All 5 Friends Episodes Featuring Janice, Ranked Worst To Best
Janice has made an appearance in nineteen Friends episodes, which have contributed to her being one of the most remembered characters of the show.
Janice is arguably one of Friends’ most remembered and endearing characters, as she has been part of some of the best, funniest, and most important moments throughout its ten seasons. The show has transcended its own time for several reasons, one of them being that Friends’ cast is one of the best sitcom casts in TV history. In a sitcom, and any TV series really, the value of its ensemble lies not only in the actors playing the main roles but also in the secondary, the minor, or recurring characters.
Janice is not only just a recurring character, as she has become one of the best side characters in a sitcom, making an appearance in every Friends season, which is a groundbreaking achievement. What started as a minor participation, was well received, and grew to become one of the most iconic characters in the show that everyone thinks of when talking about Friends. Maggie Wheeler’s performance along with some great character writing made that possible. These are all nine-teen Janice’s participations ranked worst to best.
Friends Season 4, Episode 15
The One with All The Rugby
“The One with All The Rugby” may not be Janice’s most relevant participation, but the premise of the storyline is what makes this the best one. Chandler and Janice get together again, but Chandler soon realizes he can’t stand her. To get rid of her, he tells Janice he is moving to Yemen. This is Janice’s most iconic moment for a couple of reasons. First, the randomness of Chandler’s excuse is brilliant. Secondly, the fact that Janice buys it makes it even better. And last, Janice’s intense personality forcing Chandler to take the lie to the limit is what makes this storyline brilliant and one of Friends’ best moments.
Friends Season 3, Episode 8
The One with the Giant Pocking Device
“The One with the Giant Poking Device” is not only one of Janice’s best episodes but is also one of Chandlers’. Wheeler and Perry’s chemistry in this episode is at the top of its game. After the final scene of the previous episode, Chandler confronts Janice about kissing her ex. This episode is great simply because it is Wheeler’s best and funniest performance. First, the hyperventilating moment is one of Janice’s most annoying and, at the same time, most hilarious moments. And, secondly, she displays a great performance in the heartbreaking scene where they both decide to break up. This is surely Janice’s most complete episode.
Friends Season 5, Episode 12
The One with Chandler’s Work Laugh
“The One with Chandler’s Work Laugh” features one of Friends’ most unexpected and, for that very reason, most hilarious crossovers. After finding out that Emily is getting married, Ross ends up with Janice. This episode is great for several reasons. First, Maggie Wheeler and David Schwimmer’s chemistry is superb. Second, the fact that Janice still believes Chandler is in Yemen is hilarious. Last, but not least, the plot twist is great, and it depicts Ross’s moment in season 5, which is one of his best seasons, at its best. Ross is in such a bad place that he irritates Janice.
Friends Season 3, Episode 7
The One with the Race Car bed
“The one with the Race Car bed” features one of Janice’s best and, at the same time, shortest appearances. While Joey and Monica are making a complaint at the Mattress King, Joey sees Janice, who is dating Chandler at that point, kissing her ex-husband. The moment is short but so iconic that it deserves to be in the top 5. Maggie Wheeler’s acting of her famous line is on-point and Joey’s reaction through the window is just hilarious. The fact that such a short moment can become so iconic is surely proof of its greatness and the greatness of the character.
Friends Season 1, Episode 14
The One with the Candy Hearts
“The One with the Candy Hearts” is one of Janice’s most iconic episodes for several reasons. After breaking up with her twice, Chandler ends up being Janice’s blind Valentine’s date. This installment features Janice’s iconic quote “Oh, my god” for the first time, which is enough reason for it to be in the top 5. Additionally, this episode inaugurates the tradition of Janice making unexpected appearances. The scene in the hallway, which is one of the worst things the gang did to Janice in Friends, is priceless. Janice reached her full potential in this episode and made it clear that she was a keeper for the show.