Everybody Loves Raymond: 10 Of The Worst Things Marie Has Ever Done

Everybody Loves Raymond explored the dysfunctional Barone family to hilarious effect, with Marie often playing the role of the antagonist.

Marie Barone was one of the most significant focal points of Everybody Loves Raymond and there’s no denying that the long-running comedy series would have never been as iconic as it was without her domineering antics.

Since the writers of the sitcom routinely derived the events on the show from things that actually happened to them in their personal and family lives. Many of the characters were inspired by actual people, Marie included.

Marie Barone was undoubtedly iconic, and that was largely because of the many, many questionable and highly manipulative things that she did. Let’s take a look at some of the most infamous.


Marie Barone Ray Barone and Debra Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond
Marie Barone Ray Barone and Debra Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond
Robert had a tough life throughout the course of Everybody Loves Raymond. This phenomenon was the source of comedy countless times, with Robert complaining about how everyone favors Raymond – especially their mother.

Robert was right; Marie favored Raymond at every opportunity and it was obvious to everyone. In any given situation, Marie would waste no time sticking up for Raymond, taking his side, or simply defending him to the point of ridiculousness.


In a Season 2 episode titled “Marie’s Meatballs,” Marie appears to have a change of heart and generously agrees to teach Debra how to make her famous meatballs. This decision was a significant change from the fact that Marie typically made a career of making fun of Debra’s cooking. Marie finally giving in and teaching Debra some of her best cooking tricks seemed suspicious right away.

Ultimately, Debra’s meatballs are a failure; even though she did everything Marie said, her version of the beloved dish had a “weird taste.” It’s not until later in the episode when Debra discovers that she was actually sabotaged by Marie, who disguised a bottle of tarragon as a bottle of basil.


Marie has always been portrayed as being a needlessly critical person. It’s not a stretch to say that she makes multiple offensive comments in every episode of Everybody Loves Raymond, and while most of Marie’s remarks are directed at Debra, she pretty much judges everyone (except Raymond, usually).Marie is everyone’s harshest critic, but the same rules do not apply when it comes to self-reflection.


Everybody Loves Raymond cast
Everybody Loves Raymond cast
Considering Marie’s personality, it’s no surprise that she is the type of person who can be quite two-faced. Marie’s friends make sporadic appearances throughout the series, and Lee and Stan appear most frequently.

On the surface, Marie acts like she adores her dear friends. But when Lee and Stan aren’t around, Marie’s true thoughts come out. As Raymond puts it, “Ma, you don’t like Lee and Stan.”


This iconic moment came from the pilot episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. The joke was inspired by an experience that one of the writers actually had, and has since become one of the most famous running gags on the series.

In the episode, Ray gifts Marie and Frank with a one-year membership to the Fruit Of The Month Club. A plentiful basket of pears arrive at the door, and this sparks utter chaos in the Barone household. Marie completely loses it over the fact that there’s “too much fruit in the house,” and the moment was so infamous that it was brought up several times throughout the series.


Frank and Marie Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond
Frank and Marie Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond
Marie Barone certainly thinks highly of herself. Not only is she extremely judgemental and critical of others – especially those who are closest to her – but Marie is usually hard-pressed to find any flaws in herself. She takes pride in being an excellent chef and keeping a clean house.

Marie has also been known to rarely own up to her actions and almost never apologize. When she does apologize – especially if it’s to Debra – it’s always a big deal.


Raymond and everyone digging in
Raymond and everyone digging in
Not only did Marie incessantly favor Raymond, but she also pampered him to the point of ridiculousness. Marie caters to Raymond’s every need, which did not benefit her son in any way, causing him to grow up to be quite lazy and immature, always expecting Debra to pamper him in the same way.

This is most hilariously highlighted in the episode where Raymond “accidentally” tells Debra that he wishes she was more like Marie. This prompts Robert to bring Raymond a giant cardboard cutout of Marie in a wedding dress because Raymond “wishes he married his mother.” Being a mommy’s boy definitely does not look good on Raymond.


Marie and Debra’s relationship is extremely significant in Everybody Loves Raymond. The show primarily hinges on this complex yet hilarious dynamic. The series focuses a lot on relationships with in-laws and portrays Frank and Marie as the stereotypical “nightmare in-laws”. At times, the show reveals that Marie’s constant judgments and criticisms really get to Debra, who sometimes would just prefer to work things out with her mother-in-law, rather than fighting constantly. Marie doesn’t seem to be on the same page, though, as she clearly enjoys causing drama and tension.

In one episode (“Call Me Mom”), Debra attempts to call Marie “mom,” to which Marie initially reacts terribly. It’s simple things like this that makes it pretty cruel of Marie to mercilessly pick on Debra.


The Car Crashes in Everybody Loves Raymond
The Car Crashes in Everybody Loves Raymond
The Season 5 episode “Wallpaper” would quickly become one of Everybody Loves Raymond’s most unforgettable. The plot of this episode revolved around Marie accidentally backing Frank’s car right into Raymond’s house.

This obviously causes major damage, leaving Ray and Debra with a lot of repairing to do and no front door. Marie’s infamous car crash quickly became one of the most iconic moments of the entire series, as the scene is completely hilarious and shocking. This was undoubtedly Marie’s most exceptional “slip-up”.


Amy and Robert’s wedding was destined to be a disaster from the beginning, primarily because of Amy’s brother, Peter, and his cruel antics to foil the ceremony. Ultimately, though, it wasn’t Peter who ended up making the wedding an infamous event, as Marie beat him to it.

When the minister marrying Amy and Robert asks if anyone has any objections to the nuptials, Marie shocks everyone by standing up and speaking her mind. She begs Robert not to marry Amy if he doesn’t truly want to, and although her heart seems to be in the right place, she utterly humiliates everyone and of course, it is up to Raymond to later save the day.

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