JAMESTOWN, N.Y. — Fans are lining up to see the new movie, “Being the Ricardos,” a film chronicling the lives of stars Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, known for the hit show “I Love Lucy.”
For fans of the hit television show, it’s no secret that Ball was born in Jamestown. Now, the new movie is drawing attention to the city, home to the Lucille Ball Desi Arnaz Museum and a National Comedy Center.
“The Lucille Ball Desi Arnaz Museum celebrates the lives, careers and legacies of two people who are the first couple of comedy and who revolutionized the entertainment industry,” Journey Gunderson, the executive director of Lucille Ball Desi Arnaz Museum and the National Comedy Center, said
The museum features original costumes and props from ‘I Love Lucy,’ and recreates sets.
“Where I’m standing right now is the Lucy Desi Museum in probably the most famous living room in television history,” Gunderson said. “[This is] the iconic Ricardos living room from their Manhattan apartment.”
In 2018 the National Comedy Center opened in Jamestown. It represents Lucille Ball’s vision for the celebration of her legacy.
“She was the one who said, ‘don’t just celebrate me. Celebrate all of comedy and make my hometown a destination to celebrate comedy,” Gunderson said.
When it came to creating the film, “Being the Ricardos,” Jamestown because a source to help to ensure that the movie was authentic.
“Reference material that we provided helped the team depict Desilu Studios, including a painting of Lucille Ball that actually was framed in Desilu Studios, director’s chairs that were present, and reference photography in general,” Gunderson said.
Many say that Jamestown is the second stop on their schedule after seeing the movie, so that they can learn even more about the Ricardos.