Brisbane’s drag Golden Girls back on stage for a great cause

Brisbane drag legend Lucy Lockjaw and her sisters Carla M’World and Vira Brator are getting frocked up once more for two special shows for a great cause. They’re the Golden Girls of Drag and are presenting two upcoming charity shows in Ipswich and Kedron to raise money for The Leukaemia Foundation. Lucy Lockjaw, a regular at Brisbane’s The Sportsman Hotel, Options and Terminus, was inducted into the Sporties Drag Hall of Fame last year.

For the two Golden Girls of Drag shows, Lucy, Carla and Vira will welcome some legendary guests on stage with them. Expect brash gaudy glitz combining classic pop hits with humorous parodies for an evening of light-hearted entertainment. Lucy Lockjaw said all profits from the shows will go to the cancer charity, in memory of their late loved one Judy Krause. Judy recently passed away in Brisbane.

“We had a close relative diagnosed with a form of leukemia that was terminal,” the drag queen said.

“Judy Krause had lived in a caravan touring the country with her husband and they had no permanent address.

“The Leukemia Foundation stepped up and provided them an apartment near the Princess Alexandra Hospital at no expense, so they were close by for Judy’s treatment.

“This apartment was our sister and brother-in-law’s home for the remaining weeks until she passed away on June 1.”

To thank The Leukemia Foundation, the drag trio are fundraising with the two shows.

“At 13 years old, Judy gave up school to take care of her family,” Lucy Lockjaw said.

“Judy also cared for the community as a nurse. She spent her whole life spreading love, equality and respect for all.

“Judy told us before she passed just how touched and honoured she was that we were doing this in her honour.

“She was hoping to hang on long enough to see us at both of our shows. However, now we will only have her photo and her spirit with us.”

The first show, Divas Do Christmas in July, is on July 6, 2024 at Ipswich Football Club.  Show two is ABBA-solutely ABBA-licious and is on August 17, 2024 in Brisbane at the Kedron Wavell Services Club. Tickets are $30 available from the venue via phone (07) 3350 0916 or through the website.

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