Blue Bloods’ Danny and Linda (Donnie Wahlberg and Amy Carlson) had many memorable interactions over the first seven seasons of the cop and family drama. When the series began, Linda and Danny were a married couple with two small boys, and the subplots often revolved around their home life, often touching upon the challenges of being married to a cop. Although Linda and Danny loved each other, their relationship was sometimes tumultuous, especially when Danny was overprotective or took Linda for granted, and many of the best episodes of Blue Bloods included her standing up to him.
Carlson chose not to renew her contract after Blue Bloods season 7, and thus Linda was killed off in an off-screen helicopter crash. Although Danny has mourned her death in the years since he lost her, in some ways, Blue Bloods’ Danny did not deserve Linda. He was not always kind to her while she was alive and often allowed his emotions to get the better of him. Nevertheless, there were several moments during those first seven years that have become treasured memories now that Linda is no longer part of Blue Bloods.
10.Linda Worries About Danny After A Family Friend Is Shot
Season 2, Episode 15
Blue Bloods never shied away from how dangerous police work can be. While Linda often worried about Danny getting shot in the line of duty, this episode was more complicated than that. After an undercover mission went bad, Danny’s friend and partner was fatally shot. Danny’s way of dealing with the grief was to throw himself into his job, searching relentlessly for the killer, while Frank vowed that whoever it was who had shot the cop would pay.
The theme of a cop working long hours to catch the person who killed their partner is common in police procedurals, but Blue Bloods‘ version stands out because of Linda. Linda worried about the toll this case was taking on Danny’s mental health and confronted him about it, determined to stop him from self-destructing. This was one of the reasons Danny fell so hard for Linda. She was always honest with him when he needed it and knew how to rein him in when he wanted to do something self-destructive.
9.Linda Helps Danny Get Around The Seal Of The Confession
Season 3, Episode 9
Danny often got annoyed with Linda because she wouldn’t break confidentiality to help him with a case. Her dedication to patient confidentiality was admirable, and it demonstrated that she fit in with Blue Bloods’ Reagan family, who are all committed to integrity. However, in this case, Linda made an exception, which was all the more surprising because of her usual refusal to do so. However, the sooner Danny solved this case, the sooner he could come home, so it was in Linda’s interest to help him as much as possible.
This moment was as shocking as it was memorable because it was out-of-character for Linda, but her dedication to helping Danny solve the case was unforgettable.
Throughout the episode, Danny was frustrated because the killer had confessed to a priest, but the priest wouldn’t break the seal of the confession to tell him what had been said. However, Linda solved this problem by eavesdropping on the confessional and reporting to Danny what had been said. This moment was as shocking as it was memorable because it was out-of-character for Linda, but her dedication to helping Danny solve the case was unforgettable.
8.Linda Wants A Gun After She Is Mugged Instead Of Letting Danny Be Overprotective
Season 5, Episode 9
Linda’s mugging was one of the scariest moments in Blue Bloods history, but she was determined not to be a helpless victim. After being held up at knifepoint, she returned home and told Danny about it. Danny thought she should quit her job because of the danger, but Linda had no interest in this type of advice. Instead, she was determined to defend herself so that it would not happen again and wanted to live her life as normally as possible.
Furthermore, Linda wanted to be treated as Danny’s equal even after becoming a crime victim.
Thus, Linda bought a gun for herself. She didn’t keep it for very long, turning it over to Danny after her emotions almost got the better of her. However, the gun was symbolic of Linda’s desire to solve problems herself instead of relying on Danny to protect her. Furthermore, she wanted to be treated as Danny’s equal even after becoming a crime victim. At the end of the episode, however, Linda decided guns weren’t for her and turned hers into Danny, which was disappointing given the reason she wanted it in the first place.
7.Linda Refuses To Break Patient Confidentiality, Hurting Danny’s Case
Season 3, Episode 20
With few exceptions, Linda put patient confidentiality first, regardless of whether it would hurt Danny’s case for her to do so. In Blue Bloods season 3, episode 20, Danny and Linda fought throughout the episode over Linda’s refusal to break patient confidentiality in order to help Danny catch a violent drug dealer. Near the beginning of the episode, she refuses to let Danny see the dealer in the hospital after he’s been shot, and she stands firm on this point even after someone else dies at the dealer’s hands.
This conflict speaks to the couple’s strength, as they never lost sight of their love for each other even as they passionately fought over the confidentiality issue.
Linda’s behavior in these situations is similar to how Erin handles him in many episodes. Danny also demands favors from Erin that she is unable to give, such as prosecuting cases or getting search warrants based on weak evidence. In this episode, however, it’s Linda who has to put Danny in his place when he uses the continued murders as a reason to pressure Linda into breaking confidentiality. This conflict speaks to the couple’s strength, as they never lost sight of their love for each other even as they passionately fought over the confidentiality issue.
