“America’s Got Talent” is entering the final month of its season on Tuesday night, and it is the next-to-last live round of quarterfinals.
Three of the acts will be voted into the semifinals and one act will get the Golden Buzzer straight into the finals, that’s where things got interesting last week.
The acrobatic quartet Airfootworks made a huge impression on last week’s “AGT.”
“I would go to Vegas and pay big money to go see something like that,” said show host Terry Crews.
An impression so big, show creator and judge Simon Cowell tried to breach protocol with a Golden Buzzer sending the group to the finals when that power was supposed to be in judge Howie Mandel’s hands for the night.
“I wanna complain, but he is management,” said Mandel.
“Well, yeah, he’s the boss, he does whatever he wants to do,” said judge Heidi Klum.
It set in motion flashbacks to third grade.
“It wasn’t his turn! It’s not fair,” said Mandel.
“It’s not who touches it, it’s who says it,” argued Cowell about awarding the Golden Buzzer.
But by Wednesday’s results, Cowell acknowledged the error of his ways and Airfootworks was still finale bound.
“That was the happiest moment of my life,” said group leader Takashi Jonishi.
Meanwhile, magician Young Min was one of three acts America voted into the semifinals, along with singer Alex Sampson.
“Next time, I’ll be even less nervous,” said Sampson.
Also, the drone show team known as Sky Elements now has a semifinal act to plan.
“The real magic happens where we have to program everything so that drones never collide,” said Brian Geck.
Tuesday, 11 more acts take the stage looking for America’s thumbs up.
“Over the years, I’ve realized that the audience, they always get it right, genuinely,” said Cowell.
And the judges can hope for a less contentious Golden Buzzer.