Blue Bloods‘ series finale, “End Of Tour” offers a perfect but understated wrap-up for the long-running police and family drama. There has been widespread speculation about how Blue Bloods would end for each character since its cancelation was announced, but the series kept most of the details about Blue Bloods’ final episode under wraps. This led to some fears that the ending would not be as strong as the series deserved, especially when the series was down to Blue Bloods‘ final few episodes without any obvious moves toward wrapping things up.
While Blue Bloods‘ cancelation is disappointing, it is somewhat comforting that its final episode wrapped things up perfectly. The Reagans spent the bulk of the hour working together to catch gang members who were wreaking havoc by shooting judges and cops. Sadly, Eddie lost her partner, Badillo, to one of the gangsters’ bullets. However, he got a hero’s send-off before the Reagans sat down to have dinner together for the final time on-screen. These final scenes could have just as easily served as a season finale, but they were the best send-off the Reagans could have received.
The Blue Bloods’ Ending Leaves All The Reagans In A Good Place
Every Main Character Got The Happy Ending The Audience Hoped For
The Blue Bloods finale transitions seamlessly from the intense case to wrapping everything up. The Reagans get almost everything on the Blue Bloods series finale wishlist, with each of Frank’s children making a major, positive change in their lives. Although Eddie’s baby news overshadows Erin and Jack’s reconciliation news, both Erin and Jamie are thrilled with the beginning of their next chapter in life. Meanwhile, Danny wraps up his story by asking Baez out. Best of all, Joe Hill finally takes his rightful place in the family, wrapping up his story in the only way that makes sense.
These happy endings reassure the audience that the Reagan family will go on supporting and celebrating one another long after the final credits roll. Frank and Henry do not make any major life changes, but those are not necessary because the ending demonstrates that they would maintain their roles as the family patriarchs (and, in Frank’s case, as the Police Commissioner.) The final scene also reinforces the idea that family is central in Blue Bloods, with Henry remarking that they “need a bigger table” and Frank acknowledging the importance of the family before Jamie leads them in saying Grace.
The Blue Bloods Finale Leaves The Door Open For A Sequel Or Spinoff
The Ending Left Enough Stories Open That The Series Can Continue In Another Form
The series finale makes it clear that each of Blue Bloods’ best characters is entering a new chapter of their lives. Thus, it will be fairly easy to create a spin-off or sequel. While “End of Tour” doesn’t set up any specific spin-off ideas, the writers could easily create new stories based on where each character left off. No character made any change so drastic that they could not be included in a new series.
Frank remaining in his role gives him plenty of future storyline opportunities should CBS decide to expand the Blue Bloods franchise.
Although it would have made sense for the series to end with Frank deciding to retire, that would have made it more difficult to include him in spin-offs or sequels. Many of his storylines revolved around his attempts to balance his dual roles as the head of the NYPD and a loving father to two cops and a district attorney. Keeping Frank at work allows him to easily return in a follow-up. Conversely, Frank remaining in his role gives him plenty of future storyline opportunities should CBS decide to expand the Blue Bloods franchise.
CBS No Longer Has Any Excuse About Not Doing The Promised Blue Bloods Spinoff
Blue Bloods Ended With Strong Ratings And Plenty Of Story Possibilities
Although a Blue Bloods spin- off is not yet in development, CBS has no real reason not to begin working toward making one a reality. The network might have wanted to wait until the flagship series was over to see whether a spinoff would be a ratings success. However, Blue Bloods’ final season has continued to win its Friday night timeslot, proving there is still a large appetite for stories about the Reagans. Additionally, the open-ended nature of the series finale makes it clear that there are plenty of stories to be told in a sequel or spinoff series.
While the best idea for a Blue Bloods spin-off is still a prequel series, the franchise could conceivably create new content around Jamie and Eddie and their new baby, especially if they move to the suburbs. Additionally, shows revolving around Joe Hill or Danny and Baez’s attempts to balance work and life could work as spin-offs or sequels. Regardless of whether a spin-off materializes or who it stars, Blue Bloods left the Reagans in a perfect position to continue their story while ending the current chapter.