The Rookie season 7 is truly a rollercoaster with several ups and downs — when one episode is great, the next isn’t, and, unfortunately, that is the case for episode 5, “Til Death.” The previous hour was entertaining, with successful mysteries and thoughtful character development. It was just well-made from top to bottom. Meanwhile, episode 5 is more like a jumbled mess. “Til Death” still contains a few bright spots, though, as Jason Wyler’s run as a main villain in The Rookie comes to an end, and another (more intriguing) character takes his place.
Following the introduction of new villains in The Rookie season 7, episode 4, ABC’s police procedural continues one of their stories in “Til Death.” Nyla discovers the identity of the serial killer who attacked her at the abandoned mental hospital. However, when another person confesses, she can’t concretely tie him to his crimes. Elsewhere, Jason returns. He attacks Bailey, but she hurts her ex-husband just as badly to get away from him, resulting in Jason going on the run. Things don’t exactly get better for Jason when Malvado finds and kills him before Nolan can arrest him.
The Rookie Season 7, Episode 5 Is Too Chaotic With 2 Significant Cases
“Til Death” Should’ve Focused On 1 Major Antagonist
Given that The Rookie season 7 has been building up to Jason’s return for five episodes, I thought he would get the bulk of the spotlight in “Til Death,” but he doesn’t. Instead, episode 5 begins by picking up where the last hour left off. Nyla, Angela, Wesley, and two cameos from The Rookie: Feds (Brendon and Antoinette) continue their search for the serial killer who buried their bodies next to Harrison Novak’s victims and attacked Nyla. One suspect, Ryan Dearborn, confesses, but Nyla is confident another man named Liam Glasser is guilty.
The case has a lot of potential, which is why it’s confusing that episode 5 decides to group it with Jason’s return. Jason is a pretty significant villain in the show, and Liam has the potential to be one as well. Overlapping their arcs doesn’t make much sense, resulting in both characters’ stories losing impact.
It would have been much more exciting and memorable if the two cases had their own episodes. A villain like Jason needs room to breathe, especially when his arc ends. Liam deserves a setup that can’t be overshadowed by another antagonist. If anything, Jason should have had more screen time in The Rookie season 7, episode 5, with all eyes focused on him. As for Liam, he could have been introduced in a later episode to ensure his status as a villain is as successful as possible. Instead, The Rookie season 7 risks hurting both of their stories.
Jason’s Story Ends With A Whisper Instead Of A Bang
The Rookie Villain’s Death Doesn’t Leave An Impact
Since the first half of episode 5 is spent introducing Liam, Jason’s arrival in the second half is too abrupt and chaotic. The tension goes from zero to 100 in a matter of seconds. Yes, Bailey and Malvado’s communications throughout the hour tease Jason’s return. However, it would have been more effective if the show waited one more episode before bringing Jason back. Or, better yet, The Rookie season 7 should have addressed Jason’s escape and subsequent hunt for Bailey sooner to avoid his story losing steam.
The Rookie season 7 trailer teasing Bailey getting hit by a car (which viewers learn Jason is driving in episode 5) also dulls her ex-husband’s long-awaited return. Because the promo spoils that scene, it isn’t surprising in the slightest when it actually happens.
As it stands, Jason’s last hurrah fails to be effective. The villain, who has been around since season 4, deserved a better ending, especially after The Rookie season 6 finale dramatically teased his comeback. Jason’s death is rather forgettable, but it does lay the groundwork for tension between Nolan and Bailey. So, at least one good thing (for the plot, not for Nolan and Bailey’s relationship) will come out of Jason’s ending in “Til Death.”
Seth Gabel’s Liam Makes For The Perfect Villain
The Actor Must Have A Multi-Episode Arc In The Rookie Season 7
The best part of “Til Death” is the introduction of Seth Gabel as Liam. The ABC series desperately needs a new, great Big Bad who lives up to the expectations set by former villains like Rosalind Dyer and Nick Armstrong. While Noel Fisher’s Harrison from The Rookie season 7, episode 4 has potential, it seems like the show will focus instead on Liam, who is also a fantastic choice. Perhaps The Rookie will also circle back to Harrison as his and Liam’s stories are intertwined.
Hopefully, the new character in The Rookie season 7 will stick around for a while, with the writers taking advantage of Liam’s potential by stretching out his story as long as possible.
Gabel gives an amazing performance as the serial killer in episode 5. His character’s interactions with Nyla are undoubtedly the highlight of the hour, as the two dance around the truth (until Nyla confronts Liam at the end of the episode). Going forward, it will be exciting to see where the show takes Liam’s villain arc next. Hopefully, The Rookie’s new character will stick around for a while, with the writers taking advantage of Liam’s potential by stretching out his story as long as possible.