‘Blue Bloods’ series finale will feature the Reagan family working on the ‘same crimes’
Wade recently spoke to TVLine about what fans can expect from the last episode of Blue Bloods. He didn’t reveal any spoilers, but he did say that the finale will bring all the members of the Reagan family together.
“To me, the Blue Bloods season finales that worked best were where we found a crime or criminals or a situation for all the Reagans to work together on — separately but together,” he said.
“We did that,” for the series finale, Wade said. “We have four different stories but all are aimed at solving or preventing the same crimes.”
The last episode of ‘Blue Bloods’ won’t be a retrospective
For Blue Bloods’ farewell episode, Wade said he wanted to deliver something that fans would appreciate, not just a self-congratulatory look back at the past.
The show “avoided the ‘We are now going to do a retrospective of how great we’ve been,’ because I think people tune in just to see a really good episode of the show that they loved,” he said.
Wade looked to some of the most famous series finales of all time for inspiration on how to end the Tom Selleck show.
“I rewatched the series finales of great shows, going back to M*A*S*H and Cheers and Mary Tyler Moore, and certainly The Sopranos..,” he said. “I watched a lot of them for what they might have in common, and what they basically had in common, if I boiled it down, is they did a great show, and then in the last few minutes they did a little pivot towards, ‘This is also the last show.’”
Wade also said he’d spent a lot of time thinking about how to end Blue Bloods, which premiered in September 2010.
“I mean, if you’re on for 14 years, in at least four or five of those years you started out a season going, ‘This could be the last one,’ just as a numbers game,” he said. “So, I’ve thought about it a lot, along with my colleagues. [Executive producer] Siobhan Byrne O’Connor and I would talk about it a lot over the seasons.”
While specifics of the Blue Bloods finale are under wraps, one thing that is certain is that it will be the last episode. Though some cast members have hinted they’d like the show to continue, CBS execs have said there are no plans to un-cancel the series. However, the network is looking at developing a Blue Bloods franchise with a new show.