series.
10. The Game of Thrones Movie Must Crown a New King
Brandon Stark Became King at the End of Game of Thrones
The biggest question throughout Game of Thrones‘ eight seasons was who would sit the Iron Throne at the end of it all. The throne cycled between several individuals during the show’s run, leaving many on the edge of their seats to see who would rule Westeros by the finale. In the infamous final episode, several surviving characters convene for a council to crown the next king. According to the advice of Tyrion Lannister, the council selects Bran Stark to be the new king of Westeros.
- Brandon Stark is the first Stark to rule Westeros as King.
Many fans agree that Bran was the worst possible choice to become the new king. Not only was he a less interesting character than most of the other options, but, as the Three-Eyed Raven, he is also the one individual who has bigger things to do than rule the turbulent Seven Kingdoms. The upcoming Game of Thrones movie needs to bring about the end of Bran’s reign, crowning a new king who makes more sense as the nation’s leader.
9. Jon Snow Must Be Redeemed In the Game of Thrones Film
Jon Snow Was Exiled to the North at the End of Game of Thrones
Jon Snow’s fate in the Game of Thrones finale was one of the most disappointing parts of Season 8. After killing Daenerys Targaryen, Jon is exiled back to the North, where he decides to depart with a group of wildlings, leaving Westeros for good. Although a sequel series following Jon’s adventures in the far north was planned, it has since been scrapped, leaving the hero’s fate uncertain.
- Kit Harington portrays Jon Snow in Game of Thrones.
The Game of Thrones franchise needs to revisit Jon Snow’s fate, whether in the upcoming movie or in his own sequel series. The Northman was one of the show’s greatest heroes, yet finished the series at his lowest point. Jon deserves far better than an ambiguous fate as an exile in the North. Most fans agree he should have been made king after Daenerys and a Game of Thrones movie could finally deliver on this potential future.
8. The Game of Thrones Movie Needs to Revisit Several Key Kingdoms
The Series Finale Ignored Several Important Characters and Kingdoms
In a story as expansive as Game of Thrones, it isn’t always possible to explore the fate of every single character and every kingdom in the series. However, many fans were disappointed when Season 8 failed to depict the final status of multiple important kingdoms and peoples who had played major roles in the show. The upcoming film can fix this error by finally showing what became of these locations after the final battle for Westeros.
- The series finale of Game of Thrones is the lowest-rated episode of the series, with a 4/10 ranking from IMDb users.
Game of Thrones ended without ever revealing what became of the Iron Islands, though Yara Greyjoy presumably took over her father’s kingdom. Similarly, Dorne is left in shambles after the entirety of House Martel is wiped out. The North secedes from Westeros at the end of the series, but its fate is never explored either. Moreover, the fates of all of Daenerys’s conquered nations across the Narrow Sea remain entirely unexplored after their queen’s death. There are a lot of loose ends that the upcoming Game of Thrones movie needs to explore.
7. The Game of Thrones Movie Needs to Show a Better Westeros
Audiences Need to See That Westeros Has Improved Since Season 8
Game of Thrones ended with a massive shift in the status quo of the Seven Kingdoms. After years of fighting, peace finally settled over the Seven Kingdoms, but the nation was never the same thereafter. The North seceded to become its own nation, ruled by Sansa Stark. Brandon Stark became the new king of Westeros, marking the first time that a Stark held such a position. Perhaps the biggest change of all was that new kings were to be chosen by a council of lords and ladies rather than by bloodline.
- The name “Westeros” is taken from Wester Ross, a region of Scotland.
If the new Game of Thrones movie takes place sometime after the events of the series, it needs to show that all of the changes that the council made to Westeros were for the better. Fans need to feel as though all of the fighting for eight seasons was worth something–that something important and beneficial was accomplished amidst all the chaos. While things can still fall apart later, the Game of Thrones movie needs to at least show that the new status quo has worked well for the smallfolk.
6. Game of Thrones Needs to Revisit Its Golden Era
There Were Many Issues With Game of Thrones’ Later Seasons
Game of Thrones was once considered one of the greatest television series of all time, with its earlier seasons being praised for stellar writing and excellent worldbuilding. However, the final few seasons of the show took a dip in quality that ultimately resulted in a subpar finale. If a new Game of Thrones movie needs to win fans back, it needs to fix the many miscellaneous little issues that viewers had with the final few seasons.
- The highest-rated episode of Game of Thrones on IMDb is Season 6, Episode 9, entitled “The Battle of the Bastards,” with a 9.9/10 score.
