Edit Marie “Eddie” Janko Reagan (first name pronounced “eh-DEET”) is of mixed Hungarian and Serbian descent. Feisty and strongly opinionated, she is very passionate when it comes to her job. She is portrayed by Vanessa Ray.
Eddie’s mother, Lena Janko (Christine Ebersole), immigrated from Serbia and Eddie herself is fluent in the Serbian language, which comes in handy when Danny recruits her to bust a sex trafficking ring.Her Hungarian-born father, Armin Janko (Michael Cullen), was a financial advisor before his company was revealed to be involved in a Ponzi scheme, ruining a lot of good people. As a result, he is serving a prison sentence. He gets a lighter sentence after busting a prison guard drug ring. Later, when he is released from prison, he briefly lives with Eddie and Jamie until Eddie’s mother allows him to live with her.
In “The Bullitt Mustang”, Eddie is one of several police officers charged with official misconduct by the acting New York County District Attorney for fixing her 90-year-old neighbor’s parking tickets; the charges are subsequently dropped after Frank and Erin work out a deal.
In “Back in the Day”, Eddie reveals her aspirations of making detective, having signed up Jamie and herself for a surveillance assignment for one of the precinct’s detectives. While awaiting their target, Eddie chose to remain at her post when Jamie chose to respond to an officer-down call, which proved to be false. This led to a brief conflict between them, with Jamie threatening to get a new partner if she ever goes against an emergency call again.
There has been significant romantic tension between Eddie and Jamie since the middle of season four, the two even sharing a kiss. Despite their attraction, Jamie had chosen not to act on his feelings after learning that Renzulli would reassign them to new partners per NYPD protocol. Nevertheless, there continued to be romantic tension lingering between the two, which had become much more apparent in “Personal Business” when they both acknowledged to each other how they feel, leading to another kiss. Despite this, they agreed not to further act on their feelings since they don’t wish to jeopardize their partnership.
However, after a life-threatening situation in the season 8 finale, Jamie and Eddie fully accepted their feelings and got engaged. When they announced their engagement to the Reagan family, Frank offered Eddie her choice of a new precinct assignment. However, Jamie pointed out that there is no actual regulation prohibiting married NYPD officers from being partnered on the job. Therefore, they have decided to remain partners as well. In Season 9 Episode 1 “Playing With Fire”, however, after Frank contemplates issuing an official written rule because of his concerns for such an arrangement, Eddie tells Jamie that all she wants is for them to be a couple. Jamie later announces to Frank that he had scored at the top of the Sergeants’ Exam (Frank had not yet looked at the scores and was under the impression that he had declined to take it) and has decided to accept the promotion. This, therefore, ends his patrol partnership with Eddie and resolves their conflict. Frank then gives his blessing for the marriage, saying he couldn’t be happier for Jamie and Eddie.
Jamie’s promotion to Sergeant and transfer to the 29th Precinct results in the precinct commander transferring out several patrol officers whom Jamie catches in what appears to be either an internal brawl or a Fight Club-like activity in the precinct locker room. Jamie recommends the transfer of six officers from the 12th, including Eddie, to the 29th to replace them. Eddie initially declines her transfer, telling Jamie she needs the space for her own career to grow. Despite this, she quickly changes her mind after visiting Jamie at the 29th while in civilian clothes and overhearing several patrol officers disparaging him in his absence, as well as hearing from some of the other transferees how rough their new assignment at the 29th is. After her transfer to the 29th, she was initially partnered with Officer Maya Thomas (Yasha Jackson) until Thomas was dismissed after getting caught stealing cash from crime scenes. Eddie subsequently partnered with Officer Rachel Witten (Lauren Patten), whom Frank had dismissed for racial profiling and then reinstated after a few months.
Eddie’s mother Lena makes her first appearance in “By Hook or by Crook”. Despite her husband’s conviction and imprisonment, she has tried to maintain her past wealthy lifestyle. Upon meeting Jamie and learning of Eddie’s engagement to him, she openly expresses doubt about his ability to give her the lifestyle she had been raised with. However, she soon warms up to him when Jamie refuses to be intimidated by her and is happy with the relationship.
The Season 9 finale, “Something Blue“, ends at the start of the wedding Mass with Archbishop Kearns (Stacy Keach) officiating; as Armin remains incarcerated, Frank walks Eddie down the aisle at her request. In the Season 10 premiere, after she and Jamie referred to herself as “Eddie Janko-Reagan” a few times, they decided she would remain “Officer Janko” on the job and “Mrs. Reagan” at home. Upon the couple’s return to duty after the wedding, their precinct commander, Captain Espinoza (Luis Antonio Ramos), switched Eddie and Officer Rachel Witten (Lauren Patten) to the night shift under Sergeant McNichols (Stephanie Kurtzuba) to remove Eddie from Jamie’s chain of command. In later episodes, however, Eddie is still seen to be under Jamie’s authority, for example assigning her to work with her new partner, Luis Badillo (Ian Quinlan), who had difficulty after the death of an earlier partner on the job, in the hope that she can help him the same way she helped Jamie after the death of his previous partner.
As a uniformed patrol officer, Eddie drives a patrol car on duty and carries a Glock 19 in 9×19mm as her duty weapon. Her shield number is 68921. As of Season 9 she is wearing the NYPD Excellent Police Duty award. In “Absolute Power” & “Identity”, Eddie’s father Armin was portrayed by William Sadler.