An argument between Chicago Med‘s Hannah Asher (Jessy Schram) and Mitch Ripley (Luke Mitchell) demonstrates why this couple should go their separate ways. Hannah has been part of the Chicago Med cast for several seasons and has had several storylines related to overcoming substance abuse and other self-destructive behaviors. After Mitch joins Chicago Med in season 9, the two flirt with each other, but Hannah is unsure whether she can trust Mitch. This stems from the fact that he won’t tell her anything about his past.
problem in his relationship with Hannah. That problem is exacerbated after the season 9 finale, as Mitch is falsely accused of beating up a patient who sues him for malpractice — and he consistently refuses to tell Hannah what he knows about the crime. While Chicago Med is one of the best One Chicago shows, this constant conflict between Hannah and Mitch drags the series down. Furthermore, the couple’s latest fight proves that they need to break up permanently.
Hannah and Mitch’s Chicago Med Season 10 Fight Explained
The Two Have Had Problems Since Pawel’s Beating
Hannah and Mitch begin having problems when Mitch won’t tell Hannah what happened the night Pawel was beaten. However, in Chicago Med season 10, episode 1, Mitch finally tells her the truth: he tried to stop Scully from beating Pawel up but arrived too late to intervene. Thus, Hannah and Mitch reconcile, but they have another fight after Mitch is called in front of the Patient Wellness Committee to explain his actions.
The decision makes little sense, as Mitch risks sacrificing his entire career and freedom, while Scully would not live long enough to ever know about the sacrifice Mitch made for him.
As it turns out, Mitch decided to cover for Scully after learning that his cancer was terminal; he didn’t want Scully to spend his last days dealing with the legal system. The decision makes little sense, as Mitch risks sacrificing his entire career and freedom. Meanwhile, Scully would not live long enough to ever know about the sacrifice Mitch made for him.
Mitch doesn’t listen when Hannah tries to convince him that he’s making a mistake, so Hannah eventually takes matters into her own hands. This leads to Scully getting arrested before Mitch can turn himself in for the crime. When Mitch finds out what Hannah has done, he confronts her angrily at her apartment. It dredges up old wounds, and highlights why these characters don’t work together.
Hannah Keeps Mitch From Self-Destructing Because Of Her History
Helping Others Avoid Similar Problems Is Part Of Her Recovery

Hannah’s insistence on saving Mitch from his self-destructive behavior comes partially from a deep commitment to doing what is right. However, it also has to do with her history with drug addiction. She is very familiar with self-destructive behavior, as she is one of the few Chicago Med characters to return after going to rehab for her opioid addiction. Like many people with addictions, Hannah views helping those she loves to avoid self-destructive behaviors as part of her recovery.
This need to help contributes to her conflict with Mitch in season 10. Mitch sees his behavior as an expression of his loyalty to his oldest friend. Since Mitch has never fully shared his traumatic upbringing with Hannah, it is difficult for her to understand why protecting Scully is so important that Mitch would sacrifice his career and freedom to keep Scully out of jail. Thus, she and Mitch continue to butt heads over this issue, with neither understanding the other’s perspective.
Chicago Med Season 10 Shows Hannah & Mitch Are In Different Life Stages
Hannah Is Present And Future Oriented, But Mitch Is Stuck In The Past

Hannah and Mitch’s continued conflict stems partially from each character’s trauma. However, Hannah is also in a different stage of life than Mitch. She has worked through some of her past trauma and is focused on moving forward in her career, helping others recover from their own addictions, and helping those she loves to make positive decisions. Conversely, Mitch is still holding onto a childhood friendship that got him through tough times, even though it also got him in serious trouble.
A permanent split would free both of them to get involved in more interesting storylines rather than continually trying to make a doomed relationship work.
Their different perspectives make it unlikely that Hannah and Mitch will get on the same page, unless Mitch does some serious growing in future episodes. With that in mind, Chicago Med should end this relationship permanently. This will avoid a situation where the two characters continually make up and break up over similar issues. And a permanent split would free both of them to get involved in more interesting storylines rather than continually trying to make a doomed relationship work.