Betty White to ‘SNL’ : Are You Kidding?

Between her cameo with Abe Vigoda in a Super Bowl commercial for Snickers, costarring with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds in the romantic comedy The Proposal, and being recognized for lifetime achievement by the Screen Actors Guild, Betty White is suddenly finding herself in even more places than President Obama.

But whether or not she’ll be seen on Saturday Night Live is a question for which not even she has the answer.

“I don’t even know where that came from,” the 88-year-old Mary Tyler Moore Show and Golden Girls Emmy winner tells PEOPLE about the online movement to have her host SNL. “That just came out of left field. It’s ridiculous. I don’t think [SNL creator and producer] Lorne Michaels even knows about it, so we won’t worry about it.”

Still, should Michaels phone her, she’ll take it – both the call and the offer to host the 35-year-old NBC staple, provided her demanding schedule will allow.


The Betty White-SNL movement, now some 331,000-strong on Facebook, is but part of the current Betty White renaissance – a glory period that the actress herself predicts will soon come to an end.
Animals and Another Movie
While Lorne Michaels tracks down her number, White is focusing on her true love: our four-legged friends. On Presidents’ Day in Las Vegas, Procter and Gamble’s Iams Eukanuba division, along with the Morris Animal Foundation, honored White for her lifetime commitment to improving the lives of animals. White has been on the foundation’s board of directors since 1971.

“My life has been divided into two halves: show business and animal work, the two things I love most,” says White. “They keep electing me to the board, and I keep saying that it’s time you threw me away by now. They haven’t been able to get rid of me.”

Next up for White in the showbiz world: costarring as Grandma Bunny in Disney’s fall release You Again with Sigourney Weaver, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kristin Chenoweth and Kristen Bell. Bell plays a young woman whose brother is about to marry the school bully who used to pick on Bell in high school.

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