Chicago Fire Downfall: Carver’s Secret May Just Be the Start of His Demise

Chicago Fire Season 13, Episode 13, “Born of Fire” gives us our first real glimpse at Sam Carver (Jake Lockett)’s struggle with alcohol while setting up a relapse that could cost the firefighter everything. It’s a devastating possibility, but considering how much Carver battled with his sobriety in his first episode after admitting he even had a problem, the show pretty much telegraphs it happening at some point.

At the end of Chicago Fire’s previous episode, we saw Carver attend an AA meeting. “Born of Fire” picks up that storyline, having Carver admit he’s an alcoholic. As everyone knows, that first step is often the most difficult one, so the show allowing Carver to put his problem into words is actually a pretty big step toward recovery. But the episode isn’t just about Carver taking that step; instead the hour also has him bonding with another guy attending the same AA meetings, someone who ends up trying to “help” Carver by breaking into Violet’s (Hanako Greensmith) apartment.

It’s a pretty twisted storyline and a good way to manifest the problems Carver has with alcoholism, as Carver almost relapses two separate times. We also end the hour with Carver at Molly’s, which seems like a really bad place for a recovering alcoholic to be, particularly considering only Violet knows about his problem. The one good advice he got from his new friend (who turned out not to be his friend, after all) was to not go to a space with alcohol without a strong foundation. Despite this, Carver decides that spending time with the people he cares about is more important.

Sam Carver - Chicago Fire

As nice as the sentiment is, it’s probably not a good idea for Carver in the long run. We know what happens in bars, especially in a group of first responders who don’t know that Carver is trying to avoid drinking. Sooner or later someone’s going to buy him a drink — or at least ask him why he’s not drinking. What’s Carver going to do then? Have the drink so no one finds out?  Spiral? Run away?

Sadly, it seems like the show is setting him up to fail, at least the way things stand right now. Being a firefighter is a very stressful job, and it’s perfectly fine that the entirety of Firehouse 51 goes to Molly’s to decompress, but that’s actively a bad idea for Carver. What happens when a bad day and a night out with his friends turns into a drink he shouldn’t have had… or more? And can Carver continue to do his job properly if he even relapses?

Chances are we’re going to see him fall off the wagon at least once before we can see him truly start to get better. Right now, the conditions are ripe for him to relapse. Perhaps, in the future, with the entirety of Firehouse 51 at his side, Carver can get sober. But it’s best to prepare for a catastrophic failure before he starts the true path toward getting healthy.

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