As his fellow ghosts prepare for the wedding, Pete (Richie Moriarty) is all the way in St. Lucia, thanks to his newly discovered ghost power, the ability to freely travel away from the property in which he died. (In life, he was a travel agent who never traveled. ) From there, he meets the ghost of his dreams (and a spitting image of Loni Anderson, which really clinches it for him), Donna, who was killed by the force of a falling 1980s cellphone. For once, Pete gets the girl.
In a way, it’s felt like this season has really kicked Pete while he’s been down, adding his cheating wife Carol (Caroline Aaron) to the land of the unliving (and to the hilariously upsetting body count at Woodstone)—especially as the show has leaned into Carol being a truly terrible, selfish person. But then the finale reveals the catch with Pete’s ghost power: He has to return to Woodstone after a certain amount of time, otherwise he will completely disappear. He compares the situation to the photo of Marty’s family in Back to the Future, and he’s not wrong.
Pete gets his groove back during his time with Donna, but when given the choice between living out what little time he could have left in tropical bliss with her or returning home to safety, there really is no choice. The thing is, when Pete does choose Woodstone, it’s no longer because of a fear of the unknown or stepping outside his comfort zone: It’s because he loves all of his Woodstone friends, and if he’s going to have any last moments on Earth, he wants it to be with them.
Love is also in the air for Thor (Devan Chandler Long) and Flower (Sheila Carrasco), essentially ending their throuple with Nancy (Betsy Sodaro)—which technically only existed because Flower wanted to get back at Thor for lying—just as quickly as it began. No one questioned Thor’s affection for Flower (and vice versa), but in the wake of Isaac’s failed wedding, they officially profess their love. It’s kind of stomped on by Carol’s announcement that she and her latest ghost fling Baxter are getting married (The “Whaaaaaaat? Who’s Baxter?” “He’s very peripheral. It doesn’t matter.” exchange from Jay and Sam are the lines of the episode), but that’s just par for the course for Carol. Again, terrible and selfish.