Wallace Boden is no longer the chief of Firehouse 51 in Chicago Fire, and while his replacement is exciting on the surface, the new character might stir up some trouble in the series. The NBC procedural drama TV show, created by Michael Brandt and Derek Haas, introduced Eamonn Walker’s Chief Boden during the pilot episode in October 2012, and the actor has been a series regular and significant figure in the One Chicago universe ever since. However, Walker’s Boden left Chicago Fire ahead of season 13, leaving his chief spot vacant and needing a replacement.
A couple of months following the season 12 finale, NBC announced that Dermot Mulroney would join the Chicago Fire season 13 cast as Dom Pascal, the new chief of Firehouse 51. Some speculated that Boden’s replacement would be in-house, especially after he seemingly chose Christopher Herrmann to follow in his footsteps during season 12’s last episode. David Eigenberg’s Herrmann has also been in Chicago Fire since season 1, so, it would make sense if he became the new chief. Alas, that won’t be the case, and a new character will fill Boden’s role at Firehouse 51 in season 13.