6.Linda Stands Up To Danny When A Witness Keeps Flirting With Him
Season 1, Episode 10
Danny was always faithful to Linda, but that doesn’t mean he was never tempted. This conflict added extra drama to an episode in which Danny was undercover at a nightclub. Although Linda usually trusted her husband, she was afraid that Danny’s need to remain in character as an undercover operative would get the better of him and he would allow this woman to seduce him. She understood that Danny had to remain in-character to complete his mission, but made it clear that cheating was unacceptable to her.
While women on many shows resort to violence or childish tricks when they encounter this type of problem, Linda is stronger than that. She didn’t accuse Danny or the other woman of anything, but she did make it clear that Danny was her husband and that she expected him to make it clear to the girl in question. Danny’s willingness to do this, even if it harmed his case, helped demonstrate how much he loved Linda.
5.Linda Is Understanding When Her And Danny’s Weekend Plans Are Interrupted
Season 2, Episode 5
Considering how little time Linda and Danny had together, it’s surprising that Linda was so understanding when their weekend plans were interrupted. During Blue Bloods season 2, episode 5, she and Danny went away for some alone time, leaving the boys with Frank and Henry.While one focus of the episode was on the men’s attempts to entertain the boys, another was on a case that Danny got, completely derailing their weekend.
Although Linda was disappointed, she accepted the interruption. It demonstrated how much she understood her husband’s dedication to his job, and perhaps, having a relationship the rest of the Raegans helped in this regard, considering that all of them take their professional and social responsibilities quite seriously. Linda waited until Danny was finished to resume their romance, showing how much she sacrificed because of her husband’s job.
4.A Shaken Linda Tells Danny She Is Tired Of Being “Second Fiddle”
Season 2, Episode 12
Although Linda was often understanding of Danny’s need to put his job first, in Blue Bloods season 2, episode 12, she put her foot down after a scary situation that puts the entire family in danger. While Danny was driving the family home after a football game, he appeared to hit someone in the road. A masked man pulled a gun when he got out of the car, leading to a gunfight between Danny and the would-be assassin. While everyone was ultimately okay, the flying bullets narrowly missed hitting the kids, leaving everyone shaken.
Throughout this episode, Linda and Danny tried to protect the kids in various ways. Linda was disturbed by the fact that Danny’s solution to Jack’s trauma over nearly getting killed is to teach him how to use a gun safely, and at one point she tearfully told Danny that she was tired of the family playing “second fiddle” to his job, especially when there could be deadly consequences for the kids.
The most beautiful Linda/Danny moment came near the end of the episode when Danny gives Linda his badge and says nothing was more important than her. However, Linda relented and told him not to quit. This exchange demonstrated the deep love and understanding the two have for each other despite the fear that comes with the territory of Danny’s job.
3.Danny Considers Leaving The Police Force To Be Able To Provide Better For Linda
Season 3, Episode 6
Financial troubles lead to a touching story for Danny and Linda in Blue Bloods season 3, episode 6. This story revolves around a mundane experience that most people can relate to: Linda’s car won’t start, and Danny doesn’t have the money to get it fixed or buy a new one. Danny is able to temporarily solve the problem himself, but he feels guilty about not being able to provide better for his family, especially his wife. Thus, he moonlights as a security guard to make extra money.
Linda makes the biggest sacrifice, as usual, when she encourages Danny to stick with his current job even though it means less money.
When Danny is offered a full-time position in security, it would mean four times the salary he’s making now, so he seriously considers it. However, Linda knows her husband better than anyone, so she’s aware of how unhappy he’d be if he wasn’t a cop anymore. Linda makes the biggest sacrifice, as usual, when she encourages Danny to stick with his current job even though it means less money.
2.Danny Expresses His Love For Linda While Jack Is On A Date
Season 5, Episode 13
During Blue Bloods season 5, episode 13, Danny and Linda get nostalgic when Jack is grown up enough to go on his first date. This sweet storyline is juxtaposed with a violent, mob-involved shooting that Danny and Baez are working on. Somehow, the more quiet and family-focused scene made it so much better.
That said, the reason this is one of the best Danny/Linda moments is that while Jack is at the rink, the two talk about the date they had years ago.
In the the episode, Jack talks about liking a girl and eventually asks her out, but doesn’t know where to go. Danny and Linda encourage him to take her to the skating rink where they had one of their first dates. That said, the reason this is one of the best Danny/Linda moments is that while Jack is at the rink, the two talk about the date they had years ago. It was a poignant moment for the pair, especially knowing now that she would eventually die.
1.Danny Rushes To Linda’s Side After She Is Shot
Season 5, Episode 22
The episode where Linda is shot has one of the best Reagan family dinners in Blue Bloods, as the clan arranges a catered dinner for Danny and Linda in the hospital. Not wanting to seat down for their tradition incomplete, they call the couple on speakerphone so that they can contribute to the conversation as they eat.
Aside from the unconventional way that the Raegans eat their dinner, the entire episode is overall one of the best for Danny and Linda. After Linda is shot while tending to a patient, Danny rushes to the hospital, only for the doctors not to allow him to be by her side. The relief when he finds out she is okay is one of the most emotional moments, and it also foreshadows how Danny will handle Linda’s Blue Bloods death three years later.