A little more of Alberta’s past in Ghosts season 4, episode 15

The bachelorette party is happening at Woodstone Manor. That makes sense considering Alicia’s connection to the place and the fact that it can hold all her friends. It’s also a great way for Alberta to get involved in the festivities.

It doesn’t take long for Alberta to be unhappy with the entire situation, though. She finds out that Alicia’s fiancé is a musician. Alberta has a history of falling for musicians, and she believes that they are bad news. It even looks like that’s the case when the fiancé turns up and seems to be cheating on Alicia with one of her friends.

When Sam refuses to get involved in the situation, Sas decides to use his power to jump into a dream to tell Alicia that her fiancé is cheating on her. Well, it turns out that Derek isn’t cheating. The maid of honor is his sister, and the two were discussing a trashy show that Hetty knows everything about. I love that Hetty knows about trashy reality. I’m so with her on just knowing about this and being invested, even though you should you shouldn’t be. Sometimes, these shows are just train wrecks that you can’t stop watching.

The problem now is that Alicia takes a lot of stock in her dreams, and she starts to think that the relationship with Derek is too good to be true. Will she break up with him?

I do wish that some of the ghosts would learn from mistakes that they’ve made in the past when it comes to meddling. They have had multiple incidents where a bad situation has gone terribly wrong because of their actions. After four seasons, you would think that one of them would have the brain to say “wait, are we making a mistake again?”

It turns out that Alberta was projecting. She wasn’t the one heartbroken by a musician. Instead, she was the musician who did the heartbreaking, and she has lived with that guilt for the last 100 years. Of course, Alberta wants to fix things, and she decides to sing. After all the meddling, seeing Alicia and Alberta have a moment is a beautiful touch.

Sam did do a good thing. After finding out the story from Alberta, she decided to go online to find out what happened to Alberta’s love, Walter. It turns out that he had a good life afterward, even if it was with Alberta’s best friend.

Sadly, the bachelorette party ends in a bad way for the stripper. He doesn’t open his parachute in time, and now Woodstone Manor has another ghost on the property. How often will we get to see the stripper?


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