In the series Blue Bloods, Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) is a no-nonsense cop who sometimes takes his attitude to the extreme. Despite being committed to his duty and believing in justice, some of his outbursts have tested the patience of the show’s fans. A clear example is when Danny risked New York City’s safety just to prove a point, showing that his stubbornness can affect his police work.
However, acting out of line at work isn’t the only thing that bothers fans. Many believe Danny is a jerk in most aspects of his life. There might be some truth to the claim that he’s not the best husband or father, for that matter. In a classic Danny Reagan moment that went too far, he fails to comfort his family after a traumatic shooting. With this in mind, let’s see what else fans have to say about this polarizing cop.
The general opinion among Danny Reagan’s detractors is that he mistreats people, which is even more frustrating when it comes to his family, who try to support him. One user pointed out that he’s pretty bad at his job and can’t even show respect to those who do it for him, writing,
“In almost every episode, he needs his sister to tell him how to build a solid case. Most of his successes are due to Erin [Reagan], but he never stops belittling her.”
Why Do Blue Bloods Fans Hate Danny Reagan?
On the other hand, some fans believe that Danny’s unpleasant qualities are accentuated due to poor writing in the early seasons of the CBS series. A Reddit user refers to Amy Carlson, who played Reagan’s wife, leaving Blue Bloods after Season 7 and her character being killed off as a result.
“They wrote a bully and put people around that bully to justify his behavior, thinking he would develop a real personality… no one in the writers’ room did anything to develop his personality until Season 8, and THAT wasn’t by their choice.”
Despite these criticisms, most fans agree that Danny’s annoying qualities softened after his wife’s death. However, some of his most undesirable traits generally extend to his work as a detective, which some feel sends the wrong message to viewers. In short, Danny Reagan is a complicated character, one that simply irritates some people.