By the end of the series, Game of Thrones was cutting corners in various little ways that added up to a massive dip in quality. Little issues like characters jumping around the map in no time at all can add up to a much bigger problem if left unchecked. For instance, the show’s lazy inattention to detail in its final season led to the infamous coffee cup fiasco, wherein a Starbucks coffee cup can be seen in the background of a shot. The upcoming Game of Thrones film needs to return to the show’s golden age, where every single moment of screen time is treated with care and caution.
5. The Game of Thrones Movie Needs to Tie Up Loose Ends
Several Characters’ Fates Are Left Ambiguous at the End of Game of Thrones
After the massive success of Game of Thrones, it makes sense that HBO would want to set up a potential spinoff series in the finale. As such, the series finale teased potential future storylines for characters like Arya Stark and Jon Snow. However, each of these potential spinoff series fizzled out for various reasons over the years. Now, these teases in the series finale feel more like loose ends than a jumping-off point for future stories.
- Game of Thrones ran for 73 episodes.
A Game of Thrones sequel in the form of a movie could finally tie up any loose ends left by canceled spinoffs. The most notable of these would be Arya Stark’s voyage west, which left her fate surprisingly ambiguous. Fans want to know what became of their favorite characters, and a movie sequel could finally give them the fates they deserve.
4. Game of Thrones Needs to Pay Off Its Aegon Targaryen Twist
Jon Snow’s Targaryen Lineage Goes Nowhere in Game of Thrones Season 8
Game of Thrones pulled off one of the most surprising and satisfying twists in television history by revealing that Jon Snow was not a bastard at all, but rather the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. Upon discovering that his true name is Aegon Targaryen, Jon also realizes that he is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Unfortunately, the series never did anything particularly interesting with this twist.
- Game of Thrones has an overall rating of 9.2/10 on IMDb
Although Jon’s heritage causes some tension between him and Daenerys, nothing ever becomes of the Aegon Targaryen twist. Jon neither becomes king nor restores House Targaryen to its former glory. A future film should finally do something with this epic twist, redeeming the show for wasting it in Season 8.
3. The Game of Thrones Movie Could Recycle the Original Series Finale Plans
The Game of Thrones Finale Was Originally Pitched as a Movie Trilogy
Game of Thrones‘ infamous final season could have been much better received had the original plans for the series finale been carried out. The finale was first pitched as a trilogy of movies, but HBO executives were reportedly wary of shifting their proven success on television to the big screen. As such, the story underwent several changes, resulting in the endlessly controversial final season that Game of Thrones fans finally got.
- The next Game of Thrones spinoff will be A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, premiering in 2025.
A new Game of Thrones movie could potentially recycle plotlines cut from the original plans for the finale movie, while also demonstrating that the franchise can work just as well on the big screen as it does on the small. The fact that HBO was willing to greenlight a Game of Thrones film years after denying showrunners this same request shows that they are dedicated to fixing their past mistakes.
2. Game of Thrones Could Resurrect Daenerys Targaryen
Jon Snow Killed Daenerys in the Game of Thrones Finale
In the series finale of Game of Thrones, Daenerys Targaryen demonstrates that she would be a bloodthirsty and cruel leader, despite her claims otherwise. In a desperate attempt to save the Seven Kingdoms from yet another tyrant, Jon Snow murders Daenerys in her castle. Angry at the turn of events, Dany’s dragon Drogon uses his fire breath to melt the Iron Throne before scooping up her body and flying off into the unknown.
- Emilia Clarke plays Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones.
Many fans were upset at Daenerys’s ultimate fate, but certain theories have suggested that this may not be the end of her story. Characters have come back from the dead before, with the Red Woman resurrecting Jon Snow after his untimely death earlier in the series. A Game of Thrones film follow-up could depict Drogon taking Dany to find another Priestess of Light to bring her back from the dead. If this is the case, Daenerys could even find redemption in her second life, righting her many wrongs.
1. Game of Thrones Could Retcon Its Finale Entirely
Many Fans Have Fought for HBO to Remake the Game of Thrones Finale
Ever since the controversial finale, fans have been campaigning for some way to right the final season’s many wrongs. There have even been petitions for the Game of Thrones creators to remake the final season–but better this time. While it is an unlikely possibility, the new Game of Thrones movie could be a second attempt at delivering the finale that fans deserve.
- A Game of Thrones prequel is in the works depicting the conquest of Aegon Targaryen and his sisters.
If Game of Thrones truly intends to wipe its original finale away and replace it with a new one, this would be a massive turning point in the history of television. Such an event would mark the first time in history that a major series redid a disappointing finale and could open the floodgates for other series to do likewise. Nevertheless, it seems unlikely that the entire cast and crew of the original series would sign on to redo a season that came out five years ago.