Jennifer Esposito’s departure from “Blue Bloods” was marked by controversy and frustration, primarily stemming from her health struggles and the network’s handling of her situation. Esposito, who portrayed Detective Jackie Curatola, was suspended from the show without pay due to issues related to her celiac disease, a condition that affects her ability to digest gluten and had made it difficult for her to perform her duties.
In the wake of her suspension, Esposito publicly criticized CBS, calling the network’s actions “absolutely shameful.” She felt that rather than receiving support for her health challenges, she was penalized. This situation not only impacted her job but also highlighted the difficulties that actors can face when dealing with chronic health issues in a demanding industry.
After her exit from “Blue Bloods,” she became an advocate for health awareness, using her platform to discuss the realities of living with celiac disease. Her departure left a noticeable gap in the series, as her character had developed strong relationships with the main cast, particularly within the Reagan family dynamic.
Esposito’s experience underscored the importance of addressing health and wellness in the entertainment industry and brought attention to the need for networks to support their talent in times of personal struggle.